ADTF  3.18.4
dd.h File Reference

OO DataDefinition - Data Definition. More...

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class  DataDefinition
 The Data Definiton class uses the validation model to keep a Data Definition datamodel (ddl::dd::datamodel::DataDefinition) valid or inform about inconsitence:
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 definition of the ddl namespace
 definition of the dd namespace


using Header = datamodel::Header
 Reuse of datamodel header class - ddl::dd::datamodel::Header.
using BaseUnit = datamodel::BaseUnit
 Reuse of datamodel base unit class - ddl::dd::datamodel::BaseUnit.
using UnitPrefix = datamodel::UnitPrefix
 Reuse of datamodel unit prefix class - ddl::dd::datamodel::UnitPrefix.
using Unit = datamodel::Unit
 Reuse of datamodel unit class - ddl::dd::datamodel::Unit.
using DataType = datamodel::DataType
 Reuse of datamodel datatype class - ddl::dd::datamodel::DataType.
using EnumType = datamodel::EnumType
 Reuse of datamodel enumtype class - ddl::dd::datamodel::EnumType.
using StructType = datamodel::StructType
 Reuse of datamodel structtype class - ddl::dd::datamodel::StructType.
using StreamMetaType = datamodel::StreamMetaType
 Reuse of datamodel streammetatype class - ddl::dd::datamodel::StreamMetaType.
using Stream = datamodel::Stream
 Reuse of datamodel stream class - ddl::dd::datamodel::Stream.
using DataDescription = dd::DataDefinition
 Alias Name for DataDefinition, formally known as DataDescription.


bool addTypeByName (const std::string &type_name, const DataDefinition &source_dd, DataDefinition &destination_dd)
 Helper function which merges or adds the type with the name of type_name. More...
bool addStreamTypeByName (const std::string &stream_type_name, const DataDefinition &source_dd, DataDefinition &destination_dd)
 Merges or add the streamtype with the name of stream_type_name. More...
bool addUnitByName (const std::string &unit_name, const DataDefinition &source_dd, DataDefinition &destination_dd)
 Merges or add the unit with the name of unit_name. More...
std::vector< std::string > transformValidationProblemList (const std::vector< ddl::dd::Problem > &problems)
 transforms the validation protocol of problems to a simple vrctor of strings. More...

Detailed Description

OO DataDefinition - Data Definition.

Definition in file dd.h.