ADTF  3.18.3
graph_utils.h File Reference

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH. More...

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 Namespace for entire ADTF SDK.
 Namespace for the ADTF Streaming SDK.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Streaming SDK provided since v3.3.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Streaming SDK provided since v3.7.


tResult add_graph_object (ant::cGraph &oGraph, const util::cString &strCID, const util::cString &strName, const std::map< util::cString, util::cString > &oProperties, int32_t nOrderNumber, ucom::iobject_ptr< ucom::IObject > &pObject)
 Convenience functionality to create and add add graph object to a existing graph. More...
tResult add_graph_object (ant::cGraph &oGraph, const util::cString &strCID, const util::cString &strName, const std::map< util::cString, util::cString > &oProperties={}, int32_t nOrderNumber=0)
 Convenience functionality to add graph object to a existing graph. More...
tResult add_sample_stream (ant::cGraph &oGraph, const util::cString &strName, int32_t nOrderNumber, ucom::iobject_ptr< ucom::IObject > &pSampleStream)
tResult add_sample_stream (ant::cGraph &oGraph, const util::cString &strName, int32_t nOrderNumber=0)
 Adds a sample stream to the graph. More...
tResult add_binding_proxy (ant::cGraph &oGraph, const util::cString &strName, int32_t nOrderNumber, ucom::iobject_ptr< ucom::IObject > &pBindingProxy)
 adds a Binding Proxy to a graph and return the created proxy. More...
tResult add_binding_proxy (cGraph &oGraph, const util::cString &strName, int32_t nOrderNumber=0)
 adds a Binding Proxy to a graph. More...
tResult add_data_out_port (ant::cGraph &oGraph, const util::cString &strName, int32_t nOrderNumber, ucom::iobject_ptr< ucom::IObject > &pPort)
 adds an Out Port to a graph and return the created port. More...
tResult add_data_out_port (ant::cGraph &oGraph, const util::cString &strName, int32_t nOrderNumber=0)
 adds an Out Port to a graph. More...
tResult add_data_in_port (ant::cGraph &oGraph, const util::cString &strName, int32_t nOrderNumber, ucom::iobject_ptr< ucom::IObject > &pPort)
 adds an In Port to a graph and return the created port. More...
tResult add_data_in_port (ant::cGraph &oGraph, const util::cString &strName, int32_t nOrderNumber=0)
 adds an In Port to a graph. More...
tResult add_sample_stream_out_port (ant::cGraph &oGraph, const util::cString &strName, const util::cString &strPortID, int32_t nOrderNumber, ucom::iobject_ptr< ucom::IObject > &pPort)
 adds a Stream Out Port to a graph and return the created port. More...
tResult add_sample_stream_out_port (ant::cGraph &oGraph, const util::cString &strName, const util::cString &strPortID, int32_t nOrderNumber=0)
 adds a Stream Out Port to a graph. More...
tResult add_sample_stream_in_port (ant::cGraph &oGraph, const util::cString &strName, const util::cString &strPortID, int32_t nOrderNumber, ucom::iobject_ptr< ucom::IObject > &pPort)
 adds a Stream In Port to a graph and return the created port. More...
tResult add_sample_stream_in_port (ant::cGraph &oGraph, const util::cString &strName, const util::cString &strPortID, int32_t nOrderNumber=0)
 adds a Stream In Port to a graph and return the created port. More...
void get_data_binding_objects (ant::IDataBinding *pDataBinding, ucom::ant::iobject_enum< adtf::ucom::ant::IObject > &oObjects)
 Get all the data binding objects out of pDataBinding. More...
void get_interface_binding_objects (ant::IInterfaceBinding *pInterfaceBinding, ucom::ant::iobject_enum< adtf::ucom::ant::IObject > &oObjects)
 Get all the interface binding objects out of pInterfaceBinding. More...
void get_runner_objects (ant::IRuntimeBehaviour *pRuntimeBehaviour, ucom::ant::iobject_enum< ucom::ant::IObject > &oObjects)
 Get all runner objects object out of pRuntimeBehaviour. More...
void get_child_objects (ant::INamedGraphObject &oObject, ucom::ant::iobject_enum< ucom::ant::IObject > &oObjects)
 Get all child objects of the given oObject. More...
void get_graph_objects (ant::IGraph *pGraph, ucom::ant::iobject_enum< ucom::ant::IObject > &oObjects)
 Get all graph objects out of the pGraph. More...

Detailed Description

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.

All rights reserved

Definition in file graph_utils.h.