ADTF  3.18.3
Demo User Defined Property
Implements a simple data type for configuration of filters.
Namespace for entire ADTF SDK.
Build Environment
To see how to set up the build environment have a look at ADTF CMake Environment
this implementation shows:
  • how to create your own data type
  • how to add your own type to a list of properties
  • how to modify data without knowing its real type from outside (i.e. ADTF Configuration Editor)
  • how to import data back to your type
  • Every type of a property can be implemented by yourself
  • Properties are defined using the adtf::base::ant::IPropertyValue interface
  • Display or editing properties uses serialization and deserialization to/from adtf_util::cString so it can be manipulated simply in a text box
  • User defined properties must implement the following conversion functions as described in adtf::base::ant::property_type_default_conversion :
    1. Convert (const IPropertyValue &oProp, TYPE &oValue)
    2. ToString (const TYPE &oValue, adtf_util::cString &strValue)
    3. FromString (const adtf_util::cString &strValue, TYPE &oValue)
    4. ToRaw (const void *pData, const size_t szSizeOfData, IRawMemory &oToMem)
    5. FromRaw (const IRawMemory &oFromMem, void *pData, const size_t szSizeOfData)
  • Properties can be added to a adtf::base::ant::cProperties configuration object.
  • See adtf::base::ant::cPropertiesHelper for further details
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <adtf_base.h>
// example struct to store a limited discrete 2D point to a user defined property
struct cPoint2D
m_x = 0;
m_y = 0;
int32_t m_x;
int32_t m_y;
// every new property type needs convert functions for serialization and memory handling
struct cConvertPoint2D
// This is the general serialization/copy method. ToString is called on the source property and
// FromString is called for the destination property.
static tResult ToString(const cPoint2D& oFromValue, adtf_util::cString& strToString)
strToString.Append(" ; ");
static tResult FromString(const adtf_util::cString& strFromString, cPoint2D& oToValue)
adtf_util::cStringList vecStrings;
strFromString.Split(vecStrings, ";");
if (vecStrings.GetItemCount() == 2)
adtf_util::cStringUtil::ToType(vecStrings[0], oToValue.m_x);
adtf_util::cStringUtil::ToType(vecStrings[1], oToValue.m_y);
// this is a shortcut to perform a binary copy of a property of your type to another property of your type.
// If you do not want to or cannot support this mode, simply return ERR_NOERROR and leave oToMem untouched.
// pData is a pointer to the adress of the property value of your type.
static tResult ToRaw(const void* pData, const size_t szDataSize, adtf::base::IRawMemory& oToMem)
return oToMem.Set(pData, szDataSize);
// this is the counterpart to ToRaw. Use this to initiallize a property of your type from binary data that you provided
// in ToRaw. Once again pData points to your object of your data type.
static tResult FromRaw(const adtf::base::ant::IRawMemory& oFromMem, void* pData, const size_t szDataSize)
if (oFromMem.GetSize() == szDataSize)
adtf_util::cMemoryBlock::MemCopy(pData, oFromMem.Get(), szDataSize);
// defines how to convert IPropertyValues (of any type) to a cPoint2D
static tResult Convert(const adtf::base::IPropertyValue& oProperty, cPoint2D& oToValue)
adtf_util::cString strTypeOfValue;
if (!strTypeOfValue.Compare("cString",0,7))
RETURN_IF_FAILED(cConvertPoint2D::FromString(strValue, oToValue));
// only cString type supported in example
//using namespace adtf::base::ant;
namespace adtf
namespace base
namespace ant
// class, convert functions and a unique name have to be combined as specialization of property_type_definition<>
template < >
struct property_type_definition<cPoint2D>
static constexpr const tChar* TYPE_NAME = "cPoint2D";
typedef cConvertPoint2D con_type;
int main(int /* argc */, char * /* argv */[])
// generate a new object and add it as an property to our property list
cPoint2D oNewPoint2D;
adtf::base::property<cPoint2D> propertyNewPoint2D("TheNameOfTheProperty", oNewPoint2D);
// currently the property has init values (0/0)
// check this by displaying
oMyProps.GetProperty("TheNameOfTheProperty", oProperty);
std::cout << std::endl << "Old Point2D: x=" << oProperty.GetValueT().m_x << " / y=" << oProperty.GetValueT().m_y << std::endl;
// modify property outside user code i.e. Configuration Editor
// in this example we serialize the property, change its string representation manually and deserialize back to Point2D property
// find and get the property by name as an cString (serialized version of data)
oMyProps.GetProperty("TheNameOfTheProperty", oStringProperty);
std::cout << std::endl << "Point2D as cString: \"" << oStringProperty.GetValueT() <<"\"" << std::endl;
// manually modify the string and write it back to property list
oStringProperty = " 23;42 ";
std::cout << std::endl << "Modified cString: \"" << oStringProperty.GetValueT() << "\"" << std::endl ;
// remark: the property is now of type adtf_util::cString
// retrieve property data for further processing
// here: just display new values
// Note: the property was converted to cString above
// by getting property as cPoint2D type
// it will be internally converted using cConvertPoint2D.Convert()
oMyProps.GetProperty("TheNameOfTheProperty", oProperty);
std::cout << std::endl << "New Point2D: x=" << oProperty.GetValueT().m_x << " / y=" << oProperty.GetValueT().m_y << std::endl;
return 0;
char tChar
The tChar defines the type for platform character set (platform and compiler dependent type).
Return if expression is failed, which requires the calling function's return type to be tResult.
Return status ERR_NOERROR, which requires the calling function's return type to be tResult.
#define RETURN_ERROR(code)
Return specific error code, which requires the calling function's return type to be tResult.
The IPropertyValue interface provides methods for getting and setting property values.
Definition: property_intf.h:60
virtual tResult ToString(IString &&strIToString) const =0
Implement to serialize the value to a textfile and/or to show it on a display.
virtual tResult GetType(IString &&strType) const =0
Retrieves the string for the property value type.
The IRawMemory interface provides methods for getting and setting memory values through abstract inte...
virtual tResult Set(const void *pValue, size_t szSize)=0
Sets the Raw pointer memory.
virtual size_t GetSize() const =0
Returns the size in bytes of the memory.
virtual const void * Get() const =0
Returns the raw memory pointer.
string_base< cStackString > cString
cString implementation for a stack string which works on stack if string is lower than A_UTILS_DEFAUL...
Definition: string.h:2778
#define adtf_string_intf(__string__)
The adtf_string_intf Macro helps to easily create a rvalue reference of a adtf::util::cString.
Definition: string_intf.h:371