ADTF  3.18.4
Test for Demo Data Trigger Plugin
This examples test the Demo Data Trigger Plugin
Namespace for entire ADTF SDK.
Build Environment
To see how to set up the build environment have a look at ADTF CMake Environment
this implementation shows:
#include "../demo_data_trigger_function.h"
adtf::ucom::object_ptr<adtf::streaming::IFilter> create_filter(cSimpleDataCalculator::tOperator eOperator)
REQUIRE_OK(_runtime->CreateInstance("demo_data_trigger.filter.adtf.cid", pFilter));
auto pConfiguration = adtf::ucom::ucom_cast<adtf::base::IConfiguration*>(pFilter.Get());
adtf::base::set_property_by_path<uint32_t>(*pConfiguration, "calculator_function/operator", eOperator);
return pFilter;
void test_calculation(cSimpleDataCalculator::tOperator eOperator, float fExpectedResult)
auto pFilter = create_filter(eOperator);
adtf::filter::testing::cOutputRecorder oOutput(pFilter, "out");
oWriter1.Write<float>(4.0, true);
oWriter2.Write<float>(2.0, true);
auto oOutputSamples = oOutput.GetCurrentOutput().GetSamples();
REQUIRE(oOutputSamples.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(adtf::streaming::sample_data<float>(oOutputSamples.back()) == Approx(fExpectedResult));
TEST_CASE_METHOD(cMyTestSystem, "Test Addition")
test_calculation(cSimpleDataCalculator::tOperator::ePLUS, 6.0);
TEST_CASE_METHOD(cMyTestSystem, "Test Substraction")
test_calculation(cSimpleDataCalculator::tOperator::eMINUS, 2.0);
TEST_CASE_METHOD(cMyTestSystem, "Test Multiplication")
test_calculation(cSimpleDataCalculator::tOperator::eMULTI, 8.0);
TEST_CASE_METHOD(cMyTestSystem, "Test Division")
test_calculation(cSimpleDataCalculator::tOperator::eDIVIDE, 2.0);
TEST_CASE_METHOD(cMyTestSystem, "Test Invalid Operator")
auto pFilter = create_filter(static_cast<cSimpleDataCalculator::tOperator>(cSimpleDataCalculator::tOperator::eDIVIDE + 1));
REQUIRE(ERR_INVALID_ARG == pFilter->SetState(adtf::streaming::IFilter::tFilterState::State_Running));
Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.
Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.
Test Helper class that records triggers, types and samples created by a graph object.
Tester helper class to emulate a writing OutPin to InPin connection for sending samples and type to a...
Definition: test_writer.h:40
@ State_Running
Filter is in streaming State, all pins are activated for streaming (Start() has been called):
Easy data access for input samples of non trivial type @T (see Supported types for adtf_memory<T> for...
Definition: sample_data.h:428
Generator template to create an instance of a ant::IStreamType class for penguin::stream_meta_type_pl...
This class enables you to setup an ADTF system where you can test your filters and services.
Definition: test_system.h:67
void LoadPlugin(const std::string &strPluginFileName, bool bCreateServices=true, base::ant::tADTFRunLevel nServicesRunlevel=base::tADTFRunLevel::RL_System)
Load a plugin and optionally create instances of all found ADTF Service classes.
virtual tResult CreateInstance(const char *strCID, iobject_ptr< IObject > &pObject, const tChar *strNameOfObject="") const =0
Creates a new instance of an object.
Object pointer implementation used for reference counting on objects of type IObject.
Definition: object_ptr.h:163
virtual T * Get() const
Get pointer to shared object.
Definition: object_ptr.h:381
adtf::ucom::IRuntime * _runtime
Global Runtime Pointer to reference to the current runtime.
Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.