ADTF  3.18.4
tagged_ptr.h File Reference

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH. More...

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 ADTF A_UTIL Namespace - Within adtf this is used as adtf::util or adtf_util.


tBool atomic_compare_exchange (tInt32 volatile *pAddress, tInt32 nNewValue, tInt32 nExpectedValue)
template<class BasicType >
tBool atomic_compare_exchange (volatile BasicType *pAddress, const BasicType &nNewValue, const BasicType &nExpectedValue)
tVoid memory_barrier ()
 This method will help ensure that all memory reads and writes will have been performed before this function returns. More...

Detailed Description

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.

All rights reserved

Definition in file tagged_ptr.h.