IColor Member List

This is the complete list of members for IColor, including all inherited members.

GetAlpha() const =0IColorpure virtual
GetBlue() const =0IColorpure virtual
GetBrightness() const =0IColorpure virtual
GetGreen() const =0IColorpure virtual
GetRed() const =0IColorpure virtual
GetRGBA() const =0IColorpure virtual
Release()=0IColorpure virtual
SetAlpha(tUInt8 nAlphaValue)=0IColorpure virtual
SetBlue(tUInt8 nBlueValue)=0IColorpure virtual
SetGreen(tUInt8 nGreenValue)=0IColorpure virtual
SetRed(tUInt8 nRedValue)=0IColorpure virtual
SetRGBA(tUInt32 nRGBA)=0IColorpure virtual