Known Problems
| ADTF Display Toolbox - Change Log - |
| Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework |
| |
| This file tracks the known problems within ADTF Display Toolbox 3.x |
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| Version: |
| ADTF Display Toolbox 3.8.0 ilum |
| * using QWT Library 6.1.6 |
| * using OSG 3.5.6 |
| * using ADTF 3.14.3 osborn (this uses Qt 5.15.2) |
* [ADISTB-835] - The labels for markers are only displayed at the correct position for the active signal (displayed bold in signal list)
* [ADISTB-1037] - Signal Scope View loses selection after end of running
* [ADISTB-1056] - 2D Drawer Refresh After Clicking
* [ADISTB-1058] - Signal Scope View Auto Advance Invalid Initial State
* [ADISTB-1128] - 3D Coordinate Mixin Example Session throws warnings
* [ADISTB-1177] - Signal Tree View is not sortable
* [ADISTB-1178] - Key navigation of 2D Display is mirrored
* [ADISTB-1179] - Mouse zoom does not zoom to cursor / center of 2D display
* [ADISTB-1180] - 3D Video Mixin GCL path renders to wrong FBO
* [ADISTB-1183] - Context Menu for 3D Display is always on the right bottom
* [ADISTB-1187] - Header file adtfdisplaytoolboxgraphics/image.h of displaytoolbox inludes windows.h