ADTF Display Toolbox 3.8.0 Release Notes

ADTF Display Toolbox 3.8.0 Summary

  • Provide Display Toolbox for new platforms windows_x86_64 (VS2019 VC142) and linux_x86_64 (gcc7)
  • Upgrade to ADTF 3.14
  • Update and embed documentation
  • Support for enums within Qt5 Signal Table View UI Service
  • Extend examples to provide GCL animation
  • Repair OSG install using cmake for (re)building examples

ADTF Display Toolbox 3.8.0 Change Log

| ADTF Display Toolbox - Change Log - |
| Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework |
| |
| This file tracks the changes and bugfixes within ADTF Display Toolbox 3.x |
| |
| Version: |
| ADTF Display Toolbox 3.8.0 ilum |
| * using QWT Library 6.1.6 |
| * using OSG 3.5.6 |
| * using ADTF 3.14.3 osborn (this uses Qt 5.15.2) |
* [ADISTB-1142] - Option to display enumeration value in Signal Table View
* [ADISTB-1148] - Create and embed component documentation generated from plugin description
* [ADISTB-1184] - Add animation to GCL object generator
* [ADISTB-1192] - Upgrade ADTF Display Toolbox to ADTF 3.14
* [ADISTB-1196] - Add description to interface port "scene_graph"
* [ADISTB-1194] - Race conditions in OSG install step
* [ADISTB-1201] - CMake macro for OSG deployment doesn't work for consumers on Linux
* [ADISTB-1207] - cGLFont uses wrong projection for CANVAS_FLAG_TEXT_SCALE_WITH_COORDINATE_SYSTEM