adtf_file_library  0.13.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
17 #pragma once
19 #include <chrono>
20 #include <memory>
21 #include <vector>
22 #include <unordered_map>
23 #include <istream>
24 #include <string>
25 #include <optional>
26 #include <ifhd/ifhd.h>
27 #include "stream_item.h"
28 #include "object.h"
29 #include "default_sample.h"
30 #include "stream_type.h"
31 #include "reader.h"
39 namespace adtf_file
40 {
46 {
47  public:
53  virtual void read(void* destination, size_t count) = 0;
61  template <typename T>
63  {
64  static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<T>::value, "Only trivially copyable types and std::string are allowed. Alternatively, provide a specialization for adtf_file::InputStream& operator>>(T& value).");
65  read(&value, sizeof(T));
66  return *this;
67  }
68 };
75 template <>
76 InputStream& InputStream::operator>>(std::string& value);
82 {
83  public:
88  virtual std::string getId() const = 0;
94  virtual void deserialize(InputStream& stream, PropertyStreamType& stream_type) const = 0;
95 };
100 class StreamTypeDeserializers: private std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<StreamTypeDeserializer>>
101 {
102  public:
113  StreamTypeDeserializers& add(const std::shared_ptr<StreamTypeDeserializer>& deserializer)
114  {
115  (*this)[deserializer->getId()] = deserializer;
116  return *this;
117  }
125  void Deserialize(const std::string& id, InputStream& stream, PropertyStreamType& stream_type) const
126  {
127  auto deserializer = find(id);
128  if (deserializer == end())
129  {
130  throw std::runtime_error("no type deserializer for '" + id + "' available");
131  }
133  deserializer->second->deserialize(stream, stream_type);
134  }
135 };
141 {
142  public:
147  virtual void setStreamType(const StreamType& type) = 0;
153  virtual void deserialize(ReadSample& sample, InputStream& stream) = 0;
154 };
160 {
161  public:
166  virtual std::string getId() const = 0;
171  virtual std::shared_ptr<SampleDeserializer> build() const = 0;
172 };
178 template <typename FACTORY>
180 {
181  public:
182  std::string getId() const override
183  {
184  return FACTORY::id;
185  }
187  std::shared_ptr<SampleDeserializer> build() const override
188  {
189  return std::make_shared<FACTORY>();
190  }
191 };
197  private std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<SampleDeserializerFactory>>
198 {
199  public:
205  SampleDeserializerFactories& add(const std::shared_ptr<SampleDeserializerFactory>& factory)
206  {
207  (*this)[factory->getId()] = factory;
208  return *this;
209  }
217  std::shared_ptr<SampleDeserializer> build(const std::string& id) const
218  {
219  try
220  {
221  return at(id)->build();
222  }
223  catch (...)
224  {
225  throw std::runtime_error("no sample deserializer factory for '" + id + "' available");
226  }
227  }
228 };
235 {
236  public:
240  static constexpr int64_t read_cache_default = -1;
244  static constexpr int64_t read_cache_deactivated = 0;
256  ADTFDatFileReader(std::optional<StreamTypeDeserializers> type_factories,
257  std::optional<SampleDeserializerFactories> sample_deserializer_factories);
259  ADTFDatFileReader(const ADTFDatFileReader&) = delete;
266  // implement Reader interface
267  std::string getReaderIdentifier() const override
268  {
269  return "adtfdat";
270  }
288  void open(const std::string& filename,
289  std::shared_ptr<SampleFactory> sample_factory,
290  std::shared_ptr<StreamTypeFactory> stream_type_factory) override;
294  void open(const std::string& filename);
296  FileItem getNextItem() override;
297  uint32_t getFileVersion() const override;
298  std::string getDescription() const override;
299  std::vector<Extension> getExtensions() const override;
300  std::vector<Stream> getStreams() const override;
301  std::optional<uint64_t> getItemCount() const override;
302  std::optional<double> getProgress() const override;
304  // implement SeekableReader interface
305  uint64_t getItemIndexForTimeStamp(std::chrono::nanoseconds time_stamp) override;
306  uint64_t getItemIndexForStreamItemIndex(uint16_t stream_id, uint64_t stream_item_index) override;
307  std::shared_ptr<const StreamType> getStreamTypeBefore(uint64_t item_index, uint16_t stream_id) override;
308  void seekTo(uint64_t item_index) override;
313  int64_t getNextItemIndex() const;
319  a_util::datetime::DateTime getDateTime() const;
325  std::chrono::nanoseconds getFirstTime() const;
330  std::chrono::nanoseconds getLastTime() const;
332  private:
333  void openDescription(const std::string& description_file_name, bool ignore_unsupported_streams);
334  std::shared_ptr<const StreamType> buildType(const std::string& id, InputStream& stream);
335  std::pair<std::shared_ptr<const StreamType>, std::shared_ptr<SampleDeserializer>> getInitialTypeAndSampleDeserializer(uint16_t stream_id);
336  std::pair<std::shared_ptr<const StreamType>, std::shared_ptr<SampleDeserializer> > getInitialTypeAndSampleFactoryAdtf2(InputStream& stream);
337  std::pair<std::shared_ptr<const StreamType>, std::shared_ptr<SampleDeserializer>> getInitialTypeAndSampleFactoryAdtf3(InputStream& stream);
338  std::chrono::nanoseconds fromFileTimeStamp(timestamp_t time_stamp);
339  timestamp_t toFileTimeStamp(std::chrono::nanoseconds time_stamp);
341  private:
342  std::unique_ptr<ifhd::v500::IndexedFileReader> _file;
343  std::vector<Extension> _extensions;
344  std::vector<Stream> _streams;
345  StreamTypeDeserializers _type_factories;
346  SampleDeserializerFactories _sample_deserializer_factories;
347  std::unordered_map<size_t, std::shared_ptr<SampleDeserializer>> _stream_sample_deserializers;
348  std::shared_ptr<SampleFactory> _sample_factory;
349  std::shared_ptr<StreamTypeFactory> _stream_type_factory;
350 };
356 {
357 public:
367  ADTFDatFileReaderFactory(std::optional<StreamTypeDeserializers> type_factories = {},
368  std::optional<SampleDeserializerFactories> sample_deserializer_factories = {}) :
369  _type_factories(type_factories),
370  _sample_deserializer_factories(sample_deserializer_factories)
371  {
372  }
374  std::shared_ptr<Reader> makeReader() const override
375  {
376  return std::make_unique<ADTFDatFileReader>(_type_factories,
377  _sample_deserializer_factories);
378  }
380 private:
381  std::optional<StreamTypeDeserializers> _type_factories;
382  std::optional<SampleDeserializerFactories> _sample_deserializer_factories;
383 };
390 inline std::string getShortDescription(const std::string& description)
391 {
392  return description.substr(0, description.find_first_of("\n"));
393 }
400 inline std::string getLongDescription(const std::string& description)
401 {
402  size_t pos_found = description.find_first_of("\n");
403  if (pos_found != std::string::npos)
404  {
405  return description.substr(pos_found);
406  }
407  else
408  {
409  return std::string("");
410  }
411 }
413 }
Special Reader factory to make readers for "adtfdat" files.
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:356
std::shared_ptr< Reader > makeReader() const override
Creates a reader.
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:374
ADTFDatFileReaderFactory(std::optional< StreamTypeDeserializers > type_factories={}, std::optional< SampleDeserializerFactories > sample_deserializer_factories={})
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:367
ADTF File Reader to deserialze and read the content of a ADTF DAT File.
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:235
std::vector< Extension > getExtensions() const override
Get the Extensions if any.
void open(const std::string &filename)
a file and uses default sample and stream type factories.
FileItem getNextItem() override
uint64_t getItemIndexForStreamItemIndex(uint16_t stream_id, uint64_t stream_item_index) override
static constexpr int64_t read_cache_deactivated
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:244
std::string getDescription() const override
std::chrono::nanoseconds getFirstTime() const
Get the timestamp of the very first file item.
a_util::datetime::DateTime getDateTime() const
Get the File Date Time of creating the adtfdat file from fileheader.
std::vector< Stream > getStreams() const override
Get the Streams.
std::shared_ptr< const StreamType > getStreamTypeBefore(uint64_t item_index, uint16_t stream_id) override
uint64_t getItemIndexForTimeStamp(std::chrono::nanoseconds time_stamp) override
std::string getReaderIdentifier() const override
Get the Reader Identifier of the Reader.
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:267
std::optional< uint64_t > getItemCount() const override
Get the Item Count. This gets the overall count of all items (samples, stream types and triggers) of ...
std::chrono::nanoseconds getLastTime() const
Get the timestamp of the very last file item.
int64_t getNextItemIndex() const
uint32_t getFileVersion() const override
void seekTo(uint64_t item_index) override
std::optional< double > getProgress() const override
Get the Progress, a relative file position between 0.0 and 1.0.
void open(const std::string &filename, std::shared_ptr< SampleFactory > sample_factory, std::shared_ptr< StreamTypeFactory > stream_type_factory) override
CTOR for a new Reader.
static constexpr int64_t read_cache_default
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:240
ADTFDatFileReader(std::optional< StreamTypeDeserializers > type_factories, std::optional< SampleDeserializerFactories > sample_deserializer_factories)
CTOR for a new Reader.
ADTFDatFileReader(ADTFDatFileReader &&)=default
Move CTOR.
class to create or read a file item. This file item is either a sample, streamtype or trigger.
Definition: reader.h:156
interface class for input streams
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:46
InputStream & operator>>(T &value)
Reads a trivially copyable value from the stream.
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:62
virtual void read(void *destination, size_t count)=0
Reads the count bytes from the stream into destination.
base interface class for all available objects of the ADTF File Library that can be added to the obje...
Definition: object.h:33
The default interface class for stream types.
Definition: stream_type.h:32
Interface class for samples that are read from a Reader.
Definition: sample.h:72
Reader Factory interface to create a reader.
Definition: reader.h:324
container class for SampleDeserializerFactory
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:198
std::shared_ptr< SampleDeserializer > build(const std::string &id) const
creates the SampleDeserializer for the given id
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:217
SampleDeserializerFactories & add(const std::shared_ptr< SampleDeserializerFactory > &factory)
Adds a deserializer factory implemention to the container.
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:205
SampleDeserializerFactory interface class.
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:160
virtual std::string getId() const =0
Get the identifier if the factory.
virtual std::shared_ptr< SampleDeserializer > build() const =0
create a SampleDeserializer instance
Sample deserializer interface to deserialize a sample.
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:141
virtual void setStreamType(const StreamType &type)=0
StreamType infomation to initialize deserializer if needed.
virtual void deserialize(ReadSample &sample, InputStream &stream)=0
Deserialize a sample from stream.
Interface for seekable Reader, where the file position can be adapted.
Definition: reader.h:267
StreamType deserializer interface to deserialize a stream type.
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:82
virtual void deserialize(InputStream &stream, PropertyStreamType &stream_type) const =0
Derserialize a stream_type from stream.
virtual std::string getId() const =0
Get the Id of the serializer i.e. "adtf/default".
container class for StreamTypeDeserializers
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:101
void Deserialize(const std::string &id, InputStream &stream, PropertyStreamType &stream_type) const
deserializes the given stream into a stream_type with the StreamTypeDeserializer with id
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:125
StreamTypeDeserializers & add(const std::shared_ptr< StreamTypeDeserializer > &deserializer)
Adds a deserializer implemention to the container.
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:113
Stream Type base class.
Definition: stream_item.h:43
default implementation template for a SampleDeserializerFactory creating
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:180
std::string getId() const override
Get the identifier if the factory.
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:182
std::shared_ptr< SampleDeserializer > build() const override
create a SampleDeserializer instance
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:187
template class for a sample factory to create sample with implementation type SAMPLE_CLASS
Definition: reader.h:120
template class for a streamtype factory to create streamtypes with implementation type STREAM_TYPE_CL...
Definition: reader.h:93
namespace for ADTF File library
Definition: adtf2_adtf_core_media_sample_deserializer.h:25
std::string getLongDescription(const std::string &description)
helper fuction to retrieve long description out of description
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:400
std::string getShortDescription(const std::string &description)
helper fuction to retrieve short description out of description
Definition: adtf_file_reader.h:390

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