adtf_file_library  0.13.2
Namespaces | Functions
indexedfilehelper_v201_v301.h File Reference
#include <ifhd/v201_v301/indexedfile_types_v201_v301.h>
#include <a_util/datetime.h>
#include <a_util/filesystem.h>
#include <list>
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 namespace for IFHD File library
 namespace for indexed file definitions in version 2.0, 2.1, 3.0 and 3.1


a_util::datetime::DateTime ifhd::v201_v301::getDateTimeHelper (const FileHeader &file_header)
 Retrieve the date time from the file_header. More...
a_util::datetime::DateTime ifhd::v201_v301::getDateTime (const a_util::filesystem::Path &filename)
 Retrieve the date time from the filename , if it is an indexed file. More...
void ifhd::v201_v301::getHeader (const std::string &filename, FileHeader &file_header)
void ifhd::v201_v301::updateHeader (const std::string &filename, const FileHeader &file_header, uint32_t mask)
void ifhd::v201_v301::queryFileInfo (const std::string &filename, std::string &file_info)
void ifhd::v201_v301::queryFileInfo (const std::string &filename, std::string &file_info, std::list< std::string > &extensions)
void ifhd::v201_v301::getExtension (const std::string &filename, const std::string &extension, FileExtension *extension_info, void **data)
void ifhd::v201_v301::writeExtension (const std::string &filename, const FileExtension &extension_info, const void *data)
void ifhd::v201_v301::isIfhdFile (const std::string &filename)
void ifhd::v201_v301::stream2FileHeader (FileHeader &file_header)
void ifhd::v201_v301::stream2FileHeaderExtension (const FileHeader &file_header, FileExtension *header_ext, size_t num_extensions)
void ifhd::v201_v301::stream2ChunkHeader (const FileHeader &file_header, ChunkHeader &chunk)
void ifhd::v201_v301::stream2ChunkRef (const FileHeader &file_header, ChunkRef &chunk_ref)
void ifhd::v201_v301::stream2StreamRef (const FileHeader &file_header, StreamRef &stream_ref)
void ifhd::v201_v301::stream2StreamInfoHeader (const FileHeader &file_header, StreamInfoHeader &stream_info)
void ifhd::v201_v301::stream2AdditionalStreamIndexInfo (const FileHeader &file_header, AdditionalIndexInfo &additional_index_info)

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