adtf_file_library  0.13.2
Read Dat File Content


Example python script which loads an .adtfdat file and accesses its data using python directly.


python <adtfdat>


# Copyright 2024 CARIAD SE.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
# Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
# with this file, You can obtain one at
# If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular file, then
# You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE file in a
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# You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
import adtf_file
import sys
# a little helper to dump the content of a stream type
def dumpStreamType(stream_type, indent = " "):
print(indent + f'stream_meta_type: {stream_type.meta_type}')
substreams = stream_type.substreams
if len(substreams) == 0:
print(indent + f'properties:')
for name, value in
print(indent + f' {name}: {value.value}')
print(indent + f'substreams:')
for name, substream in substreams.items():
print(indent + f' {name}:')
print(indent + f' id: {}')
dumpStreamType(substream.stream_type, indent + " ")
# if you need any additional adtffileplugins you can load them with adtf_file.load_plugin(<filename>)
reader = adtf_file.create_reader(sys.argv[1])
print(f' version: {reader.file_version}')
print(f' item_count: {reader.item_count}')
print(f' description: {reader.description}')
for extension in reader.extensions:
print(f' {}:')
print(f' stream_id: {extension.stream_id}')
print(f' user_id: {extension.user_id}')
print(f' type_id: {extension.type_id}')
print(f' version_id: {extension.version_id}')
print(f' data: {bytearray(extension).hex(" ")}')
for stream in reader.streams:
print(f' {}:')
print(f' stream_id: {stream.stream_id}')
print(f' item_count: {stream.item_count}')
print(f' timestamp_of_first_item: {stream.timestamp_of_first_item}')
print(f' timestamp_of_last_item: {stream.timestamp_of_last_item}')
print(f' streamtype:')
item_index = 0
while True:
item = reader.get_next_item()
if not item:
print(f' {item_index}:')
print(f' time_stamp: {item.time_stamp}')
print(f' stream_id: {item.stream_id}')
print(f' type: {item.type}')
if item.type == adtf_file.ItemType.Sample:
sample = item.sample
print(f' sample:')
print(f' time_stamp: {sample.time_stamp}')
print(f' substream_id: {sample.substream_id}')
print(f' flags: {sample.flags}')
print(f' buffer: {bytearray(sample.buffer).hex(" ")}')
if item.type == adtf_file.ItemType.StreamType:
print(f' stream type:')
if item.type == adtf_file.ItemType.Trigger:
print(f' trigger')
item_index = item_index + 1

Copyright © CARIAD SE.
Generated on Mon Jun 10 2024 by doxygen 1.9.1
GIT Commit Hash: eb3af397a6b49ad6fcad9a60d8277d909b458b48