ADTF  3.18.3

TCP Client socket class. More...

Inheritance diagram for cStreamSocket:

Public Member Functions

 cStreamSocket ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~cStreamSocket ()
tResult Connect (const cString &strDest, tInt nPort, tUInt32 dwMode=OM_Block)
 Connects the socket with a remote listening socket. More...
tResult Connect (tUInt32 dwDest, tInt nPort, tUInt32 dwMode=OM_Block)
 Connects the socket with a remote listening socket. More...
tBool IsConnected (tTimeStamp nTimeout=0)
 Polls the socket for its connection state. More...
tResult Write (const void *pData, tInt nDataLength, tInt *pnBytesWritten=nullptr)
 Sends a data over the socket. More...
tResult Read (void *pBuffer, tInt nBufferSize, tInt *pnBytesRead=nullptr)
 Read incoming data. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from cSocket
 cSocket ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~cSocket ()
 Default destructor.
tVoid Close ()
 Closes the socket and frees all resources. More...
tVoid Close (tShutdownMode nHow)
 Closes the socket and frees all resources. More...
tUInt32 GetAddress () const
 Retrieves the IP address of the socket. More...
tInt GetPort () const
 Retrieves the port of the socket. More...
tSocketHandle GetHandle () const
 Get the internal socket handle. More...
tBool SetTimeout (tTimeStamp nReadTimeout=-1, tTimeStamp nWriteTimeout=-1)
 Sets timouts fo the read and write socket operations. More...
tBool DataAvailable ()
 Check if data is available for reading (a subsequent read succeed immediately). More...
tBool WaitForData (tTimeStamp nTimeout=-1)
 Blocks the current process until data is available for reading. More...
tInt SetOption (tInt nLevel, tInt nOptionId, const tVoid *pValue, tInt nValueLen)
 Sets a specific option for the socket. More...
tInt SetOption (cSocket::tOptionLevel eLevel, cSocket::tOptionId eId, const tVoid *pValue, tInt nValueLen)
 Equivalent to SetOption (tInt, tInt, const tVoid*, tInt) Instead of the system specific constants (e.g. More...
tResult GetOption (tInt nLevel, tInt nOptionId, tVoid *o_pValue, tInt *o_pValueLen)
 gets a specific option for the socket. More...
tResult GetOption (cSocket::tOptionLevel eLevel, cSocket::tOptionId eId, tVoid *o_pValue, tInt *o_pValueLen)
 Equivalent with GetOption(tInt, tInt, tVoid*, tInt*). More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from cSocket
enum  tOpenMode { OM_Block = 0x0 , OM_NonBlock = 0x01 }
 The mode in which to run the sockets during and after a connection. More...
enum  tShutdownMode { SM_Read = 0 , SM_Write = 1 , SM_ReadWrite = 2 }
 The mode in which to switch the sockets to on shutdown. More...
enum  tOptionLevel { OL_SOCKET = 1 , OL_IPPROTO_TCP = 2 , OL_IPPROTO_IP = 3 }
 Abstraction of the system specific socket option levels (e.g. More...
enum  tOptionId {
 Abstraction of the system specific socket options (e.g. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from cSocket
static tVoid AddLibraryRef ()
 for the work with the static methods you have to use this function to load the nessessary libs, after work ReleaseLibraryRef has to be called.
static tVoid ReleaseLibraryRef ()
 to correctly unload the socket-libs you have to call this function
static cString GetHostName (tUInt32 dwHostAddress=0)
 Returns the hostname for a given address. More...
static tUInt32 GetHostAddress (const cString &strHostName=cString())
 Returns the address for a given hostname. More...
static tUInt32 AddressToUInt32 (const cString &strAddress)
 Converts a aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd formated address string to an integer. More...
static cString UInt32ToAddress (tUInt32 ui32Address)
 Converts an integer to an aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd formated address string. More...
static tInt GetLastErrorCode ()
 Gets the error code of the last failure. More...
static tResult GetLocalAddresses (std::set< tUInt32, std::less< tUInt32 >, std::allocator< tUInt32 > > &oAddresses)
 Returns a list of addresses from all local interfaces. More...
static tResult SocketError (tInt nSocketError)
 Maps a socket error to an A_UTILS error. More...
static tResult FindInterfaceForAddress (tUInt32 ui32FarAddress, tUInt32 &ui32LocalAddress)
 If more than one network interface is used in the host the FindInterfaceForAddress finds out the local address of the interface where the far address is reachable. More...
static tResult WaitForData (const std::list< cSocket * > &i_lstSockets, cSocket **o_ppSocket, tTimeStamp tmTimeOut=-1)
 Blocks the current thread until data are available for reading in at least one of i_lstSockets. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from cSocket
static const tUInt32 SOCKET_NO_ADDRESS
 Constance for check No Address.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from cSocket
tBool Initialize ()
 Sets the params for the socket with 0/nullptr. More...
tInt ResolveOptionLevel (tOptionLevel level) const
 Resolve the option value of the socket. More...
tInt ResolveOptionId (tOptionId id) const
 Resolve the option id of the socket. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from cSocket
tSocketHandle m_hSocket
 this is internal handle of the socket, only use it if you really need that!!
tUInt32 m_ui32Address
 Address of the socket (valid only if opened)
tInt m_nPort
 Port of the socket (valid only if opened)

Detailed Description

TCP Client socket class.

This class provides a client implementation for TCP sockets. For the TCP server counterpart see cServerSocket

Definition at line 21 of file streamsocket.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Connect() [1/2]

tResult Connect ( const cString strDest,
tInt  nPort,
tUInt32  dwMode = OM_Block 

Connects the socket with a remote listening socket.

[in]strDestThe destination host.
[in]nPortThe destination port.
dwModeThe mode in which to drive the socket instance (blocking or non-blocking mode, see tOpenMode).
Return values
ERR_ACCESS_DENIEDPermission to create a socket of the specified type and/or protocol is denied (EACCES).
ERR_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe implementation does not support the specified address family or the protocol type or the specified protocol is not supported within this domain (EAFNOSUPPORT or EPROTONOSUPPORT).
ERR_INVALID_FLAGSUnknown protocol or protocol family not available (EINVAL).
ERR_MEMORYProcess file table overflow or the system limit on the total number of open files has been reached or insufficient memory is available (EMFILE or ENFILE or ENOBUFS or ENOMEM).
ERR_DEVICE_IOOther socket-related error
ERR_NOT_FOUNDResolving of host failed
ERR_DEVICE_NOT_READYConnecting failed
ERR_TIMEOUTA connection could not be established immediately. (Non-blocking only!)

◆ Connect() [2/2]

tResult Connect ( tUInt32  dwDest,
tInt  nPort,
tUInt32  dwMode = OM_Block 

Connects the socket with a remote listening socket.

[in]dwDestThe destination host.
[in]nPortThe destination port.
dwModeThe mode in which to drive the socket instance (blocking or non-blocking mode, see tOpenMode).
Return values
ERR_ACCESS_DENIEDPermission to create a socket of the specified type and/or protocol is denied (EACCES).
ERR_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe implementation does not support the specified address family or the protocol type or the specified protocol is not supported within this domain (EAFNOSUPPORT or EPROTONOSUPPORT).
ERR_INVALID_FLAGSUnknown protocol or protocol family not available (EINVAL).
ERR_MEMORYProcess file table overflow or the system limit on the total number of open files has been reached or insufficient memory is available (EMFILE or ENFILE or ENOBUFS or ENOMEM).
ERR_DEVICE_IOOther socket-related error
ERR_NOT_FOUNDResolving of host failed
ERR_DEVICE_NOT_READYConnecting failed
ERR_TIMEOUTA connection could not be established immediately. (Non-blocking only!)

◆ IsConnected()

tBool IsConnected ( tTimeStamp  nTimeout = 0)

Polls the socket for its connection state.

This is particularly useful when running the sockets in non-blocking mode and Connect() has returned with ERR_TIMEOUT (which does not necessarily imply a failed connection).

: The current connection is being verified write direction only, implying that the remote socket has accepted the TCP handshake. In case of UDP this soely implies that the datagram socket has successfully been opened locally.
nTimeoutThe timeout after which the connection is deemed to have failed.
tTrue if the connection has found to be established successfully in write direction.
tFalse if the connection has actually failed.

Reimplemented from cSocket.

◆ Read()

tResult Read ( void *  pBuffer,
tInt  nBufferSize,
tInt pnBytesRead = nullptr 

Read incoming data.

[in]pBufferThe buffer where the data should be stored.
[in]nBufferSizeThe size of the buffer.
[out]pnBytesReadIf specified, this value is filled with the actual amount of bytes copied into the buffer.
Return values
ERR_POINTERNull-pointer committed
ERR_INVALID_ARGNegative data length committed
ERR_TIMEOUTReceive command timed out or the receive command would block on a socket marked as non-blocking (EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK; Non-blocking only!). In normal mode, this simply implies a read timeout.
ERR_INVALID_HANDLEThe file descriptor was invalid (EBADF).
ERR_ACCESS_DENIEDA remote host refused to allow the network connection (ECONNREFUSED).
ERR_MEMORYThe receive buffer pointer points outside the process's address space or memory could not be allocated (EFAULT or ENOMEM).
ERR_NOT_CONNECTEDThe socket has not been connected (ENOTCONN) or the peer has performed an orderly shutdown.
ERR_BAD_DEVICEThe descriptor does not refer to a socket (ENOTSOCK).
ERR_DEVICE_IOOther error detected

◆ Write()

tResult Write ( const void *  pData,
tInt  nDataLength,
tInt pnBytesWritten = nullptr 

Sends a data over the socket.

[in]pDataThe data which is to be sent.
[in]nDataLengthThe size of the data.
[out]pnBytesWrittenIf specified, this value is filled with the actual amount of bytes sent.
Return values
ERR_POINTERNull-pointer committed
ERR_INVALID_ARGNegative data length committed
ERR_ACCESS_DENIEDWrite permission is denied on the destination socket file (EACCES).
ERR_TIMEOUTThe socket is marked non-blocking and the requested operation would block (EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK; Non-blocking only!). In normal mode, this simply implies a write timeout.
ERR_INVALID_HANDLEThe file descriptor was invalid (EABDF).
ERR_CANCELEDConnection reset by peer or a signal occurred before any data was transmitted (ECONNRESET or EINTR).
ERR_INVALID_STATEThe socket was connected already or the local end has been shut down (EISCONN or EPIPE).
ERR_MEMORYAn invalid user space address was specified or the size of the message to be sent made automatic send impossible or the output queue for a network interface was full or no memory available (EFAULT or EMSGSIZE or ENOBUFS or ENOMEM).
ERR_INVALID_FLAGSInvalid argument passed or some bit of the flags is inappropriate for the socket type (EINVAL or EOPNOTSUPP).
ERR_NOT_CONNECTEDThe socket is not connected (ENOTCONN).
ERR_BAD_DEVICEThe descriptor does not refer to a socket (ENOTSOCK).
ERR_DEVICE_IOOther error detected