ADTF  3.18.3
has_get_interface< T >

template that checks whether a type has an accessible (protected or public) GetInterface method. More...

Inheritance diagram for has_get_interface< T >:

Public Types

enum  { value = sizeof(test<T>(static_cast<tResult(T::*)(const char*, void*&)>(nullptr))) == sizeof(char) }

Private Types

typedef char one
typedef long two

Static Private Member Functions

template<typename C >
static one test (decltype(static_cast< tResult(T::*)(const char *, void *&)>(&has_get_interface< C >::GetInterface)))
template<typename C >
static two test (...)

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class adtf::ucom::catwo::detail::has_get_interface< T >

template that checks whether a type has an accessible (protected or public) GetInterface method.

Definition at line 56 of file object.h.