ADTF  3.18.3
Qt5 File Explorer UI Service Plugin

Qt5 File Explorer UI Service


The Qt5 File Explorer UI Service can be used to explore specified paths of the file system, open and play back files directly if a ADTFDAT File Player is present.

Plugin Information
Plugin Filenameadtf_file_explorer_ui.adtfplugin
Plugin Descriptionadtf_file_explorer_ui.plugindescription
Plugin NameQt5 File Explorer UI Service Plugin
Homepage URL
Plugin Versions
Plugin Version3.18.3
Plugin File Version1.0
Component Information
NameQt5 File Explorer UI Service
DescriptionUse this UI service to display files within a file system explorer. Initial directories can be configured via the 'directories' property. Recorder directories can be added automatically by enabling the 'add_recorder_directories' property. Additional directories can be temporarily added at runtime via the 'Add...' button.
Default Runlevelsystem
add_recorder_directoriestruetBoolIf set to true, all recorder directories are automatically added into the directories list, otherwise not.
directoriescFilepathListDefines the initial directories list. Additional directories can be added at runtime via the 'Add...' button.
titleADTF File ExplorercStringWindow title which will be used at runtime within Qt5 ADTF XSystem UI Service.
Required Interfaces
Required/Optional Interfaces


Either configure desired directories via the Service's properties or add them at runtime

Directories added at runtime won't be persisted at the moment The current directory displayed in the UI can be selected via the dropdown menu. In order to open or directly play back a file simply double-click or perform a right click on it and select the required option from the context menu. You can open or direct play back a single file or in a bundle and loading referenced files as well (see Playback Service).

Context menu actions:

  • "Play": play this file, as well as its referenced files
  • "Play only this file": play only this file, without its referenced files
  • "Open": open this file, as well as its referenced files
  • "Open only this file": open only this file, without its referenced files
  • "Copy path": copies the selected item's absolute path into the clipboard
Play, open or copy a selected file

If the current session contains recorders, their recording directories can be added automatically.

Select a recorder directory
Mind that although selecting network file system directories is supported it may take longer.