ADTF  3.18.4
ADTF 3.12.1 Release Notes

ADTF 3.12.1 Summary

  • Improvements in ADTF Configuration Editor
    • Cleanup validation issues to improve performance for larger graphs
    • Add validation and show errors when loading adtfenvironment files
    • Fix usage of macros to specify included sessions
  • Several improvements, stability and bugfixes, please refer to ADTF 3.12.1 Changelog

ADTF 3.12.1 Changelog

| ADTF - Changelog |
| Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework |
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| This file tracks the changes and bugfixes within ADTF 3.x |
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| Version: |
| ADTF 3.12.1 mega |
* [ACORE-11026] - Improve performance of finding objects in graph
* [ACORE-11008] - Can't include session via included environment directory macro
* [ACORE-11020] - CE ignores failure during initialization
* [ACORE-11022] - Loading larger session increases memory which drops performance and prevents usage
* [ACORE-11025] - No warning/error and stop parsing in case of missing included adtfenvironment file