ADTF  3.18.4
ADTF 3.12.8 Release Notes

ADTF 3.12.8 Summary

ADTF 3.12.8 Changelog

| ADTF - Changelog |
| Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework |
| |
| This file tracks the changes and bugfixes within ADTF 3.x |
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| Version: |
| ADTF 3.12.8 mega |
* [ACORE-10764] - Include additional data in Mindumps
* [ACORE-11164] - Improve stream_meta_type_default::IsCompatible performance
* [ACORE-9489] - Macro RETURN_IF_FAILED_AND_LOG_ERROR_STR uses wrong parameter
* [ACORE-10073] - RETURN_ERROR using _code instead of _error for assert
* [ACORE-11016] - Crash using multiple recorders with same filename and split seconds
* [ACORE-11136] - start_recording_on_startup does not work for queue recorders
* [ACORE-11159] - Missing debug symbols for configuration editor
* [ACORE-11160] - Data race in license check and redundant license file queries
* [ACORE-11161] - Creating a connection fails without error in case input pin name already exists (output/runner pin)
* [ACORE-11162] - Foreign Application Source incorrectly sets serialized flag
* [ACORE-11167] - cStreamSocket::IsConnected never returns false on Windows