ADTF  3.18.4
ADTF 3.15.2 Release Notes

ADTF 3.15.2 Summary

Startup errors

There has been an issue if the ADTF Configuration Editor will be started with invalid files. In this case, its Splash Screen hides the error message, which cannot be closed to proceed the Splash Screen startup. This has been fixed.

Signal Provider

The descriptions and ranges specified in DDL has not been set by providing the sample data as signals for the Signal Registry Service. These content is now correctly set for the Signal Provider.

Additional changes

Minor improvements in this version:

  • Retry mechanism for FEP requested transitions
  • Improve recording performance by upgrading to ADTF File Library (IFHD) 0.9.3

Minor Fixes

Minor fixes in this patch version:

ADTF 3.15.2 Changelog

| ADTF - Changelog |
| Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework |
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| This file tracks the changes and bugfixes within ADTF 3.x |
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| Version: |
| ADTF 3.15.2 penguin |
* [ACORE-11642] - ADTF shall retry state machine transitions if a FEP requested transition fails
* [ACORE-11745] - Upgrade to IFHD 0.9.3 for minor performance optimizations during recording
* [ACORE-11748] - Remove request log messages
* [ACORE-11718] - cTestWriter does not work with new adtf_memory specializations
* [ACORE-11741] - Signal Provider does not pass signal descriptions and min/max values
* [ACORE-11743] - Qt5 key runner installs event filter on wrong window
* [ACORE-11751] - File will be opened twice in case its referenced and filename containes forward slashes
* [ACORE-11755] - Bad error message while merging files in media description service
* [ACORE-11756] - Remove useless charset conversion from cStringUtil::IsEqual
* [ACORE-11757] - DDL has performance problems within dependency management if many dependencies added
* [ACORE-11759] - Could not compile using /std:c++latest
* [ACORE-11772] - Error message in the background of splash screen
* [ACORE-11773] - ADTF Control rpc call does not support strings