ADTF  3.18.3
ADTF 3.17.1 Release Notes

ADTF 3.17.1 Summary

Minor Fixes

Minor fixes in this version:

  • Remove performance bottleneck regarding profiling (even when deactivated)
  • Improve real time scheduling on Windows
  • Prevent deleting license file in some offline circumstances (Upgrade to adtf licenser for licenseHUB 1.2)
  • Up to minor improvements and fixes within Configuration Editor regarding focus, tracing, dialogs, scaling, zooming, item selection and validation
  • Extend ce plugin and test cmake macros
  • For more details, please have a look at ADTF 3.17.1 Changelog

ADTF 3.17.1 Changelog

| ADTF - Changelog |
| Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework |
| |
| This file tracks the changes and bugfixes within ADTF 3.x |
| |
| Version: |
| ADTF 3.17.1 riddler |
- [#2130] Document special behaviour of substream selector
- [#2820] Re-evaluate usefulness of Easy Profiler
- [#2871] Enable real time scheduling class on Windows
- [#2883] Find a proper solution for license handling in tests
- [#2886] Extend cmake macro adtf_add_catch_test to specify search paths
- [#2893] Change CE plugin cmake macro install behavior
- [#2092] Filename macros suffixed with path characters
- [#2244] Deactivate multiple filter does not force unsaved changes
- [#2746] Scaling issues in Zoom Navigator
- [#2749] Sometimes Validation Protocol is empty when not being docked at the bottom
- [#2850] Validation Protocol is empty after filtering using warning or error button
- [#2852] Enable message buffer redirection + Remind Me setting will not be saved when enter option dialog from CE Log shortcut
- [#2853] Timer resolution is really bad on Windows
- [#2859] SampleStream Trace information not working with included sessions
- [#2860] Adjust false session naming in Example
- [#2861] Selection is jumping within sessions view
- [#2862] Autocomplete in "New Project..." dialog doesn't work
- [#2863] ClearComponentCache call in CE destroys CE menu
- [#2864] ComboBox in CE is clipped since 3.15 and on some Monitors doesn't even show in graph quick search
- [#2866] Dialog for unsaved changes is non-blocking
- [#2867] cDDLCompare::IsEqual mixes up flags for non-trivial nested structs
- [#2870] Samplestream trace rpc object is not unregistered correctly when changing runlevel from MRL_FilterGraphConstructed to RL_System
- [#2878] ADTF Launcher help information does not fit on a screen
- [#2880] Editable ComboBox not handling KeyUp / KeyDown correctly when it has focus
- [#2884] License file will be removed in combination offline and missing feature