ADTF  3.18.4
ADTF 3.18.0 Release Notes

ADTF 3.18.0 Summary

CE appearance and usage

This minor upgrade offers the next extension of our modular and flexible widget setup by providing pinnable views with auto-hover actions. Furthermore we have integrated a toolbar with quick access of useful menubar entries - also movable, dockable and floatable.

We have cleaned up the default perspective layout by collapsing all additional views beside the main widget to give the home view and graph editor the most space and focus. If not enough, feel free to hide or undock and float widgets to different monitors.

You will love it! And if for some reasons not, feel free to create a custom perspective as already offered in our previous delivery.

And by the way... a double click on the graph tab will set it as active filter graph (christmas present to all ADTF 2.x vintage fans).

CE License GUI

Honestly, the Licenser Tool for the command line is very easy to use:

  • If you have a key, activate it.
  • If you have an already activated file, import it.
  • And if you want to gather some information, use the info argument.

Anyway, for the CE as central ADTF tooling, we integrate an UI which covers all these needs, but with a convenient user interface. It simply uses the CLI as kind of "remote control" and guides you through this process.

If you start the CE for the first time, it will direct you to this view. Also if some required features are missing or expired. And if you like to check your license, go to the Options menu or use the quick link under Help within the menubar.

XSystem Progress Splash Screen

The datarates for software defined vehicles are increasing drastically day by day, same as requirements for all in one solutions and - of course - extensive visualizations besides storing itself.

We invest a lot - especially within bus communication addons and substreams - to handle these performance challenges and are very close to, but of course there can be combinations where it might take some time for initialization. Within the UI Thread this is very hard to handle and most of the machines will go to some freezing state, which confuses the user wheter the process is still responsive or must be killed. To avoid these terminations, our UI related runtime offers now some user feedback including last log messages.

Qt5 Substream Display (BETA)

Increase decoding performance, provide signal tracing, show units, allow multiple pins, clarify request management, extend and document linge graph usage - the Display is one of our main targets for future visualizations and integrates your feedback for expectations and past issues.

As always, we appreciate your feedback, especially for the usage of this new display solution!

Additional changes

There are some basic extensions which are very helpful for your daily work:

  • Optimize substream performance, fasten stream type compare and make use of stream type caches
  • Extend Substream Dissector to specify filtering and depth creation
  • Enhance profiling blocks
  • Extend Session Manager to load adtffileplugins to enable convenient usage within ADTF (stay tuned!)
  • Add the possibility to include referenced files while creating pins
  • Log which files or folders have triggered a plugindescription update
  • Store git commit hash as adtfdat file extension
  • Add control short commands to help
  • Precise documentation regarding ISample and substreams
  • Integrate runtime settings in Qt5 Media Description Display and Qt5 Substream Display (BETA)
  • Quick help for XSystem widgets
  • Option to disable FEP discover in CE
  • Disable unloading of plugins
  • Disable storing adtfenvironment in cesettings file when used with command line flag –environment
  • For more details, please have a look at ADTF 3.18.0 Changelog

Minor Fixes

Minor fixes in this version:

  • Increase Substream Dissector performance
  • Cover post state of runlevel transition and return value
  • Repair opening included subgraph if graphs have same name
  • Adjust auto-save behavior
  • Reorder udp packets
  • Repair Property Editor usage regarding comboboxes and correct meta information
  • For more details, please have a look at ADTF 3.18.0 Changelog

ADTF 3.18.0 Changelog

| ADTF - Changelog |
| Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework |
| |
| This file tracks the changes and bugfixes within ADTF 3.x |
| |
| Version: |
| ADTF 3.18.0 spider |
- [#1536] Add control short commands to help
- [#2055] Precise ISample Get/Set documentation
- [#2406] Session Manager should recognize adtffileplugins
- [#2453] Convenience to set new license within UI
- [#2472] Double click on graph should set it active as well
- [#2487] Add the possibility to include referenced files while creating pins
- [#2618] As a developer I want to use ninja as cmake generator
- [#2655] Some small UI improvements in Line Graph Display
- [#2679] Substream Display Filter's internal displays shall be able to store specific settings
- [#2693] Writing documentation for Line Graph Display
- [#2756] Create a default layout with collapsed bottom bar
- [#2767] Column decoding using leaf elements in Substream Trace View Display
- [#2768] Capture filter for Substream Trace View Display
- [#2775] Adapt media description display with runtime settings and tree expansion
- [#2790] Give user a feedback in XSystem that there is a transition in progress and no freeze
- [#2812] Clarify request management within Substream Display
- [#2839] Add column for unit in Substream Display treeview, Media Description Display
- [#2844] Line Graph Plots X Scale should not start in the year 1970
- [#2845] Scale of Y should be movable
- [#2848] XSystem Docking Windows should provide a helpbutton in title bar and forward to the filter or services html help
- [#2868] Use adtf_dattool instead of adtf_datdump to create pins from playback file
- [#2882] Optimize substreams performance
- [#2887] AcceptType should be traced by easy profiler
- [#2890] Concrete the meaning about 'multiplexing' within substream documentation
- [#2901] Store git commit hash as adtfdat file extension
- [#2918] Provide a toolbar for CE
- [#2934] Add max_depth and filter properties and functionality to substream dissector
- [#2935] Make progress splash screen images configurable
- [#2936] Log which files or folders have triggered a plugindescription update
- [#2942] Restore binary compatibility of dev essential 1.3.x
- [#2948] Integrate adtf file library 0.12.0
- [#2956] Substream Dissector should use a more performant method for iterating through DDL structures
- [#2962] Disable unloading of plugins
- [#2977] --environment argument should not store adtfenvironment file per default
- [#2999] Increase dissecting performance when using real world data
- [#3012] Stream type compare performance for fast caches
- [#3020] Make FEP discover deactivatable in CE
- [#2575] Request Visible, filtered Substreams does not work anymore
- [#2625] Substream Display Filter can not process multiple pins
- [#2799] Sample Stream Trace View UI does not update last trigger/last sample
- [#2804] Substream display is processing arbitrarily outdated samples
- [#2805] Thread runners skip thread join based on heuristic
- [#2823] GetRunlevel returns new runlevel though post transition steps are still in progress
- [#2865] Session with Qt5 Substream Display refuses to start if 2 Sample Streams are connected linearly
- [#2885] Open included subgraph failed if the target graph name equals the current graph name
- [#2898] Splashscreen needs option to disable and logging leads to an deadlock
- [#2904] AutoSave with Runtime-License causes a ReadOnly-Error every 5 seconds
- [#2920] Starting CE from command line with --project does not open session
- [#2938] Issues with graph tabs when there are many graphs included
- [#2939] Missing and reordering packets by udp receiver
- [#2940] Crash when changing store download location in settings
- [#2941] Component Properties in Combo-Box can't be changed anymore
- [#2943] Runtime Settings path creation may lead to MAX_PATH problems under windows
- [#2958] Replace Error with Warning in Substream Display by not connect Filter
- [#2960] Handling of long and formatted strings in Property Editor is broken
- [#2961] CE sometimes crashes after changing value in Property Editor
- [#2965] CE file name filter not seperated
- [#2978] Store Tab empty downloads not jumping to file explorer
- [#2980] Store Tab Type Filter is not updated in the menu after selecting
- [#2989] Introduce zoom quick controls in view menu and toolbar including keyboard shortcuts
- [#2992] Multi Session Save Dialog shows changes where no changes should happen
- [#2993] Not all included subgraphs can be opened via double click or context menu
- [#3003] Sometimes property meta information is not shown