ADTF  3.18.4
ADTF 3.2.0 Release Notes

ADTF 3.2.0 Summary

ADTF 3.2.0 Changelog

| ADTF - Changelog |
| Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework |
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| This file tracks the changes and bugfixes within ADTF 3.x |
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| Version: |
| ADTF 3.2.0 catwo |
* Change ACORE-7788 [UCOM]: Reduce complexity of default_object<> just using one template parameter
* Change ACORE-8883 [DOC] Extend ADTF3 Documentation for Testing with gtest
* Change ACORE-8907 [ADTF Control] Integrate player support
* Change ACORE-9130 [License Viewer] Command Line Options for the LicenseViewer
* Change ACORE-9049 [RPC] It has to be possible for an RPC object to provide multiple interface or at least interface versions
* Change ACORE-9021 [Sample Stream Trace View] Must discover Sample Streams NOT OutPins
* Change ACORE-8943 Use dedicated type for enums instead of "tUInt32 ui32Flags"
* Change ACORE-8806 [Serialization] Map ""old"" Media Sample Info to new sample info in legacy deserializations
* Change ACORE-8190 [HDRecorder] Reintegrate Diskspace Ratio Check
* Change ACORE-8189 [HDRecorder] Reintegrate Memory Ratio Check
* Change ACORE-8984 [Plugin Description Generator] Extend plugindescription with minimal and automatic system
* Change ACORE-8608 [CE] Update Qt version to 5.9
* Bug ACORE-8912 [GUI Control] Crash on reconnect - run
* Bug ACORE-8861 [CE] Examples of addons are not default in the ce settings
* Bug ACORE-8855 [Qt Media Description Display] does not show data name correctly
* Bug ACORE-8853 [Qt Video Display] Display does not show video recorded from Virtual Clock Device with ADTF 2
* Bug ACORE-8845 [Plugin Description Generator] installer prebuild plugindescription generation overwrites existing plugindescriptions
* Bug ACORE-8792 [CE] Service-Properties are not stored when changed in Properties-View after Session or Graph was loaded
* Bug ACORE-9197 [Plugin Description Generator] failure generating adtf_playback.plugindescription
* Bug ACORE-9173 [ADTF Control] launchers with arguments are not parsed correctly (Windows only)
* Bug ACORE-9144 [RPC] cADTFRemoteSystem does not cope with spaces in object names
* Bug ACORE-9066 [Signal Registry] Signals with same name can be registered more than once