ADTF  3.18.3
ADTF 3.8.0 Release Notes

ADTF 3.8.0 Summary

ADTF 3.8.0 Changelog

| ADTF - Changelog |
| Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework |
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| This file tracks the changes and bugfixes within ADTF 3.x |
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| Version: |
| ADTF 3.8.0 iron |
* [ACORE-8116] - Keyboard support to copy and paste graph components and connections
* [ACORE-8169] - Support to include Filter Graph from other ADTF Session (former known as adtf_include)
* [ACORE-9578] - Validate .description files at runtime
* [ACORE-10063] - Integrate a Graph Navigator
* [ACORE-10520] - Adapt Default Session to Filter Graph Changes
* [ACORE-10531] - Create a filter to dissect elements of Sample Streams into Substreams
* [ACORE-10535] - Add commands to retrieve recorder state and filename
* [ACORE-10540] - Upgrade to QT 5.12.9
* [ACORE-10548] - Add a guide for usage of Macros and Environment Variables within ADTF Configuraton Editor
* [ACORE-10550] - Provide option to create graph properties and link them to properties of Filter Graph Components
* [ACORE-10555] - Automatically add sample stream between data inport and data outport
* [ACORE-10566] - Add stream_type_plain<tBool>
* [ACORE-10243] - Session files can contain forward slashes which are not created
* [ACORE-10448] - Subgraph can not be renamed
* [ACORE-10536] - Filter Editor snippet works but shows an error
* [ACORE-10538] - Connecting filter graph dock samplestreams with dynamic pin misbehaves
* [ACORE-10561] - Missing SDL_DLL and SDL_LIBRARY CMake variables
* [ACORE-10563] - Missing refresh in Media Description Display
* [ACORE-10571] - EditorPluginBase throws Exceptions even if everything works fine
* [ACORE-10572] - Dynamic bindings are related to normal pins instead of binding pins
* [ACORE-10573] - Macro button uses runtime macros for resolving in Settings Editor
* [ACORE-10576] - Trailing slashes are not resolved correctly
* [ACORE-10585] - DDL error messages are discarded