ADTF  3.18.3
ADTF 3.9.0 Release Notes

ADTF 3.9.0 Summary

ADTF 3.9.0 Changelog

| ADTF - Changelog |
| Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework |
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| This file tracks the changes and bugfixes within ADTF 3.x |
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| Version: |
| ADTF 3.9.0 joker |
* [ACORE-9109] - Search in property view should also match values
* [ACORE-9113] - Create an adtfenvironment file
* [ACORE-9787] - Visualize and evaluate ranges/limitations for properties
* [ACORE-9992] - Check if property values defined in .adtfproperties files belong to existing properties specified in .plugindescription
* [ACORE-10033] - Redesign Property Editor
* [ACORE-10080] - Provide copy option for property name, value and path
* [ACORE-10098] - Add support for dynamic runner
* [ACORE-10394] - Add visualization and editor for component and connection priorities
* [ACORE-10406] - Highlight pins and connection when drawing/selecting
* [ACORE-10511] - Extend Conan Pkg Info in ADTF
* [ACORE-10528] - More usability and help regarding licenser tool and missing license issues
* [ACORE-10588] - Option to use (temporary) license file by setting environment variable ADTF_LICENSE_FILE
* [ACORE-10610] - Add path option to store server or borrow license file on Windows
* [ACORE-10616] - Remove prefix 'Demo' in label name where purpose of component is productive
* [ACORE-10619] - Add a Sample Stream Merger Filter
* [ACORE-10628] - Session manager should create parent properties if they do not exist
* [ACORE-10630] - Add information about used build type of adtfplugin
* [ACORE-10633] - Use Git commit hash instead of build number in CMake build
* [ACORE-10489] - CE freezes when TAB is used to navigate through properties view
* [ACORE-10607] - Missing doxygen page for ddl specificitation on linux doc delivery
* [ACORE-10620] - Subgraph loop is not detected and leads to a stackoverflow
* [ACORE-10638] - Changing plugin description directories does not always reflect changes immediately