ADTF  3.18.3
ADTF 3.9.1 Release Notes

ADTF 3.9.1 Summary

  • Hotfix to protect writer queue of Sample Streams and prevent invalid access
  • Hotfix for deployment regarding conan recipes
    • ADTF_DIR will now be available again within the conan and CMake environment
    • Short path support for conan cache

ADTF 3.9.1 Changelog

| ADTF - Changelog |
| Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework |
| |
| This file tracks the changes and bugfixes within ADTF 3.x |
| |
| Version: |
| ADTF 3.9.1 joker |
* none
* [ACORE-10669] - Short path and ADTF_DIR are not set in conan recipe
* [ACORE-10674] - Internal Sample Stream synchronization error