ADTF  3.18.4
statistics.h File Reference

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH. More...

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class  cStatistics
 Simple statistics. More...


 ADTF A_UTIL Namespace - Within adtf this is used as adtf::util or adtf_util.


#define __a_util_declare_statistics(id)   static A_UTILS_NS::cStatistics _g_local_Statistics(id)
 Macro to declare a static statistics in global scope of this module.
#define __declare_statistics(id)   __a_util_declare_statistics(id)
 This Macro is for legacy reasons. More...
#define __a_util_reset_statistics   _g_local_Statistics.Reset()
 Macro to reset the static statistics in global scope of this module. More...
#define __reset_statistics   __a_util_reset_statistics
 This Macro is for legacy reasons. More...
#define __a_util_update_statistics   _g_local_Statistics.Update()
 Macro to update the static statistics in global scope of this module. More...
#define __update_statistics   __a_util_update_statistics
 This Macro is for legacy reasons. More...

Detailed Description

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.

All rights reserved

Definition in file statistics.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ __a_util_reset_statistics

#define __a_util_reset_statistics   _g_local_Statistics.Reset()

Macro to reset the static statistics in global scope of this module.

See also

Definition at line 121 of file statistics.h.

◆ __a_util_update_statistics

#define __a_util_update_statistics   _g_local_Statistics.Update()

Macro to update the static statistics in global scope of this module.

See also

Definition at line 132 of file statistics.h.

◆ __declare_statistics

#define __declare_statistics (   id)    __a_util_declare_statistics(id)

This Macro is for legacy reasons.

Use __a_util_declare_statistics instead.

Definition at line 115 of file statistics.h.

◆ __reset_statistics

#define __reset_statistics   __a_util_reset_statistics

This Macro is for legacy reasons.

Use __a_util_declare_statistics instead.

Definition at line 126 of file statistics.h.

◆ __update_statistics

#define __update_statistics   __a_util_update_statistics

This Macro is for legacy reasons.

Use __a_util_update_statistics instead.

Definition at line 137 of file statistics.h.