ADTF  3.18.3
Go to the documentation of this file.
7 #pragma once
9 #include <adtfbase/property.h>
10 #include "streamtype.h"
12 #include <adtf_base_deprecated.h>
14 namespace adtf
15 {
16 namespace streaming
17 {
18 namespace ant
19 {
31 {
33  static constexpr const tChar *const MetaTypeName = "adtf/audio";
39  static constexpr const tChar *const FormatName = "format_name";
44  static constexpr const tChar *const ChannelCount = "channel_count";
49  static constexpr const tChar *const SampleRateHz = "sample_rate_hz";
54  static constexpr const tChar *const BitsPerSample = "bits_per_sample";
59  static constexpr const tChar *const SampleCount = "sample_count";
66  {
67  pProperties->SetProperty(adtf::base::property<adtf_util::cString>(FormatName, ""));
68  pProperties->SetProperty(adtf::base::property<unsigned int>(ChannelCount, 0));
69  pProperties->SetProperty(adtf::base::property<unsigned int>(SampleRateHz, 0));
70  pProperties->SetProperty(adtf::base::property<unsigned int>(BitsPerSample, 0));
71  pProperties->SetProperty(adtf::base::property<unsigned int>(SampleCount, 0));
72  }
73 };
75 }
77 namespace lucky
78 {
84 {
92  unsigned int m_ui32ChannelCount = 0;
96  unsigned int m_ui32SampleRateHz = 0;
100  unsigned int m_ui32BitsPerSample = 0;
104  unsigned int m_ui32SampleCount = 0;
105 };
114 inline bool operator==(const tStreamAudioFormat& oLeft, const tStreamAudioFormat& oRight)
115 {
116  return (oLeft.m_strFormatName == oRight.m_strFormatName)
117  && (oLeft.m_ui32BitsPerSample == oRight.m_ui32BitsPerSample)
118  && (oLeft.m_ui32ChannelCount == oRight.m_ui32ChannelCount)
119  && (oLeft.m_ui32SampleCount == oRight.m_ui32SampleCount)
120  && (oLeft.m_ui32SampleRateHz == oRight.m_ui32SampleRateHz);
121 }
130 inline bool operator!=(const tStreamAudioFormat& oLeft, const tStreamAudioFormat& oRight)
131 {
132  return !(oLeft == oRight);
133 }
145 {
146  adtf_util::cString strMetaType;
147  oType.GetMetaTypeName(adtf_string_intf(strMetaType));
149  {
150  set_property<adtf_util::cString>(oType, adtf::streaming::ant::stream_meta_type_audio::FormatName, sFormat.m_strFormatName);
156  }
157  else
158  {
160  }
161 }
172 {
173  adtf_util::cString strMetaType;
174  oType.GetMetaTypeName(adtf_string_intf(strMetaType));
176  {
177  sFormat.m_strFormatName = get_property<adtf_util::cString>(oType, adtf::streaming::ant::stream_meta_type_audio::FormatName, "");
178  sFormat.m_ui32ChannelCount = get_property<uint32_t>(oType, adtf::streaming::ant::stream_meta_type_audio::ChannelCount, 0);
179  sFormat.m_ui32SampleRateHz = get_property<uint32_t>(oType, adtf::streaming::ant::stream_meta_type_audio::SampleRateHz, 0);
180  sFormat.m_ui32BitsPerSample = get_property<uint32_t>(oType, adtf::streaming::ant::stream_meta_type_audio::BitsPerSample, 0);
181  sFormat.m_ui32SampleCount = get_property<uint32_t>(oType, adtf::streaming::ant::stream_meta_type_audio::SampleCount, 0);
183  }
184  else
185  {
187  }
188 }
194 ADTF3_DEPRECATED("Use adtf::ucom::make_object_ptr<stream_type_audio<>>() instead!")
196 {
197  return ucom::ant::make_object_ptr<adtf::streaming::ant::cStreamType>(adtf::streaming::ant::stream_meta_type_audio());
198 }
206 ADTF3_DEPRECATED("Use adtf::ucom::make_object_ptr<stream_type_audio<>>(const tStreamAudioFormat&) instead!")
208 {
209  auto oCreatedType =
210  ucom::ant::make_object_ptr<adtf::streaming::ant::cStreamType>(adtf::streaming::ant::stream_meta_type_audio());
211  THROW_IF_FAILED(set_stream_type_audio_format(*oCreatedType, sFormat));
212  return oCreatedType;
213 }
215 } //namespace lucky
217 namespace penguin
218 {
226 template<typename T = lucky::tStreamAudioFormat>
228 {
229  static_assert(std::is_same_v<lucky::tStreamAudioFormat, T>,
230  "Currently only T=lucky::tStreamAudioFormat is possible."
231  "To support your own type you need to specialize this template stream_type_audio<T>");
233 public:
236  {
237  }
238  stream_type_audio(const T& sAudioFormat):
240  {
242  }
243 };
244 } // namespace penguin
253 }
254 }
Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.
#define ADTF3_DEPRECATED(_depr_message_)
Mark a function or variable as deprecated.
char tChar
The tChar defines the type for platform character set (platform and compiler dependent type).
Return status ERR_NOERROR, which requires the calling function's return type to be tResult.
#define RETURN_ERROR(code)
Return specific error code, which requires the calling function's return type to be tResult.
Defines access methods for the interface of a Stream Type - see also Stream Type and Stream Meta Type...
virtual tResult GetMetaTypeName(base::ant::IString &&strTypeName) const =0
Get the meta type name of this instance.
Default StreamType implementation.
Definition: streamtype.h:282
Generator template to create an instance of a ant::IStreamType class for ant::stream_meta_type_audio ...
Base object pointer to realize binary compatible reference counting in interface methods.
string_base< cStackString > cString
cString implementation for a stack string which works on stack if string is lower than A_UTILS_DEFAUL...
Definition: string.h:2778
ucom::ant::object_ptr< ant::IStreamType > create_adtf_audio_stream_type()
Convinience functionality to create a stream type audio - see Stream Meta Type "adtf/audio".
tResult set_stream_type_audio_format(IStreamType &oType, const tStreamAudioFormat &sFormat)
sets the audio format properties within the stream type if meta type "adtf/audio" is set
bool operator==(const tStreamAudioFormat &oLeft, const tStreamAudioFormat &oRight)
is equal operator to compare tStreamAudioFormat
bool operator!=(const tStreamAudioFormat &oLeft, const tStreamAudioFormat &oRight)
is not equal operator to compare tStreamAudioFormat
tResult get_stream_type_audio_format(tStreamAudioFormat &sFormat, const IStreamType &oType)
retrievs the audio format from the properties of the stream type if meta type "adtf/audio" is set.
ant::object_ptr< T > object_ptr
Alias always bringing the latest version of ant::object_ptr into scope.
Definition: object_ptr.h:413
Namespace for entire ADTF SDK.
Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.
Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.
Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.
#define adtf_string_intf(__string__)
The adtf_string_intf Macro helps to easily create a rvalue reference of a adtf::util::cString.
Definition: string_intf.h:371
Use this Stream Meta Type for describing a audio stream with samples and sample rate.
static void SetProperties(const adtf::ucom::iobject_ptr< adtf::base::IProperties > &pProperties)
Sets the default properties to the given pProperties.
static constexpr const tChar *const FormatName
Name for the Property of the format name.
static constexpr const tChar *const MetaTypeName
StreamMetaTypeName for audiotype (audio stream).
static constexpr const tChar *const ChannelCount
Name for the Property for the amount of channels.
static constexpr const tChar *const BitsPerSample
Name for the Property for number of bits per sample.
static constexpr const tChar *const SampleCount
Name for the Property for number of samples.
static constexpr const tChar *const SampleRateHz
Name for the Property for the sample rate in hz.
unsigned int m_ui32BitsPerSample
bits per audio sample
unsigned int m_ui32SampleCount
audio sample count
unsigned int m_ui32SampleRateHz
audio sample rate in Hz
adtf_util::cString m_strFormatName
choose a format name.
#define THROW_IF_FAILED(s)
throws if the expression returns a failed tResult