ADTF  3.18.4
testbench.h File Reference

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH. More...

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struct  tTestDoc
 This structure defines a test case. More...
struct  tTestGroupDoc
 This structure defines a group of test cases. More...
class  ITester
 This class is the base class of all test cases. More...
class  ITestReportOutputter
 This interface has to be implemented by the test report class. More...
class  ITestBench
 This interface has to be implemented by the main test program. More...


typedef void tTestResult
 Result type of test methods.


ITestBench__get_testbench ()
 This function will return the pointer to the currently active test bench.
tInt RunTestBench (tInt argc=0, const tChar *argv[]=nullptr, ITestReportOutputter *pConsoleOutputter=nullptr, tInt nConsoleOutputterFlags=0, ITestReportOutputter *pFileOutputter=nullptr, tInt nFileOutputterFlags=0)
 This function will perform all tests defined in the module. More...
tVoid OutputDebugStringWrapper (const tChar *strMessage)
 This function creates a debug message. More...

Detailed Description

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.

All rights reserved

Definition in file testbench.h.

Function Documentation

◆ OutputDebugStringWrapper()

tVoid OutputDebugStringWrapper ( const tChar strMessage)

This function creates a debug message.

This works just on Windows platforms
[in]strMessageThe debug message

◆ RunTestBench()

tInt RunTestBench ( tInt  argc = 0,
const tChar argv[] = nullptr,
ITestReportOutputter pConsoleOutputter = nullptr,
tInt  nConsoleOutputterFlags = 0,
ITestReportOutputter pFileOutputter = nullptr,
tInt  nFileOutputterFlags = 0 

This function will perform all tests defined in the module.

[in]argcThe size of the argv array. (optional)
[in]argvThe array of commandline parameters. (optional)
[in]pConsoleOutputterThe registered console outputter (optional)
[in]nConsoleOutputterFlagsThe flags of the registered console outputter (optional)
[in]pFileOutputterThe registered file outputter (optional)
[in]nFileOutputterFlagsThe flags of the registered file outputter (optional)
0 if success, otherwise -1