The ADTF Status Monitor

This guide covers the ADTF Status Monitor UI tool. After reading this guide, you will know:

Getting help

Although the ADTF Status Monitor is a GUI application it still has some command line arguments.
Type: adtf_statusmonitor.exe --help into a console to get the list of the supported commandline arguments:

What it does

The ADTF Status Monitor extracts some information like CPU and Memory consumption from a running ADTF Session and displays it. The information is retrieved by connecting to the running ADTF Session using RPC. The information is updated repeatedly using a defined update intervall (see Getting help).

You can either start the ADTF Session to connect to before or after starting the Status Monitor.

Display information about a running Session

To display some information about a running Session just start the ADTF Status Monitor. If the argument --url is not provided the default URL http://localhost:8000 will be used.

The ADTF Status Monitor can be launched by starting its executable.

The appearing window should look like this. The image shows the first tab System Info. To get more detailed information about the shown information hover over the first column containing the infos name (e.g. CPU).

The tab System Info of the Status Monitor

In the following image the tab kernel objects is displayed. It shows a list of all used kernel objects within the connected ADTF Session. Kernel objects are threads or timer.

The tab Kernel Objects of the Status Monitor

Where to go next?

You don't have a Logging Service or a console ? No problem, you can attach to your ADTF System with the standalone ADTF Log View Tool.