canfd_types.h File Reference

Copyright 2024 CARIAD SE. More...

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struct  tValueInfo
struct  tSignalInfo
 The tSignalInfo structure Stores the signal information within an CANFD-Message. More...
struct  tSignalValue
struct  tMessageInfo
struct  tCANFDData
 The CAN FD data structure is used by CAN FD MediaSamples. More...
struct  tCANFDData::tMessageHeader
 CAN FD message header structure. More...
struct  tCANFDData::tData
 CAN FD message data structure. More...
struct  tCANFDData::tStatus
 CAN FD bus status structure. More...
struct  tDataBuffer
 General purpose data buffer information. More...
union  uValueType
 General purpose union to keep a different value type. More...
struct  tEcuInfo
 Structure which contain ECU information. More...
struct  tCompuScale
 This struct represents one of a set of computation rules which map a raw value onto a physical value and/or named states. More...
union  tCompuScale::uCompuType
struct  tCompuScale::uCompuType::tLinear
struct  tCompuScale::uCompuType::tTextConstant
struct  tSignalInfo
 Signal info structure which contains all signal information. More...
struct  tSignalValue
 Signal value structure which keeps one signal specific value. More...
union  tSignalValue::uData
struct  tPduSignalInfo
 PDU Signal structure. More...
struct  tCanFdTransformation
 Special transformations which must be applied to reconstruct nested payloads. More...
struct  tCanFdTransformation::tE2E
struct  tCanFdTransformation::tMultiplexed
struct  tCanFdTransformation::tFragmented
struct  tCanFdTransformation::tContainerWithOffset
struct  tCanFdTransformation::tContainerWithHeader
union  tCanFdTransformation::uDetails
struct  tPduInfo
 Message/PDU structure which contain all information about one specific message. More...
struct  tFrameInfo
 Frame structure which encapsulates one or more PDUs including its specific information. More...
struct  tContainedPduHeader
 Header struct for tContainedPduInfo, which contains the Container HeaderType and the headerID. More...
struct  tContainedPduInfo
 Contains infos about the containedPdu like PduCollectionSemantics and the header. More...


 ADTF - Namespace.
 Devicetoolbox - Namespace.
 Namespace for SDK of ADTF-Devicetoolbox.
 Namespace for CAN FD in ADTF-Devicetoolbox.
 Namespace for functionality provided by V3.0.0.
 Namespace for functionality provided by V3.8.0.
 Namespace for functionality provided by V3.9.0.


using tChannelID = uint8_t
using tSignalID = uint32_t
using tMessageID = uint32_t
using tNetworkNodeID = uint32_t
using tChannelID = uint8_t
using tSignalID = uint32_t
using tMessageID = uint32_t
using tPDUID = uint32_t
using tFrameID = uint32_t
using tCANFDData = axle::tCANFDData
 The CAN FD data structure is used by CAN FD MediaSamples. More...
using tChannelID = ignition::tChannelID
using tSignalID = ignition::tSignalID
using tMessageID = ignition::tMessageID
using tPDUID = ignition::tPDUID
using tFrameID = ignition::tFrameID
using eSignalType = ignition::eSignalType
using tSignalRawDataType = ignition::tSignalRawDataType
 Signal raw data type which is transfered over the wire. More...
using tDataBuffer = ignition::tDataBuffer
 General purpose data buffer information. More...
using uValueType = ignition::uValueType
 General purpose union to keep a different value type. More...
using tEcuInfo = ignition::tEcuInfo
 Structure which contain ECU information. More...
using tCompuScale = ignition::tCompuScale
 This struct represents one of a set of computation rules which map a raw value onto a physical value and/or named states. More...
using tSignalInfo = ignition::tSignalInfo
 Signal info structure which contains all signal information. More...
using tSignalValue = ignition::tSignalValue
 Signal value structure which keeps one signal specific value. More...
using tPduSignalInfo = ignition::tPduSignalInfo
 PDU Signal structure. More...
using tPduInfo = ignition::tPduInfo
 Message/PDU structure which contain all information about one specific message. More...
using tFrameInfo = ignition::tFrameInfo
 Frame structure which encapsulates one or more PDUs including its specific information. More...
using tCanFdTransformation = ignition::tCanFdTransformation
 Special transformations which must be applied to reconstruct nested payloads. More...
using tContainedPduInfo = jack::tContainedPduInfo
 Contains infos about the containedPdu like PduCollectionSemantics and the header. More...
using tContainedPduHeader = jack::tContainedPduHeader
 Header struct for tContainedPduInfo, which contains the Container HeaderType and the headerID. More...


enum  tSignalRawDataType {
enum class  eSignalType : uint8_t { CANFD_SIGNAL_TYPE_INVALID = 0 , CANFD_SIGNAL_TYPE_NORMAL = 1 }
 Signal type which identifies whether the signal is something specific.
enum class  tSignalRawDataType : uint8_t { DT_CANFD_UNKNOWN = 0 , DT_CANFD_UNSIGNED = 1 , DT_CANFD_SIGNED = 2 , DT_CANFD_IEEE_754 = 3 }
 Signal raw data type which is transfered over the wire.


static constexpr const uint8_t CANFD_CHANNEL_MIN = 1
static constexpr const uint8_t CANFD_CHANNEL_MAX = 16
static constexpr const uint32_t CANFD_MSGID_STANDARD_MAX = 0x7FF
static constexpr const uint32_t CANFD_MSGID_EXTENDED_MAX = 0x1FFFFFFF
static constexpr const uint8_t INVALID_CHANNEL_ID = 0xFF
static constexpr const uint32_t INVALID_SIGNAL_ID = 0xFFFFFFFF
static constexpr const uint32_t INVALID_MESSAGE_ID = 0xFFFFFFFF
static constexpr const uint32_t CANFD_SIGNALID_HEADER_TAG = 0x10000000
static constexpr const uint32_t CANFD_SIGNALID_HEADER_CHANNEL = 0x10000001
static constexpr const uint32_t CANFD_SIGNALID_HEADER_HWTIME = 0x10000002
static constexpr const uint8_t CANFD_CHANNEL_MIN = 1
static constexpr const uint8_t CANFD_CHANNEL_MAX = 16
static constexpr const uint32_t CANFD_MSGID_STANDARD_MAX = 0x7FF
static constexpr const uint32_t CANFD_MSGID_EXTENDED_MAX = 0x1FFFFFFF
static constexpr const uint8_t INVALID_CHANNEL_ID = 0xFF
static constexpr const uint32_t INVALID_SIGNAL_ID = 0xFFFFFFFF
static constexpr const uint32_t INVALID_MESSAGE_ID = 0xFFFFFFFF
static constexpr const uint32_t CANFD_SIGNALID_HEADER_TAG = 0x10000000
static constexpr const uint32_t CANFD_SIGNALID_HEADER_CHANNEL = 0x10000001
static constexpr const uint32_t CANFD_SIGNALID_HEADER_HWTIME = 0x10000002
static constexpr const uint8_t CANFD_CHANNEL_MIN = 0

Detailed Description

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Definition in file canfd_types.h.