stream_meta_type_flexray_properties.h File Reference

Copyright 2024 CARIAD SE. More...

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struct  stream_meta_type_flexray_properties
 Definition of Stream Meta Type FlexRay Messages. More...


 ADTF - Namespace.
 Devicetoolbox - Namespace.
 Namespace for SDK of ADTF-Devicetoolbox.
 Namespace for FlexRay in ADTF-Devicetoolbox.
 Namespace for functionality provided by V3.0.0.


 This Macro defines the description of a adtf::devicetb::sdk::flexray::axle::tFlexRayData structure used within FLEXRAY MediaSamples of type OID_ADTF_MEDIA_SAMPLE_FLEXRAY used for ADTF_MEDIA_DESC_FLEXRAYDATA_DESCRIPTION in Version 1.0+. More...


using stream_meta_type_flexray_properties = axle::stream_meta_type_flexray_properties
 Definition of Stream Meta Type FlexRay Messages. More...

Detailed Description

Copyright 2024 CARIAD SE.

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Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
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Definition in file stream_meta_type_flexray_properties.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\" standalone=\"no\"?>"\
"<adtf:ddl xmlns:adtf=\"adtf\">"\
"<struct name=\"" ADTF_MEDIA_DESC_FLEXRAYDATA_NAME "\" alignment=\"1\" version=\"1\">" \
"<element type=\"tUInt16\" name=\"nSize\" bytepos=\"0\" arraysize=\"1\" byteorder=\"LE\" alignment=\"1\"/>" \
"<element type=\"tFR_TAG\" name=\"nTag\" bytepos=\"2\" arraysize=\"1\" byteorder=\"LE\" alignment=\"1\"/>" \
"<element type=\"tUInt8\" name=\"nReserved\" bytepos=\"3\" arraysize=\"1\" byteorder=\"LE\" alignment=\"1\"/>" \
"<element type=\"tUInt64\" name=\"nTimeStamp\" bytepos=\"4\" arraysize=\"1\" byteorder=\"LE\" alignment=\"1\"/>" \

This Macro defines the description of a adtf::devicetb::sdk::flexray::axle::tFlexRayData structure used within FLEXRAY MediaSamples of type OID_ADTF_MEDIA_SAMPLE_FLEXRAY used for ADTF_MEDIA_DESC_FLEXRAYDATA_DESCRIPTION in Version 1.0+.

Definition at line 61 of file stream_meta_type_flexray_properties.h.


"<enums>" \
"<enum name=\"tFR_TAG\" type=\"tUInt8\">"\
"<element name=\"FR_TAG_CYCLESTART\" value=\"1\" />"\
"<element name=\"FR_TAG_FRAME\" value=\"2\" />"\
"<element name=\"FR_TAG_INVALID\" value=\"0\" />"\
"<element name=\"FR_TAG_PDU\" value=\"3\" />"\
"<element name=\"FR_TAG_SYNC\" value=\"4\" />"\

Definition at line 46 of file stream_meta_type_flexray_properties.h.