stream_meta_type_someip_properties.h File Reference

Copyright 2024 CARIAD SE. More...

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struct  stream_meta_type_someip_properties
 Definition of Stream Meta Type for SOME/IP. More...


 ADTF - Namespace.
 Devicetoolbox - Namespace.
 Namespace for SDK of ADTF-Devicetoolbox.
 Namespace for SOME/IP in ADTF-Devicetoolbox.
 Namespace for functionality provided by V3.1.0.


using stream_meta_type_someip_properties = brake::stream_meta_type_someip_properties
 Definition of Stream Meta Type for SOME/IP. More...


constexpr char ADTF_MEDIA_DESC_SOMEIP_DDL []

Detailed Description

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Definition in file stream_meta_type_someip_properties.h.