adtf::devicetb::sdk::someip Namespace Reference

Namespace for SOME/IP in ADTF-Devicetoolbox. More...


 Namespace for functionality provided by V3.1.0.
 Namespace for functionality provided by V3.7.0.
 Namespace for functionality provided by V3.10.0.


using tEthernetSampleHeader = brake::tEthernetSampleHeader
 This struct describes the Ethernet sample header which is placed in the beginning of every Ethernet sample's buffer. More...
using ISomeIpDecoder = key::ISomeIpDecoder
 The ISomeIpCoder interface provides convenient access to the contents of a SOME/IP sample. More...
using ISomeIpDatabase = key::ISomeIpDatabase
 The ISomeIpDatabase interface provides access to SOME/IP specific information contained in a database file such as FIBEX or ARXML. More...
using ISomeIpService = hood::ISomeIpService
 The ISomeIpService interface provides access to SOME/IP-specific ADTF components. More...
using tMessageType = brake::tMessageType
 The message types as defined by the SOME/IP spec. More...
using tReturnCode = brake::tReturnCode
 Return codes as defined by the SOME/IP spec. More...
using tSomeIpSampleHeader = hood::tSomeIpSampleHeader
 This struct describes the SOME/IP sample header which is placed in the beginning of every SOME/IP sample's buffer. More...
using tSomeIpMessageHeader = hood::tSomeIpMessageHeader
 This struct represents the payload header of one SOME/IP (alike) message as defined by the SOME/IP spec. More...
using tSomeIpTpHeader = hood::tSomeIpTpHeader
 This struct represents the next 4 payload bytes of a SOME/IP-TP message. More...
using tSomeIpSerializationInfo = hood::tSomeIpSerializationInfo
 Serialization instructions covering SOME/IP standard. More...
using tSomeIpTransformation = hood::tSomeIpTransformation
 Special transformations which must be applied to reconstruct nested payloads. More...
using tSomeIpSessionHeader = hood::tSomeIpSessionHeader
 This struct represents the first 8 payload bytes of a standard SOME/IP request. More...
using tCompuScale = hood::tCompuScale
 This struct represents one of a set of computation rules which map a raw value onto a physical value and/or named states. More...
using tDataConstraint = hood::tDataConstraint
 This struct represents the limits of a value. More...
using tSomeIpMessageInfo = hood::tSomeIpMessageInfo
 This struct describes the actual payload which is encapsulated in either ethernet frame or result of unpacking a different playload. More...
using tClusterInfo = hood::tClusterInfo
 This struct contains the data of one cluster. More...
using stream_meta_type_ethernet = brake::stream_meta_type_ethernet
 Definition of Stream Meta Type for ethernet samples. More...
using stream_meta_type_ethernet_properties = brake::stream_meta_type_ethernet_properties
 Definition of Stream Meta Type for ethernet samples. More...
using stream_meta_type_someip = brake::stream_meta_type_someip
 Definition of Stream Meta Type for SOME/IP. More...
using stream_meta_type_someip_properties = brake::stream_meta_type_someip_properties
 Definition of Stream Meta Type for SOME/IP. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for SOME/IP in ADTF-Devicetoolbox.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ISomeIpDatabase

The ISomeIpDatabase interface provides access to SOME/IP specific information contained in a database file such as FIBEX or ARXML.

Definition at line 219 of file someip_database_intf.h.

◆ ISomeIpDecoder

The ISomeIpCoder interface provides convenient access to the contents of a SOME/IP sample.

This includes the sample header and the individual pdu payload.

Definition at line 162 of file someip_coder_intf.h.

◆ ISomeIpService

The ISomeIpService interface provides access to SOME/IP-specific ADTF components.

Definition at line 80 of file someip_support_srv_intf.h.

◆ stream_meta_type_ethernet

Definition of Stream Meta Type for ethernet samples.

Compatible with adtf::devicetb::sdk::someip::tEthernetSampleHeader

Definition at line 62 of file stream_meta_type_raw_ethernet.h.

◆ stream_meta_type_ethernet_properties

◆ stream_meta_type_someip

Definition of Stream Meta Type for SOME/IP.

Compatible with adtf::devicetb::sdk::someip::tSomeIpSampleHeader

Definition at line 83 of file stream_meta_type_someip.h.

◆ stream_meta_type_someip_properties

◆ tClusterInfo

This struct contains the data of one cluster.

Definition at line 694 of file someip_types.h.

◆ tCompuScale

This struct represents one of a set of computation rules which map a raw value onto a physical value and/or named states.

Definition at line 688 of file someip_types.h.

◆ tDataConstraint

This struct represents the limits of a value.

Definition at line 690 of file someip_types.h.

◆ tEthernetSampleHeader

This struct describes the Ethernet sample header which is placed in the beginning of every Ethernet sample's buffer.

See adtf::devicetb::sdk::someip::stream_meta_type_ethernet for the corresponding stream type.

Definition at line 87 of file raw_ethernet_types.h.

◆ tMessageType

The message types as defined by the SOME/IP spec.


Definition at line 156 of file someip_types.h.

◆ tReturnCode

Return codes as defined by the SOME/IP spec.

[TR_SOMEIP_00191] This is a non-scoped enum to allow for initialization with user-defined values without the need to static_cast.

Definition at line 158 of file someip_types.h.

◆ tSomeIpMessageHeader

This struct represents the payload header of one SOME/IP (alike) message as defined by the SOME/IP spec.

[TR_SOMEIP_00031] In a pure Some/IP message, this is now followed by tSomeIpSessionHeader, and the PDU payload. With Autosar extensions, other headers may immediately follow this header instead, and tSomeIpSessionHeader may not be part of the PDU at all.

Definition at line 678 of file someip_types.h.

◆ tSomeIpMessageInfo

This struct describes the actual payload which is encapsulated in either ethernet frame or result of unpacking a different playload.

Corresponds to IPdu in Autosar. connector -> message

Definition at line 692 of file someip_types.h.

◆ tSomeIpSampleHeader

This struct describes the SOME/IP sample header which is placed in the beginning of every SOME/IP sample's buffer.

It contains mainly network-specific information such as source and destination endpoints which is otherwise not part a SOME/IP message.

Definition at line 676 of file someip_types.h.

◆ tSomeIpSerializationInfo

Serialization instructions covering SOME/IP standard.

Extended with bit-packed signals as well as TLV for adaptive extensions from Autosar.

Definition at line 682 of file someip_types.h.

◆ tSomeIpSessionHeader

This struct represents the first 8 payload bytes of a standard SOME/IP request.

For SOME/IP, this will be at the start of the payload, directly after tSomeIpMessageHeader. With Autosar E2E or SOME/IP-TP extensions, other headers may follow this header.

Definition at line 686 of file someip_types.h.

◆ tSomeIpTpHeader

This struct represents the next 4 payload bytes of a SOME/IP-TP message.

This will be always directly after tSomeIpSessionHeader for a message with tMessageType::MT_TP_REQUEST flag.

Definition at line 680 of file someip_types.h.

◆ tSomeIpTransformation

Special transformations which must be applied to reconstruct nested payloads.

Definition at line 684 of file someip_types.h.