
This struct describes the actual payload which is encapsulated in either ethernet frame or result of unpacking a different playload. More...

Public Attributes

uint32_t nMessageId = 0
const char * pstrName = nullptr
const char * pstrPath = nullptr
uint64_t nMessageSizeInBit = 0
uint8_t nDefaultLengthBytes = 0
const tSomeIpTransformationpTransformationChain = nullptr
size_t nTransformationChainLength = 0
const tSomeIpSerializationInfopMembers = nullptr
size_t nMemberCount = 0

Detailed Description

This struct describes the actual payload which is encapsulated in either ethernet frame or result of unpacking a different playload.

Corresponds to IPdu in Autosar. connector -> message

Definition at line 533 of file someip_types.h.