
Public Attributes

tSignalID nSignalID
 Signal ID.
tMessageID nMessageId
 CAN message id.
bool bCANExtended
 CAN extended id.
const char * strSignalName
 Name of CAN signal.
const char * strUnit
 Unit of CAN signal.
const char * strDescription
 Description of CAN signal.
uint8_t nSignalType
 see eSignalType
uint8_t nStartbit
 Startbit of CAN signal.
uint8_t nBitlen
 Bit length of CAN signal.
uint8_t nType
 is type IEEE Float or IEEE Double (see tSignalRawDataType)
bool bByteOrderMotorola
 Byte order of signal is motorola.
bool bSigned
 Indicates if signal is signed value or not.
tSignalID nMultiplexorSignalID
 Signal ID of multiplexor.
int32_t nRequiredMultiplexorValue
 Required multiplexor value for this signal to be valid.
uint64_t nDefaultRawValue
 Represents the GenSigInactiveValue.
uint64_t nStartRawValue
 Represents the GenSigStartValue.
double f64Factor
 Scale factor of CAN signal.
double f64Offset
 Offset value of CAN signal.
double f64Min
 Minimum value of range of CAN signal.
double f64Max
 Maximum value of range of CAN signal.
uint32_t nValueTableSize
 Size of value table array (0 if no table is defined)
 Pointer to sorted value table array.
uint64_t nReserved2

Detailed Description

Definition at line 95 of file can_types.h.