
Image and bitmap handling. More...

Inheritance diagram for IImage:

Public Types

enum  tPixelFormat {
  PF_UNKNOWN = 0 , PF_8BIT = 10 , PF_GREYSCALE_8 = 11 , PF_RGB_8 = 12 ,
  PF_16BIT = 20 , PF_GREYSCALE_10 = 21 , PF_GREYSCALE_12 = 22 , PF_GREYSCALE_14 = 23 ,
  PF_GREYSCALE_16 = 24 , PF_RGB_444 = 25 , PF_RGB_555 = 26 , PF_RGB_565 = 27 ,
  PF_RGBA_4444 = 28 , PF_ABGR_4444 = 29 , PF_RIII_10 = 30 , PF_RIII_12 = 31 ,
  PF_RIII_14 = 32 , PF_RIII_16 = 33 , PF_BGR_555 = 34 , PF_BGR_565 = 35 ,
  PF_24BIT = 40 , PF_GREYSCALE_18 = 41 , PF_GREYSCALE_20 = 42 , PF_GREYSCALE_22 = 43 ,
  PF_GREYSCALE_24 = 44 , PF_RGB_888 = 45 , PF_BGR_888 = 46 , PF_32BIT = 50 ,
  PF_ARGB_8888 = 51 , PF_ABGR_8888 = 52 , PF_RGBA_8888 = 53 , PF_BGRA_8888 = 54 ,
  PF_GREYSCALE_32 = 55 , PF_GREYSCALE_FLOAT32 = 56 , PF_YUV420P_888 = 60 , PF_CUSTOM = 1000
 The enum ePixelFormat specifies some common pixel formats, that is, descriptions of a byte to color mapping. More...
enum  tLoadFlags { LF_SWAP_RGB = 0x0001 , LF_FLIP_VERTICAL = 0x0002 }
 The enum tLoadFlags specifies options available for image transformation. More...
enum  tBlitFlags { BLIT_VerticalFlip = 0x01 , BLIT_DontStretch = 0x02 }
 This enumeration is used for the Blit function. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual tVoid Destroy ()=0
 Destroy the instance.
virtual tInt GetPixelFormat () const =0
 Returns the pixel format. More...
virtual tInt GetWidth () const =0
 Returns the width of the image. More...
virtual tInt GetHeight () const =0
 Returns the height of the image. More...
virtual tInt GetBitsPerPixel () const =0
 Returns the bits per pixel of the image. More...
virtual tInt GetBytesPerLine () const =0
 Returns the bytes per line of the image. More...
virtual tInt GetSize () const =0
 Returns the size of the image in bytes. More...
virtual tFloat64 GetRatio () const =0
 Returns the aspect ratio of the image. More...
virtual const tBitmapFormatGetFormat () const =0
 Returns the current bitmap format of the image. More...
virtual tWin32BitmapInfoGetBitmapInfo ()=0
 Generates a Win32 image descriptor. More...
virtual tColor * GetPalette () const =0
 Returns the color palette. More...
virtual tInt GetPaletteSize () const =0
 Returns the color palette size. More...
virtual tColor GetPaletteEntry (tInt nIdx) const =0
 Returns a color palette entry. More...
virtual tUInt8 * GetBitmap () const =0
 Returns a pointer to the raw data. More...
virtual tUInt8 * GetBitmapLine (tInt nY) const =0
 Returns a pointer to raw data of a line. More...
virtual tResult GetBits (tUInt8 *pDestBitmapData, const tBitmapFormat *psDestBitmapFormat, tInt nFlags=0)=0
 Retrieves the image's bitmap data. More...

Detailed Description

Image and bitmap handling.

The Image class encapsulates basic image handling methods.

Definition at line 28 of file image_intf.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ tBlitFlags

enum tBlitFlags

This enumeration is used for the Blit function.

It specifies additional operations to perform during blit

See also

Blit with vertical flip.


Blit with no stretch and keep width-height-relation of image.

Definition at line 159 of file image_intf.h.

◆ tLoadFlags

enum tLoadFlags

The enum tLoadFlags specifies options available for image transformation.


this flag is ignored, since it is not longer needed


perform a vertical flip

Definition at line 148 of file image_intf.h.

◆ tPixelFormat

The enum ePixelFormat specifies some common pixel formats, that is, descriptions of a byte to color mapping.

Most functions of IImage rely on the pixelformat for pixelconversions and access. Some need a special pixelformat in order to work correctly. Please refer to the documentation of the individual member functions.

Important: You have to know the tPixelformat flips intern the red and blue value of the tPixelformat.
This is because of Little-Endian, so a RGB is intern saved as BGR (Alpha-Channel is seperated).
This is just neccessary if you use methods with tUInt32 as RGBA value.
In the default settings, ADTF uses tPixelformat PF_BGRA_8888 so you can define your color (tUInt32) as RGBA-Type with Byte0=Red, Byte1=Green, Byte2=Blue and Byte3=Alpha_Channel.

Examples for color BlueViolet with RGB(138,43,226) or 0x8A2BE2 (=9055202 dec)

(1) cColor(138, 43, 226) // with default PF_BGRA_8888
(2) cColor::SetRGBA(cColor(138, 43, 226).GetRGBA()) // with default PF_BGRA_8888
(3) cColor::SetRGBA(9055202) // with default PF_BGRA_8888
(4) cColor::SetRGBA(9055202, PF_BGRA_8888)
(5) cColor::SetRGBA(14822282, PF_RGBA_8888)


unknown / not set


8 bit


8 bit greyscale - default format for 8 bpp


8 bit RGB (R: 3 bit, G: 3 bit, B: 2 Bit) - palletized 8 bpp format


16 bit This definition is a placeholder a 16 Bit format, bitorder is undefined.


10 bit greyscale To setup Format use tBitmapFormat::nBitsPerPixel = 16 ! the most significant (upper) bits are valid (11111111 11000000) A_UTILS convert just 8bit greyscales to display this format


12 bit greyscale To setup Format use tBitmapFormat::nBitsPerPixel = 16 ! the most significant (upper) bits are valid (11111111 11110000) A_UTILS convert just 8bit greyscales to display this format


14 bit greyscale To setup Format use tBitmapFormat::nBitsPerPixel = 16 ! the most significant (upper) bits are valid (11111111 11111100) A_UTILS convert just 8bit greyscales to display this format


16 bit greyscale


12 bit RGB (R: 4 bit, G: 4 bit, B: 4 bit)


15 bit RGB (R: 5 bit, G: 5 bit, B: 5 bit) - default format for 16 bpp


16 bit RGB (R: 5 bit, G: 6 bit, B: 5 bit)


16 bit RGBA (R: 4 bit, G: 4 bit, B: 4 bit, A: 4 bit) with alpha value


16 bit ABGR (A: 4 bit, B: 4 bit, G: 4 bit, R: 4 bit) with alpha value - inverted RGBA


24 bit This definition is a placeholder a 24 Bit format, bitorder is undefined.


24 bit greyscale


24 bit RGB (R: 8 bit, G: 8 bit, B: 8 bit) - default format for 24 bpp


24 bit BGR (B: 8 bit, G: 8 bit, R: 8 bit) - inverted RGB


32 bit This definition is a placeholder a 32 Bit format, bitorder is undefined.


32 bit ARGB (A: 8 bit, R: 8 bit, G: 8 bit, B: 8 bit) with alpha value


32 bit ABGR (A: 8 bit, B: 8 bit, G: 8 bit, R: 8 bit) with alpha value - inverted RGBA


32 bit RGBA (R: 8 bit, G: 8 bit, B: 8 bit, A: 8 bit) with alpha value - default format for 32 bpp


32 bit BGRA (B: 8 bit, G: 8 bit, R: 8 bit, A: 8 bit) with alpha value - inverted RGB + A


32 bit greyscale


32 bit greyscale float value


24 bit YUV (Y: 8 bit, U: 8 bit, V: 8 bit) - Y = luminance, U+V = chrominance If using this format in the VideoDisplay a conversion to RBG will be done.

This is not very performant!



Definition at line 54 of file image_intf.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetBitmap()

virtual tUInt8* GetBitmap ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns a pointer to the raw data.

Return values
tUInt8*pointer to the raw data.
NULLimage is not initialised.

Implemented in cImage.

◆ GetBitmapInfo()

virtual tWin32BitmapInfo* GetBitmapInfo ( )
pure virtual

Generates a Win32 image descriptor.

The GetBitmapInfo method generates a Win32 image descriptor structure.

Returns a pointer to the Win32 image descriptor structure.

Implemented in cImage.

◆ GetBitmapLine()

virtual tUInt8* GetBitmapLine ( tInt  nY) const
pure virtual

Returns a pointer to raw data of a line.

Get the specified line of the bitmap. Use this function rather than calculating the line yourself, since the actual linewidth might vary due to stuffing bytes!

nY[in] The line number, starting at 0.
Return values
tUInt8*pointer to raw data of a line
NULLif index is out of bounds

Implemented in cImage.

◆ GetBits()

virtual tResult GetBits ( tUInt8 *  pDestBitmapData,
const tBitmapFormat psDestBitmapFormat,
tInt  nFlags = 0 
pure virtual

Retrieves the image's bitmap data.

The GetBits method retrieves the image's bitmap data.

pDestBitmapData[in] Specifies the destination bitmap data.
psDestBitmapFormat[in] Specifies the destination bitmap format.
nFlags[in] Flags, see cImage::tBlitFlags
Return values
ERR_NOERRORall went well.
ERR_POINTERoSrcBitmapData or pSrcBitmapFormat is NULL

Implemented in cImage.

◆ GetBitsPerPixel()

virtual tInt GetBitsPerPixel ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the bits per pixel of the image.

The bits per pixel of the image.

Implemented in cImage.

◆ GetBytesPerLine()

virtual tInt GetBytesPerLine ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the bytes per line of the image.

Since the actual linewidth may be bigger than the with of the image * bytesperpixel, use this function to retrieve the actual line width including stuffing bytes

The bytes per line of the image.

Implemented in cImage.

◆ GetFormat()

virtual const tBitmapFormat* GetFormat ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the current bitmap format of the image.

See also
Pointer to the current bitmap format of the image.

Implemented in cImage.

◆ GetHeight()

virtual tInt GetHeight ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the height of the image.

The height of the image.

Implemented in cImage.

◆ GetPalette()

virtual tColor* GetPalette ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the color palette.

The color palette.

Implemented in cImage.

◆ GetPaletteEntry()

virtual tColor GetPaletteEntry ( tInt  nIdx) const
pure virtual

Returns a color palette entry.

nIdx[in] The index of the entry, starting at 0.
The color palette entry.

Implemented in cImage.

◆ GetPaletteSize()

virtual tInt GetPaletteSize ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the color palette size.

The color palette size.

Implemented in cImage.

◆ GetPixelFormat()

virtual tInt GetPixelFormat ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the pixel format.

The pixel format, see tPixelFormat.

Implemented in cImage.

◆ GetRatio()

virtual tFloat64 GetRatio ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the aspect ratio of the image.

The aspect ratio of the image.

Implemented in cImage.

◆ GetSize()

virtual tInt GetSize ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the size of the image in bytes.

The size of the image in bytes. My be bigger than w*h*(bpp/8) due to stuffing bytes

Implemented in cImage.

◆ GetWidth()

virtual tInt GetWidth ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the width of the image.

The width of the image.

Implemented in cImage.