
User interface event handler for all displays within the adtf. More...

Public Types

enum  tControlEventCode {
  EC_MouseLDown = 1 , EC_MouseLUp = 2 , EC_MouseLDblClk = 3 , EC_MouseRDown = 4 ,
  EC_MouseRUp = 5 , EC_MouseRDblClk = 6 , EC_MouseMDown = 7 , EC_MouseMUp = 8 ,
  EC_MouseMDblClk = 9 , EC_MouseMove = 10 , EC_MouseWheel = 11 , EC_KeyDown = 12 ,
  EC_KeyUp = 13 , EC_KeyInput = 14
 The Control Event Code Enumeration for the IUIEventHandler::OnControlEvent method. More...
enum  tMouseState { MS_LeftButtonDown = 0x1 , MS_RightButtonDown = 0x2 , MS_MiddleButtonDown = 0x4 , MS_CtrlKeyDown = 0x8 }
 The MouseStates for the tControlEventCode with Mouse.
enum  tKeyState { KS_CtrlKeyDown = 0x1 , KS_AltKeyDown = 0x2 , KS_ShiftKeyDown = 0x4 }
 The KeyStates for the tControlEventCode with Key.
enum  tKey {
  KEY_ESCAPE = 0x01000000 , KEY_TAB = 0x01000001 , KEY_BACKSPACE = 0x01000003 , KEY_RETURN = 0x01000004 ,
  KEY_INSERT = 0x01000006 , KEY_DELETE = 0x01000007 , KEY_PRINT = 0x01000009 , KEY_HOME = 0x01000010 ,
  KEY_END = 0x01000011 , KEY_LEFT = 0x01000012 , KEY_UP = 0x01000013 , KEY_RIGHT = 0x01000014 ,
  KEY_DOWN = 0x01000015 , KEY_PAGEUP = 0x01000016 , KEY_PAGEDOWN = 0x01000017 , KEY_SPACE = 0x20 ,
  KEY_NUMLOCK = 0x01000025 , KEY_F1 = 0x01000030 , KEY_F2 = 0x01000031 , KEY_F3 = 0x01000032 ,
  KEY_F4 = 0x01000033 , KEY_F5 = 0x01000034 , KEY_F6 = 0x01000035 , KEY_F7 = 0x01000036 ,
  KEY_F8 = 0x01000037 , KEY_F9 = 0x01000038 , KEY_F10 = 0x01000039 , KEY_F11 = 0x0100003a ,
  KEY_F12 = 0x0100003b , KEY_PLUS = 0x2b , KEY_COMMA = 0x2c , KEY_MINUS = 0x2d ,
  KEY_PERIOD = 0x2e , KEY_0 = 0x30 , KEY_1 = 0x31 , KEY_2 = 0x32 ,
  KEY_3 = 0x33 , KEY_4 = 0x34 , KEY_5 = 0x35 , KEY_6 = 0x36 ,
  KEY_7 = 0x37 , KEY_8 = 0x38 , KEY_9 = 0x39 , KEY_A = 0x41 ,
  KEY_B = 0x42 , KEY_C = 0x43 , KEY_D = 0x44 , KEY_E = 0x45 ,
  KEY_F = 0x46 , KEY_G = 0x47 , KEY_H = 0x48 , KEY_I = 0x49 ,
  KEY_J = 0x4a , KEY_K = 0x4b , KEY_L = 0x4c , KEY_M = 0x4d ,
  KEY_N = 0x4e , KEY_O = 0x4f , KEY_P = 0x50 , KEY_Q = 0x51 ,
  KEY_R = 0x52 , KEY_S = 0x53 , KEY_T = 0x54 , KEY_U = 0x55 ,
  KEY_V = 0x56 , KEY_W = 0x57 , KEY_X = 0x58 , KEY_Y = 0x59 ,
  KEY_Z = 0x5a , KEY_SHIFT = 0x01000020 , KEY_CTRL = 0x01000021 , KEY_ALT = 0x01000023
 These are the standard adtf_graphics keys. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual tResult OnCreate (tHandle hCanvas, tInt nLeft, tInt nTop, tInt nRight, tInt nBottom)=0
 On Create display Event Call. More...
virtual tResult OnPaint (tHandle hCanvas, tInt nLeft, tInt nTop, tInt nRight, tInt nBottom)=0
 On Redraw display event. More...
virtual tResult OnSize (tHandle hCanvas, tInt nLeft, tInt nTop, tInt nRight, tInt nBottom)=0
 On Resize display Event. More...
virtual tResult OnIconify (tHandle hCanvas, tBool bIconified)=0
 On Change window iconic state Event. More...
virtual tResult OnTimer (tHandle hCanvas)=0
 On Gui timer callback. More...
virtual tResult OnIdle (tHandle hCanvas)=0
 Gui idle callback. More...
virtual tResult OnDestroy ()=0
 Destroy display. More...
virtual tResult OnControlEvent (tControlEventCode eCode, tInt nParam1=0, tInt nParam2=0, tInt nFlags=0, tVoid *pEventData=nullptr)=0
 Control Event by Key or Mouse Events. More...

Detailed Description

User interface event handler for all displays within the adtf.

Use this interface to implement a GUI event handler.

Definition at line 1220 of file gfxlibinterfaces.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ tControlEventCode

The Control Event Code Enumeration for the IUIEventHandler::OnControlEvent method.


left button down event
nParam1 = x position of mouse event
nParam2 = y position of mouse event
nFlags = see tMouseState


left button up event
nParam1 = x position of mouse event
nParam2 = y position of mouse event
nFlags = see tMouseState


left button double click event
nParam1 = x position of mouse event
nParam2 = y position of mouse event
nFlags = see tMouseState


right button down event
nParam1 = x position of mouse event
nParam2 = y position of mouse event
nFlags = see tMouseState


right button up event
nParam1 = x position of mouse event
nParam2 = y position of mouse event
nFlags = see tMouseState


right button double click event
nParam1 = x position of mouse event
nParam2 = y position of mouse event
nFlags = see tMouseState


middle button down event
nParam1 = x position of mouse event
nParam2 = y position of mouse event
nFlags = see tMouseState


middle button up event
nParam1 = x position of mouse event
nParam2 = y position of mouse event
nFlags = see tMouseState


middle button double click event
nParam1 = x position of mouse event
nParam2 = y position of mouse event
nFlags = see tMouseState


mouse move event
nParam1 = x position of mouse event
nParam2 = y position of mouse event
nFlags = see tMouseState


mouse wheel event
nParam1 = number of steps the wheel is rotated
nParam2 = 0
nFlags = see tMouseState


key down event
nParam1 = see tKey
nParam2 = see tKeyState


key up event
nParam1 = see tKey
nParam2 = see tKeyState


key input event
nParam1 = see tKey
nParam2 = see tKeyState

Definition at line 1226 of file gfxlibinterfaces.h.

◆ tKey

enum tKey

These are the standard adtf_graphics keys.

If you use a different X-WindowManager then a Qt-Application you always need to map to these Keys when supporting the IUIEventHandler !!!!


the escape key.


the tab key.


the backspace key.


the return key.


the insert key.


the delete key.


the print key.


the home key.


the end key.


the left key.


the up key.


the right key.


the down key.


the page-up key.


the page-down key.


the space key.


the numlock key.


the f1 key.


the f2 key.


the f3 key.


the f4 key.


the f5 key.


the f6 key.


the f7 key.


the f8 key.


the f9 key.


the f10 key.


the f11 key.


the f12 key.


the + key.


the , key.


the - key.

Definition at line 1357 of file gfxlibinterfaces.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ OnControlEvent()

virtual tResult OnControlEvent ( tControlEventCode  eCode,
tInt  nParam1 = 0,
tInt  nParam2 = 0,
tInt  nFlags = 0,
tVoid *  pEventData = nullptr 
pure virtual

Control Event by Key or Mouse Events.

[in]eCodeThe Event Code tControlEventCode.
[in]nParam1The Parameter 1 which depends on the eCode.
[in]nParam2The Parameter 2 which depends on the eCode.
[in]nFlagsThe Flags which depends on the eCode.
[in]pEventDataAdditional event data which depends on the eCode.
Returns a standard result code

◆ OnCreate()

virtual tResult OnCreate ( tHandle  hCanvas,
tInt  nLeft,
tInt  nTop,
tInt  nRight,
tInt  nBottom 
pure virtual

On Create display Event Call.

The framework calls this member function when the display filter is initialized and ready to create the graphics device context.

hCanvas[in] Handle to graphics device context. The handle is implementation specific and may not be used for general purpose tasks.
nLeft[in] Specifies the x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the display.
nTop[in] Specifies the y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the display.
nRight[in] Specifies the x-coordinate of the lower right corner of the display.
nBottom[in] Specifies the y-coordinate of the lower right corner of the display.
Returns a standard result code.

◆ OnDestroy()

virtual tResult OnDestroy ( )
pure virtual

Destroy display.

The framework calls this member function when the display is up to be destroyed.

Returns a standard result code.

◆ OnIconify()

virtual tResult OnIconify ( tHandle  hCanvas,
tBool  bIconified 
pure virtual

On Change window iconic state Event.

The framework calls this member function when the display window was minimized or restored after being minimized.

hCanvas[in] Handle to graphics device context. The handle is implementation specific and may not be used for general purpose tasks.
bIconified[in] Specifies if the window is iconified or not.
Returns a standard result code.

◆ OnIdle()

virtual tResult OnIdle ( tHandle  hCanvas)
pure virtual

Gui idle callback.

The framework calls this member function periodically. You can use this idle thread to trigger user interface related functionality within the gui thread context.

hCanvas[in] Handle to graphics device context. The handle is implementation specific and may not be used for general purpose tasks.
Standard result code, only ERR_IDLE_NOWAIT has a meaning
Return values
ERR_IDLE_NOWAITmeans the idle process will called immediately after returning the OnIdle callback and the will called again without waiting for idle time!
be very careful with returning code ERR_IDLE_NOWAIT

◆ OnPaint()

virtual tResult OnPaint ( tHandle  hCanvas,
tInt  nLeft,
tInt  nTop,
tInt  nRight,
tInt  nBottom 
pure virtual

On Redraw display event.

The framework calls this member function when the display filter needs to redraw the window contents.

hCanvas[in] Handle to graphics device context. The handle is implementation specific and may not be used for general purpose tasks.
nLeft[in] Specifies the x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the display.
nTop[in] Specifies the y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the display.
nRight[in] Specifies the x-coordinate of the lower right corner of the display.
nBottom[in] Specifies the y-coordinate of the lower right corner of the display.
Returns a standard result code.

◆ OnSize()

virtual tResult OnSize ( tHandle  hCanvas,
tInt  nLeft,
tInt  nTop,
tInt  nRight,
tInt  nBottom 
pure virtual

On Resize display Event.

The framework calls this member function when the display window was resized by the user.

hCanvas[in] Handle to graphics device context. The handle is implementation specific and may not be used for general purpose tasks.
nLeft[in] Specifies the x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the display.
nTop[in] Specifies the y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the display.
nRight[in] Specifies the x-coordinate of the lower right corner of the display.
nBottom[in] Specifies the y-coordinate of the lower right corner of the display.
Returns a standard result code.

◆ OnTimer()

virtual tResult OnTimer ( tHandle  hCanvas)
pure virtual

On Gui timer callback.

The framework calls this member function periodically. You can use this timer to trigger user interface related functionality within the gui thread context.

hCanvas[in] Handle to graphics device context. The handle is implementation specific and may not be used for general purpose tasks.
Returns a standard result code.