ADTF Display Toolbox 3.2.0 Release Notes

ADTF Display Toolbox 3.2.0 Summary

ADTF Display Toolbox 3.2.0 Change Log

| ADTF Display Toolbox - Change Log - |
| Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework |
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| This file tracks the changes and bugfixes within ADTF Display Toolbox 3.x |
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| Version: |
| ADTF Display Toolbox 3.2.0 chewbacca |
| * using QWT Library 6.1.2 |
| * using OSG 3.5.6 |
| * using ADTF 3.3.1 devil (this uses Qt 5.9.0) |
* [ADISTB-821] - Porting 3D Scene Display with new concept
* [ADISTB-873] - Provide OSG 3.5.6 Library
* [ADISTB-874] - Provide Mixin Library and interfaces for 3D Scene Graph Display
* [ADISTB-876] - Define codename namespace for interfaces
* [ADISTB-877] - Deployment of Mixin Library, dependencies and examples
* [ADISTB-879] - Provide navigation through 3D Scene
* [ADISTB-880] - Provide doxygen documentation for Mixin Library
* [ADISTB-881] - Remove warnings from Mixin Library Examples
* [ADISTB-882] - Improve documentation of Mixin Library Examples
* [ADISTB-883] - Add support of coordinate systems to Mixin Library
* [ADISTB-885] - Realize 3D Display as a Streaming Source
* [ADISTB-890] - Extend doxygen documentation of Display TB
* [ADISTB-892] - Rework deployment and documentation for example code and sessions
* [ADISTB-896] - Make examples buildable with build_examples.bat in Debug
* [ADISTB-901] - Adapt class ids and namespaces in Display TB
* [ADISTB-913] - Adjust namespace usage in public headers
* [ADISTB-839] - Crash on changing between Init, Deinit, Run and Shutdown with ADTF GUI Control and Signal View - ADTFS-48023