Demo Signal Provider

Table of Contents

Plugin Information
Plugin Filenameexample_signal_provider.adtfplugin
Plugin Descriptionexample_signal_provider.plugindescription
Plugin NameDemo Signal Provider Service Plugin
Homepage URL
Plugin Versions
Plugin Version3.8.0
Plugin File Version1.0
Component Information
NameDemo Signal Provider UI Service
DescriptionUse this Service to add custom signals to ADTF Signal Registry and provide signals for Signal Scope and Table View.
Default Runlevelsystem
signal_update_rate500000tInt64Signal update rate in [us]
titlecStringWindow title which will be used at runtime within ADTF Qt XSystem.

Source Code


The display toolbox is shipped with an example-project showing the ability of the signal view. With this example a cyclic updated signal is created. The signal can then be dragged to the table view or scope view to be displayed.

To use the example-project just do the following.

  • Start the CE (configuration editor) of ADTF.
  • Open the ADTF-Project of the example via File -> Open project and select the project-file of the example at <installation-dir of display-toolbox>/src/examples/projects/signal_view/example_signalview/example_signalview.adtfproject.
  • Under sessions do right-click on session example_signalview_session and choose Launch via ADTF Console to start the session.
  • A GUI like shown in the following image will be displayed.
Running session of example_signalview
  1. This window belongs to the tree view. It shows all currently available signals in the running session.
  2. This window belongs to the scope view. It plots a signal when dragged from the tree_view to it.
  3. This window belongs to the table view. It prints the current value of signals dragged to it from the tree view.
  4. This window is the log-view of ADTF and is not part of the display toolbox itself. It displays all log messages of the current session.

The Example Signal Provider is a service shipped with the toolbox to give you the ability to comfortably generate example signals to be displayed with the signal view.

Using the button Add Signal you can create a single signal. To create it you have to specify the information name, description, unit, min, max, increment. As unit a string of your choosing is to be provided. Min and max will have effect on the initial zoom-level of the plot for the signal. The value increment specifies the value to be added each time a new signal-value is provided by the provider (a negative value can also be provided). Each signal starts with 0. After a new signal was created a dialog pops up to display the ID of the just created signal. This id can later be used to remove the signal from the signal registry.

Using the button Add Signals you can create a number of signals at once. Just input the number of signals to be created. These signals will be named "signals/batch/signal_<ID>". <ID> is the id of the signal that can also be used to delete it. Also it specifies the increment-value of the signal.

Using the button Remove Signal you can delete any signal that was created with the Example Signal Provider by providing its id.

In the System Editor of the CE you can alter the property signal update rate to effect how fast the signal values are changing.

To provide a example signal the Demo Signal Provider Filter which is part of the examples of ADTF 3 is used. The filter will automatically on its initialisation create a new signal and register it with the signal registry of ADTF. The filter will be called cyclic by a timer that is connected to its trigger port. Every time that filter is called a new signal value is calcuated and updated with the signal registry. Because it is a filter it is part of the Filter Graph (see configuration of the example).