adtf_file_library  0.13.2
Namespaces | Enumerations | Functions
adtf2_sample_info.h File Reference
#include <adtf_file/adtf_file_reader.h>
#include <adtf_file/adtf_file_writer.h>
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 namespace for ADTF File library
 namespace for support of ADTF 2 files


enum  adtf_file::adtf2::VariantType {
  vt_empty = 0x0000 , vt_null = 0x0001 , vt_bool = 0x0002 , vt_int8 = 0x0004 ,
  vt_u_int8 = 0x0008 , vt_int16 = 0x0010 , vt_u_int16 = 0x0020 , vt_int32 = 0x0040 ,
  vt_u_int32 = 0x0080 , vt_float32 = 0x0100 , vt_float64 = 0x0200 , vt_string = 0x0400 ,
  vt_int64 = 0x0800 , vt_u_int64 = 0x1000 , vt_array = 0x10000000
 The variant type within ADTF 2 files.


void adtf_file::adtf2::deserializeMediaSampleInfo (ReadSample &sample, InputStream &stream)
 deserializes a sample info from the input stream into a sample More...
void adtf_file::adtf2::deserializeMediaSampleLogTrace (ReadSample &sample, InputStream &stream)
 deserializes a sample log trace from the input stream into a sample More...

Detailed Description

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