adtf_file_library  0.13.2
Classes | Namespaces
adtf_file_writer.h File Reference
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <queue>
#include <list>
#include <ifhd/ifhd.h>
#include "sample.h"
#include "stream_type.h"
#include "object.h"
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class  adtf_file::OutputStream
 Interface class for an output stream. More...
class  adtf_file::StreamTypeSerializer
 interface class for stream type serializers. More...
class  adtf_file::ADTF2StreamTypeSerializer
 ADTF2 stream type serializer interface class to write ADTF 2 stream types. More...
class  adtf_file::StreamTypeSerializers
 Container class for StreamTypeSerializer. More...
class  adtf_file::SampleSerializer
 Interface class for a sample serializer. Usually the implementaion has a serialization state depending on the last setStreamType call. More...
class  adtf_file::SampleSerializerFactory
 interface class for sample serializer More...
class  adtf_file::sample_serializer_factory< SERIALIZER >
 default implementation template for SampleSerializerFactory to create an instance of the serialzer type SERIALIZER More...
class  adtf_file::SampleSerializerFactories
 Container class for SampleSerializerFactory. More...
class  adtf_file::ADTFDatFileWriter
 Default ADTF DAT File Writer to write an ADTF DAT File (IFHD file with ADTF type and sample content). More...


 namespace for ADTF File library

Detailed Description

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