adtf_file_library  0.13.2
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adtf_file::StreamTypeSerializers Class Reference

Container class for StreamTypeSerializer. More...

#include <adtf_file_writer.h>

Inheritance diagram for adtf_file::StreamTypeSerializers:
Collaboration diagram for adtf_file::StreamTypeSerializers:

Public Member Functions

void add (const std::shared_ptr< StreamTypeSerializer > &serializer)
 Adds a StreamTypeSerializer instance to the container. More...
void serialize (const StreamType &stream_type, OutputStream &stream) const
 Serialzes the given stream type into the given stream. It will use the StreamTypeSerializer supporting the meta type of the given stream type. More...
std::string getAdtf2TypeId (const StreamType &stream_type)
 Get the ADTF 2 type id of the stream_type. More...

Detailed Description

Container class for StreamTypeSerializer.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add()

void adtf_file::StreamTypeSerializers::add ( const std::shared_ptr< StreamTypeSerializer > &  serializer)

Adds a StreamTypeSerializer instance to the container.

only one StreamTypeSerializer supporting StreamTypeSerializer::getMetaType should be added.
serializerthe serializer instance to add

◆ getAdtf2TypeId()

std::string adtf_file::StreamTypeSerializers::getAdtf2TypeId ( const StreamType stream_type)

Get the ADTF 2 type id of the stream_type.

stream_typethe stream type to retireve the ADTF 2 type id for
std::string the ADTF 2 type id
Return values
emptystd::string() if no StreamTypeSerializer supports ADTF 2 types for the meta type of stream_type

◆ serialize()

void adtf_file::StreamTypeSerializers::serialize ( const StreamType stream_type,
OutputStream stream 
) const

Serialzes the given stream type into the given stream. It will use the StreamTypeSerializer supporting the meta type of the given stream type.

only PropertyStreamType is supported!
stream_typethe stream type to serialize
streamthe stream to write to
std::runtime_errorif no added serializer supports the meta type of the given stream_type

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