adtf_file_library  0.13.2
Public Member Functions | List of all members
adtf_file::ReaderFactories Class Reference

#include <reader.h>

Public Member Functions

void add (const std::shared_ptr< const adtf_file::ReaderFactory > &factory)
void remove (const std::string &reader_id)
std::shared_ptr< adtf_file::ReadermakeReader (const std::string &reader_id) const
 create an instance for the given reader_id More...
std::shared_ptr< adtf_file::ReaderopenReader (const std::string &filename, const adtf_file::Configuration &configuration={}, std::shared_ptr< adtf_file::SampleFactory > sample_factory={}, std::shared_ptr< adtf_file::StreamTypeFactory > stream_type_factory={}, std::optional< std::string > reader_id={}) const
 Creates an instance for the given reader_id, sets the given configuration and opens the reader with given filename. More...
void getCapableReaders (const std::string &filename, const std::function< bool(const std::shared_ptr< Reader > &)> &capable_reader_callback, const adtf_file::Configuration &configuration={}, std::shared_ptr< adtf_file::SampleFactory > sample_factory={}, std::shared_ptr< adtf_file::StreamTypeFactory > stream_type_factory={}) const
 Get all capable readers can open the given file (filename). It will make and open all capable Reader and return it to the reader_callback if succeded. As long as the reader_callback return true further readers may be created and opened. More...
const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< const ReaderFactory > > & getFactories () const
 Get the Factories. More...

Detailed Description

A container for reader factories.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add()

void adtf_file::ReaderFactories::add ( const std::shared_ptr< const adtf_file::ReaderFactory > &  factory)

Adds the given factory to the container and registeres it for the reader identifier

[in]factoryThe factory to add.

◆ getCapableReaders()

void adtf_file::ReaderFactories::getCapableReaders ( const std::string &  filename,
const std::function< bool(const std::shared_ptr< Reader > &)> &  capable_reader_callback,
const adtf_file::Configuration configuration = {},
std::shared_ptr< adtf_file::SampleFactory sample_factory = {},
std::shared_ptr< adtf_file::StreamTypeFactory stream_type_factory = {} 
) const

Get all capable readers can open the given file (filename). It will make and open all capable Reader and return it to the reader_callback if succeded. As long as the reader_callback return true further readers may be created and opened.

If no reader is able to open filename no callback is made and an exception is thrown.
If the capable_reader_callback function throws, the reader is marked as not capable!
filenameThe file to open.
capable_reader_callbackThe callback to return the create and opened capable reader.
sample_factoryThe sample factory to use for the open call.
stream_type_factoryThe streamtype factory to use for the open call.
configurationThe reader configuration to set before opened.
std::runtime_errorif no capable reader was found

◆ getFactories()

const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<const ReaderFactory> >& adtf_file::ReaderFactories::getFactories ( ) const

Get the Factories.

const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<const ReaderFactory>>&

◆ makeReader()

std::shared_ptr<adtf_file::Reader> adtf_file::ReaderFactories::makeReader ( const std::string &  reader_id) const

create an instance for the given reader_id

reader_idThe reader identifier for the reader to create.
the reader_id is not allowed to be empty!
std::runtime_errorif factory to make reader for reader_id does not exists

◆ openReader()

std::shared_ptr<adtf_file::Reader> adtf_file::ReaderFactories::openReader ( const std::string &  filename,
const adtf_file::Configuration configuration = {},
std::shared_ptr< adtf_file::SampleFactory sample_factory = {},
std::shared_ptr< adtf_file::StreamTypeFactory stream_type_factory = {},
std::optional< std::string >  reader_id = {} 
) const

Creates an instance for the given reader_id, sets the given configuration and opens the reader with given filename.

if reader_id is empty, it obtains the Readerfactory and Reader to deal with the given filename.
if reader_id is empty, readers derived by ExplicitReader will not be taken into concern, although they might be capable to open the file. To open an ExplicitReader the reader_id must be set to its reader identifier explicitly.
reader_idThe identifier of the reader implementation.
filenameThe file to open.
sample_factoryThe sample factory to use for the open call.
stream_type_factoryThe streamtype factory to use for the open call.
configurationThe reader configuration to set before opened.
A new reader instance if reader_id exists or a capable reader was found.
std::runtime_errorif reader_id does not exists
std::runtime_errorif no capable reader was found

◆ remove()

void adtf_file::ReaderFactories::remove ( const std::string &  reader_id)

Removes the given reader factory implementation.

[in]reader_idThe identifier of the reader implementation

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