adtf_file_library  0.13.2
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
utils5ext::File Class Reference

#include <file.h>

Public Types

enum  OpenMode {
  om_read = 0x0001 , om_write = 0x0002 , om_append = 0x0004 , om_read_write = 0x0008 ,
  om_no_overwrite = 0x0010 , om_shared_read = 0x0100 , om_shared_write = 0x0200 , om_sequential_access = 0x0400 ,
  om_temporary_file = 0x0800 , om_short_lived = 0x1000 , om_text_mode = 0x2000 , om_write_through = 0x4000 ,
  om_disable_file_system_cache = 0x8000
 Several flags to open files. Can be combined with bitwise or. More...
enum  FilePosRef { fp_begin = 0 , fp_current = 1 , fp_end = 2 }
 File position reference. More...

Public Member Functions

 File () noexcept
virtual ~File ()
 Destructor. If handling an open file, the file is closed.
void open (const a_util::filesystem::Path &filename, uint32_t mode)
void close ()
void attach (File &file)
void detach ()
void setReadCache (size_t read_cache_size)
size_t read (void *buffer, size_t buffer_size)
void readAll (void *buffer, size_t buffer_size)
size_t skip (size_t number_of_bytes)
size_t write (const void *buffer, size_t buffer_size)
void writeAll (const void *buffer, size_t buffer_size)
void write (const std::string &string)
void readLine (std::string &string)
void writeLine (const std::string &string)
FileSize getSize () const
FilePos getFilePos () const
FilePos setFilePos (FilePos offset, FilePosRef move_mode)
bool isEof ()
bool isValid () const
void truncate (FilePos size)

Protected Member Functions

void initialize ()
void allocReadCache (size_t cache_size)
void freeReadCache ()
void * internalMalloc (size_t size, bool use_segment_size=false)
void internalFree (void *memory, bool use_segment_size=false)

Protected Attributes

FileHandle _file
 File handle.
uint8_t * _read_cache
 File read cache.
size_t _file_cache_usage
 File cache usage.
size_t _file_cache_offset
 File cache offset.
size_t _file_cache_size
 File cache size.
bool _read_cache_enabled
 Read cache enabled.
bool _reference
 File is reference.
bool _system_cache_disabled
 System cache disabled.
int _sector_size
 Sector size.
FilePos _sector_bytes_to_skip
 Sector bytes that will be skipped.

Detailed Description

File class.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ FilePosRef

File position reference.


offsets are measured from the beginning of the file


offsets are measured from the current file position


offsets are measured from the end of the file

◆ OpenMode

Several flags to open files. Can be combined with bitwise or.


Open existing file. Can be combined with OM_SharedRead under Windows. Under Windows, the file must exist. Under Linux, if the file doesn't exist it will be created.


Creates a new file or overwrites existing files. Can be combined with OM_SharedWrite under windows.


Append data to existing file. Sets seeking position to the end of the file stream.


Open file in read-write mode. Under Windows, the file must exist. Under Linux, if the file doesn't exist it will be created.


No overwrite if file already exists.


Allows shared read access, use in addition to flags above. Exclusive write/read permissions for a whole file are not supported under Linux platforms without any file locks. All files are readable!


Allows shared write access, use in addition to flags above. Exclusive write/read permissions for a whole file are not supported under Linux platforms without any file locks


Optimized for sequential access, use in addition to flags above.


File is of temporary purpose and will be deleted after all handles on the file are closed. Use in addition to flags above


Advices the OS not to flush any data to the disk. Just supported on POSIX platforms.


Opens the file in text mode instead of binary mode. Just supported on POSIX platforms


Immediately flush file data to disk. Windows only.


Disable all file system caches. Windows only.

Member Function Documentation

◆ allocReadCache()

void utils5ext::File::allocReadCache ( size_t  cache_size)

Allocate read cache.

cache_sizeSize of cache.

◆ attach()

void utils5ext::File::attach ( File file)

This function attaches an existing instance of a file class to another.

fileReference to an existing file object.

◆ close()

void utils5ext::File::close ( )

Close file.

◆ detach()

void utils5ext::File::detach ( )

This function detaches existing references to file objects.


◆ freeReadCache()

void utils5ext::File::freeReadCache ( )

Free read cache.

◆ getFilePos()

FilePos utils5ext::File::getFilePos ( ) const

This function retrieves the file pointer offset.

The function returns the file pointer offset from the beginning.

◆ getSize()

FileSize utils5ext::File::getSize ( ) const

This function retrieves the file size.

The function returns the file size.

◆ initialize()

void utils5ext::File::initialize ( )


◆ internalFree()

void utils5ext::File::internalFree ( void *  memory,
bool  use_segment_size = false 

Internal free method.

memoryPointer to memory.
use_segment_sizeKeep segment size in mind.

◆ internalMalloc()

void* utils5ext::File::internalMalloc ( size_t  size,
bool  use_segment_size = false 

Internal allocation method.

sizeSize of cache.
use_segment_sizeKeep segment size in mind.
Void pointer to allocated memory.

◆ isEof()

bool utils5ext::File::isEof ( )

Checks whether or not the end of the file has been reached.

Whether or not the end of the file has been reached.

◆ isValid()

bool utils5ext::File::isValid ( ) const

This function checks if the file object has an valid file handle.

Returns true, if the file handle is valid, otherwise false.

◆ open()

void utils5ext::File::open ( const a_util::filesystem::Path &  filename,
uint32_t  mode 

This function opens an existing or creates a new file.

filenamestring that is the path to the desired file. The path can be relative, absolute, or a network name (UNC). uint32_t Mode: A uint32_t that defines the file sharing and access mode. It specifies the action to take when opening the file. You can combine options by using the bitwise-OR ( | ) operator.
modeFile open mode. For valid flags see the OpenMode enum.

◆ read()

size_t utils5ext::File::read ( void *  buffer,
size_t  buffer_size 

This function reads data into a buffer from the file associated with the File object.

bufferPointer to the user-supplied buffer that is to receive the data read from the file.
buffer_sizeThe maximum number of bytes to be read from the file. For text-mode files, carriage return-linefeed pairs are counted as single characters.
The number of bytes transferred to the buffer. Note that the return value may be less than buffer_size, if the end of file was reached. If there was a severe error, the function returns -1.

◆ readAll()

void utils5ext::File::readAll ( void *  buffer,
size_t  buffer_size 

This function reads data into a buffer from the file associated with the File object. It ensures that all requested bytes have been read.

bufferPointer to the user-supplied buffer that is to receive the data read from the file.
buffer_sizeThe maximum number of bytes to be read from the file. For text-mode files, carriage return-linefeed pairs are counted as single characters.

◆ readLine()

void utils5ext::File::readLine ( std::string &  string)

This function reads a line of text data into a String object.

string[inout] String object to be filled with character data.

◆ setFilePos()

FilePos utils5ext::File::setFilePos ( FilePos  offset,
FilePosRef  move_mode 

This function moves the file pointer.

offsetOffset value for pointer movement, relative to MoveMode.
move_modeFixed reference point for movement.
The file pointer may be set beyond the end of the File. The next write will increase the filesize accordingly.
Returns the file position which was set (must not be equal to offset) or -1 if any error occurred.

◆ setReadCache()

void utils5ext::File::setReadCache ( size_t  read_cache_size)

This function sets the file read cache size (default after open a file =0).

By setting the read cache to zero it is deactivated if system cache is used. If system cache is disabled we need an internal cache anyway and the default hd sector size of 512 bytes is used for cache size.

See also
read_cache_sizeNumber of bytes to be allocated as read buffer

◆ skip()

size_t utils5ext::File::skip ( size_t  number_of_bytes)

This function reads data from a file but does not store it .

number_of_bytesThe maximum number of bytes to be skipped.
The number of bytes skipped. Note that the return value may be less than numberOfBytes, if the end of file was reached. If there was a severe error or the maximum number of bytes to skip was negative, the function returns -1.

◆ truncate()

void utils5ext::File::truncate ( FilePos  size)

This method truncates the file at the given size.

If the file is larger than the given size, the extra data is lost. If it was smaller it is extended.

sizethe size in bytes

◆ write() [1/2]

void utils5ext::File::write ( const std::string &  string)

This function writes string data from a buffer to the file associated with the File object.

stringString object to be written to the file.

◆ write() [2/2]

size_t utils5ext::File::write ( const void *  buffer,
size_t  buffer_size 

This function writes data from a buffer to the file associated with the File object.

bufferPointer to the user-supplied buffer that is to receive the data read from the file.
buffer_sizeThe maximum number of bytes to be read from the file. For text-mode files, carriage return-linefeed pairs are counted as single characters. If buffer_size is 0, the return value is always 0 and nothing is written.
The number of bytes transferred to the buffer. If there was an error or buffer was nullptr or buffer_size was less than 0, -1 is returned.
On win32 platforms only: If the file was opened with OM_DisableFileSystemCache there is a limitation of the maximum buffer size of approx. 64MB on x86 / approx. 32MB on x86-64. For further details have a look at MSDN WriteFile.

◆ writeAll()

void utils5ext::File::writeAll ( const void *  buffer,
size_t  buffer_size 

This function writes data from a buffer to the file associated with the File object. It ensures that all requested bytes have been written.

bufferPointer to the user-supplied buffer that is to receive the data read from the file.
buffer_sizeThe maximum number of bytes to be read from the file. For text-mode files, carriage return-linefeed pairs are counted as single characters. If bufferSize is 0, the return value is always 0 and nothing is written.

◆ writeLine()

void utils5ext::File::writeLine ( const std::string &  string)

This function writes string data from a buffer to the file associated with the File object. The string is followed by a carriage return-linefeed pair.

stringString object to be written to the file.

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