adtf_file_library  0.13.2
Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs | Functions
file.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include <a_util/filesystem.h>
#include <a_util/datetime.h>
#include <a_util/memory.h>
#include <system_error>
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class  utils5ext::exceptions::EndOfFile
 Exception to indicate the end of file was reached. More...
class  utils5ext::exceptions::ErrorFileAccess
 Indicates a file access error. platform dependent errors can be obtained via code(). More...
class  utils5ext::exceptions::ErrorFileAlreadyExists
 Indicates a file access error while creating a file that already exists and File::om_no_overwrite was set. More...
class  utils5ext::File


 namespace to collect special exceptions for file operations.


using utils5ext::FilePos = int64_t
 Type for a file position.
using utils5ext::FileSize = FilePos
 Type for the file size.
typedef int utils5ext::FileHandle
 The type FileHandle is used internally only.


a_util::datetime::DateTime utils5ext::getTimeAccess (const a_util::filesystem::Path filename)
 This function returns the last access time of the file. More...
a_util::datetime::DateTime utils5ext::getTimeCreation (const a_util::filesystem::Path filename)
 This function returns the creation time of the file. More...
a_util::datetime::DateTime utils5ext::getTimeChange (const a_util::filesystem::Path filename)
 This function returns the last change (write) time of the file. More...
size_t utils5ext::getDefaultSectorSize () noexcept
 Get the Default Sector Size. More...
void * utils5ext::allocPageAlignedMemory (size_t size, size_t page_size)
 allocates a memory buffer for the size of size (in bytes), page aligned in size to page_size More...
void utils5ext::freePageAlignedMemory (void *memory)
 frees the memory buffer allocated with utils5ext::allocPageAlignedMemory More...
size_t utils5ext::getSectorSizeFor (const a_util::filesystem::Path &filename) noexcept
 Get the sector size of a file within windows file system. More...
void utils5ext::memZero (void *data, size_t bytes)
 Helper function to set a memory buffer to zero. More...
void utils5ext::fileRename (const a_util::filesystem::Path &from, const a_util::filesystem::Path &to)
 Renames or moves a file. More...

Detailed Description

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