adtf_file_library  0.13.2
CSV Exporter


Example processor which shows how to implement a adtfdat_processing::SingleStreamProcessor to process a DDL based stream and export the content to *.csv file.


adtfdat_tool --plugin csv_exporter.adtffileplugin --export <adtfdat> --stream <name> --processorid csv --output <csv> [--property decimal_places=<value> --property separator=<value> --property timestamp_base_ns=<value> --property timestamp_decimals=<value> --property columns=<value>]


#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <fstream>
#include <ddl/codec/codec_factory.h>
namespace {
// Helper for enum to string decoding of a specific type from DDL.
// You will need one instance for each unique CodecTypeInfo with enum representation.
class EnumDecoder
// Safe base type for everything legally enum-alike.
using index_t = uint64_t;
// Container type for strings, chosen based on what we need to interface with.
using value_t = std::string;
EnumDecoder(const ::ddl::codec::CodecTypeInfo* type_info) : _invalid(), _table(generate(type_info))
EnumDecoder(const EnumDecoder&) = delete;
EnumDecoder(EnumDecoder&&) noexcept = delete;
template<class N>
const value_t& lookup(const N& value) const noexcept
if (auto it = _table.find(static_cast<index_t>(value)); it != _table.end())
return it->second;
return _invalid;
using lookup_t = std::unordered_map<index_t, value_t>;
static lookup_t generate(const ::ddl::codec::CodecTypeInfo* type_info)
lookup_t tmp;
for (const auto& name : type_info->getEnumElementNames())
auto value = type_info->getEnumElementValue(name);
tmp.try_emplace(value.asUInt64(), name);
return tmp;
const value_t _invalid;
const lookup_t _table;
std::string getProcessorIdentifier() const override
return "csv";
bool isCompatible(const adtf_file::Stream& stream) const override;
void open(const adtf_file::Stream& stream, const std::string& destination_url) override;
void process(const adtf_file::FileItem& item) override;
void process(const std::shared_ptr<const adtf_file::WriteSample>& sample);
void rebuildIndex(const ddl::codec::CodecFactory& codec_factory, bool data_is_serialized);
std::ofstream _csv_file;
std::string _separator;
uint64_t _value_precision = 4;
uint64_t _timestamp_precision = 0;
int64_t _timestamp_divisor = 1;
std::vector<std::string> _columns;
// Enum decoding is possible either with a full Codec and CodecIndex with the a_util::variant::Variant API (not recommended), or manually via type reflection.
// With LeafCodecIndex, we need an additional helper which we can construct from CodecTypeInfo.
// In return, LeafCodecIndex is also independet of CodecFactory once created.
struct ElementContext {
ddl::codec::LeafCodecIndex value_decoder;
std::shared_ptr<EnumDecoder> enum_decoder;
// List of factory indepdent indizes for the currently active stream type.
std::vector<ElementContext> _indices;
class to create or read a file item. This file item is either a sample, streamtype or trigger.
Definition: reader.h:156
class to create and describe a stream within a adtf_file::Reader. Each stream has an identifier strea...
Definition: reader.h:134
virtual bool isCompatible(const adtf_file::Stream &stream) const =0
virtual void process(const adtf_file::FileItem &item)=0
virtual std::string getProcessorIdentifier() const =0
void open(const std::vector< adtf_file::Stream > &streams, const std::string &destination_url) override
Definition: processor.h:76
#include "csv_exporter.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <variant>
static adtf_file::PluginInitializer initializer([] {
static std::vector<std::string> explode(std::string_view text, std::string_view separator)
std::vector<std::string> result;
while (!text.empty())
auto pos = text.find(separator);
if (pos != text.npos)
auto prefix = text.substr(0, pos);
if (!prefix.empty())
text = text.substr(pos + separator.size());
text = {};
return result;
{"decimal_places", {"4", "uint32"}},
{"separator", {";", "string"}},
{"timestamp_base_ns", {"1", "uint64"}},
{"timestamp_decimals", {"0", "uint32"}},
{"columns", {"", "string"}},
bool CsvExporter::isCompatible(const adtf_file::Stream& stream) const
// The configuration isn't set yet a this point, so we can at best check for DDL based streamtype.
// Validating columns can't be done until later.
return true;
catch (...)
return false;
void CsvExporter::open(const adtf_file::Stream& stream, const std::string& destination_url)
_csv_file.exceptions(std::ofstream::failbit | std::ofstream::badbit);
catch (...)
std::throw_with_nested(std::runtime_error("unable to open output csv file '" +
destination_url + "' for stream " +;
const auto config = getConfiguration();
_separator = adtf_file::getPropertyValue<std::string>(config, "separator");
_value_precision = adtf_file::getPropertyValue<uint64_t>(config, "decimal_places");
_timestamp_precision = adtf_file::getPropertyValue<uint64_t>(config, "timestamp_decimals");
_timestamp_divisor = adtf_file::getPropertyValue<int64_t>(config, "timestamp_base_ns");
auto fields = adtf_file::getPropertyValue<std::string>(config, "columns");
_columns = explode(fields, _separator);
// Use of LeafCodecIndex means we can safely discard the factory after index creation.
// If you were to use CodecIndex with Codec instead, you would need to persist the factory as a member.
ddl::codec::CodecFactory codec_factory;
bool data_is_serialized = false;
// Initial stream type is (usually) not repeated as a stream item - handle it now.
std::tie(codec_factory, data_is_serialized) = adtfdat_processing::createDDLCodecFactoryFromStreamType(stream.initial_type);
if (_columns.empty()) {
// If we got none, then we just take all of them instead
[&](const decltype(codec_factory)::Element& element)
rebuildIndex(codec_factory, data_is_serialized);
_csv_file << "timestamp";
for (const auto& column : _columns)
_csv_file <<"separator").value << column;
_csv_file << "\n";
void CsvExporter::process(const adtf_file::FileItem& item)
if (auto sample = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const adtf_file::WriteSample>(item.stream_item))
else if (auto stream_type = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const adtf_file::StreamType>(item.stream_item))
// Stream types may change arbitrarily often.
// Usually there should be at least one stream item other than a StreamType in between, but that is not guaranteed.
// Don't expect followup stream types to be compatible with the initial stream type.
// New streamtype requires a new codec_factory, and even the representation may have changed.
ddl::codec::CodecFactory codec_factory;
bool data_is_serialized = false;
std::tie(codec_factory, data_is_serialized) = adtfdat_processing::createDDLCodecFactoryFromStreamType(stream_type);
rebuildIndex(codec_factory, data_is_serialized);
// We don't care about trigger type stream items in this context, CSV has no such thing.
void CsvExporter::process(const std::shared_ptr<const adtf_file::WriteSample>& sample)
using namespace a_util;
auto buffer = sample->beginBufferRead();
if (_timestamp_precision)
_csv_file << std::fixed << std::setprecision(_timestamp_precision) << (sample->getTimeStamp().count() / (double)_timestamp_divisor);
_csv_file << (sample->getTimeStamp().count() / _timestamp_divisor);
_csv_file << std::fixed << std::setprecision(_value_precision);
for (const auto& index : _indices)
_csv_file << _separator;
if (index.enum_decoder) {
auto value = ddl::codec::LeafValueGetter<EnumDecoder::index_t>::getValue(buffer.first, buffer.second, index.value_decoder.getLayout());
const auto& text = index.enum_decoder->lookup(value);
// When dealing with "enums", always expect that only parts of the value range are mapped to literals.
// Especially when dealing with AUTOSAR modeled signals, usually only a few selected error codes have a text representation.
if (!text.empty()) {
_csv_file << text;
// Deal with all primitive types which may have been used in DDL.
using variant_t = std::variant<bool, int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t, int64_t, uint64_t, float, double>;
const auto value = ddl::codec::LeafValueGetter<variant_t>::getValue(buffer.first, buffer.second, index.value_decoder.getLayout());
[this](auto&& value) {
// Ensure that we don't end up with character encodings.
if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<std::remove_reference_t<decltype(value)>>)
if constexpr (std::is_signed_v<std::remove_reference_t<decltype(value)>>)
_csv_file << static_cast<int64_t>(value);
_csv_file << static_cast<uint64_t>(value);
_csv_file << static_cast<double>(value);
_csv_file << "\n";
void CsvExporter::rebuildIndex(const ddl::codec::CodecFactory& codec_factory, bool data_is_serialized)
// Map keys are only valid in the scope of codec_factory, values can be used safely.
std::unordered_map<const ddl::codec::CodecTypeInfo*, std::shared_ptr<EnumDecoder>> enum_decoders;
for (const auto& column : _columns)
// CodecIndex can be used either with a Codec created from CodecFactory - or usually preferably converted into a LeafCodecIndex.
// LeafCodecIndex eliminates the dynamic layout and type reflection support from CodecIndex, and is in return much faster and smaller.
// We only support static layout DDL variants in this example, so LeafCodecIndex it is.
ddl::codec::CodecIndex index;
auto element = codec_factory.getElement(column);
if (element.hasChildren())
throw std::runtime_error("Expected scalar, got complex type instead");
index = element.getIndex();
catch (...)
std::throw_with_nested(std::runtime_error("column name '" +
column + "' is not a valid member for the current stream type"));
// Since LeafCodecIndex drops type infos etc., it no longer includes enum-support of its own.
// To make up for that, we quickly construct a helper from the available type reflection.
std::shared_ptr<EnumDecoder> enum_decoder;
// Check if enum decoding will be required.
auto type_info = index.getLayout().type_info;
if (type_info->isEnum())
// One EnumDecoder per unique CodecTypeInfo only - expect enum like types to be reused a lot.
auto it = enum_decoders.find(type_info);
if (it == enum_decoders.end())
it = enum_decoders
.try_emplace(type_info, std::make_shared<EnumDecoder>(type_info))
enum_decoder = it->second;
// Be careful that LeafCodecIndex needs to be constructed from the correct representation.
// Same applies if you were to use CodecFactory::makeStaticDecoderFor - you have to respect the stream type.
// Neither CodecFactory nor CodecIndex are bound to any representation.
ddl::codec::LeafCodecIndex(index, data_is_serialized ? ddl::DataRepresentation::serialized : ddl::DataRepresentation::deserialized),
std::shared_ptr< const StreamItem > stream_item
Definition: reader.h:164
Plugin initializer class to use within a ADTF File Library plugin.
Definition: object.h:104
Objects & getObjects()
Get the objects singleton of the library.
void for_each_leaf_element(ElementsType &elements, const element_callback< ElementsType > &callback)
Iterates ALL leaf elements within ALL array elements.
Definition: ddl_helpers.h:147
std::tuple< ddl::codec::CodecFactory, bool > createDDLCodecFactoryFromStreamType(const std::shared_ptr< const adtf_file::StreamType > &stream_type)
Definition: ddl_helpers.h:90

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