adtf_file_library  0.13.2
Namespaces | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
ddl_helpers.h File Reference
#include <adtf_file/adtf_file_reader.h>
#include <adtf_file/stream_type.h>
#include <ddl/ddl.h>
#include <ddl/codec/codec_factory.h>
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 namespace for ADTF DAT Processing library.


#define A_UTIL_THROW_IF_FAILED(__exp, __msg)
 helper macro to throw an exception on failed a_util::result::Result More...


template<typename ElementsType >
using adtfdat_processing::element_callback = std::function< void(std::conditional_t< std::is_const< ElementsType >::value, const typename ElementsType::element_type, typename ElementsType::element_type > &)>
 Callback type for member elements.


std::tuple< std::string, std::string, bool > adtfdat_processing::getMediaDescriptionFromStreamType (const std::shared_ptr< const adtf_file::StreamType > &stream_type)
std::shared_ptr< adtf_file::StreamTypeadtfdat_processing::createAdtfDefaultStreamType (const std::string &struct_name, const std::string &struct_definition, bool is_serialized=false)
std::tuple< ddl::codec::CodecFactory, bool > adtfdat_processing::createDDLCodecFactoryFromStreamType (const std::shared_ptr< const adtf_file::StreamType > &stream_type)
template<typename ElementsType >
void adtfdat_processing::for_each_leaf_element (ElementsType &elements, const element_callback< ElementsType > &callback)
 Iterates ALL leaf elements within ALL array elements. More...

Detailed Description

Copyright 2024 CARIAD SE.

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Macro Definition Documentation


#define A_UTIL_THROW_IF_FAILED (   __exp,
auto __result = (__exp);\
if (a_util::result::isFailed(__result))\
throw std::runtime_error(std::string(__msg) + ": " +\

helper macro to throw an exception on failed a_util::result::Result

Copyright © CARIAD SE.
Generated on Mon Jun 10 2024 by doxygen 1.9.1
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