adtf_licenser_for_digitalwerk_licensehub  1.2.0
Licenser Library


The Licenser Library handles the permission check for each protected adtfplugin, which is normally licensed to a specific feature.

Log Level

Per default the library will only log a minimum set of server and API interactions to avoid spamming the console with detailed communication.

But escpecially in case of failures it might be helpful to increase this log level to handle errors (like server not reachable and why) by yourself or give more detailed information to the support.

This can be done by the environment variable ADTF_LICENSER_LOGGING_VERBOSE.

On Windows


On Linux:


Use different licenser package

This shared library will be shipped within ADTF so normally you do not have to care about.

In case you want to exchange this library and mechansim for any reason (for example using it with an ADTF version smaller than 3.17 which has been the first release including the license mechansim from licenseHUB and gets rid of the the legacy MAC-based licensing), you do not have to change or override the ADTF delivery package by replacing the binary.

You simply can change the path to your desired licenser by setting the environment variable ADTF_LICENSER_PLUGIN. This will enable the new license mechanism within this package for any ADTF 3.x version.

If you are using conan, you can select the conan virtualenv generator which automatically defines the environment variable ADTF_LICENSER_PLUGIN after executing the generated activation scripts. Otherwise please follow the upcoming instruction:

On Windows

set ADTF_LICENSER_PLUGIN=C:\Temp\licenser.dll

On Linux:


Legacy support

For your convenience, the library supports the previous MAC-address based license mechanism as fallback.

But we recommend to update your license to new mechanism (please contact our support for further information).

Copyright © Digitalwerk GmbH. All rights reserved.
Generated on Fri Oct 13 2023 by doxygen 1.9.1
GIT Commit Hash: 9e645b40d5f385c1e2385952084404716a972c97