



Community Center: ADTF Calibration Toolbox 3.2.0 is now available

Added by hidden about 4 years ago


Package - ADTF_CalibrationToolbox/3.2.0@dw/stable

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  • Support for IPv6 in XCP On Ethernet Communication
  • Support for raw values
  • Document CalibTb 3 Limitations
  • Support ADTF File Library 0.6.1
  • Support for ADTF 3.7.0
  • Several improvements, stability and bugfixes, please refer to ADTF Calibration Toolbox 3.2.0 Change Log


  • [ACALTB-574] - Expand the XCP on Ethernet Device to IPv6 Communication
  • [ACALTB-578] - Re-Add support for raw signals
  • [ACALTB-581] - Make loading of adtf_file plugins optional
  • [ACALTB-583] - Update CalibTB SDK and Guides
  • [ACALTB-602] - Updating ADTF Calibration Toolbox for ADTF 3.7.0


  • [ACALTB-575] - Multiple A2L Signals can't be added to BufferConfig with Drag&Drop
  • [ACALTB-603] - SCFE Window is not opening with ADTF 3.7
  • [ACALTB-604] - XCP encode filter cant initialise STIMULI Lists
  • [ACALTB-605] - XCP Encoder/Decoder can't open SCFE with a mapfile argument

Your Digitalwerk Team

Community Center: ADTF Device Toolbox 3.2.0 is now available

Added by hidden about 4 years ago


Package - ADTF_DeviceToolbox/3.2.0@dw/stable

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Online Guides

NEW Online Keytopics (Draft)

Overview of Products and Documentation

NEW Open Source Community




  • SOME/IP payload decoding and deserialization
    • Provide SOME/IP Service
    • Definition of adtf::devicetb::sdk::someip::ISomeIpDatabase to create own parser
    • Definition of adtf::devicetb::sdk::someip::ISomeIpDecoder to interpret payload
    • Support also RAW/ASCII mode in SOME/IP Trace View when no parser is present
    • Warning: There is no SOME/IP parser delivered within Device Toolbox, only the interface to implement or add an existing one - this is the definition and requirement by customer forum! This means that SOME/IP decoding does not work out of the box and you have to buy or implement a SOME/IP parser solution compatible to provided interfaces! If you have any questions, please contact the support.
  • Common adaptions regarding SDK and delivered components
    • Repair encoding and decoding (especially for CAN and CAN FD)
    • Repair ADTF Device Toolbox 2.x Support for CAN and CAN FD recordings from ADTF 2.x
      • Also bus data exchange from/to ADTF 2.14.x using ADTF 3 Support Tool 3.1.0
    • Extend CAN and CAN FD to support up to 16 channels
    • Implement missing features for Config Codecs
    • Pack bus specific Streaming Sources and Streaming Sinks in one adtfplugin (CAN, CAN FD and FlexRay)
      • This means you have to adapt your dependencies (e.g. adtfsystem files) if you are running an ADTF Session set up with Device Toolbox < 3.2.0
      • Easiest way: Open your project in ADTF Configuration Editor, navigate to System Editor -> Plugins (Release), open the context menu and execute 'Removal all' and 'Look up'. Repeat this for the debug adtfplugins as well
    • Provide ASC Reader for CAN and CAN FD
  • Documentation, Guides and examples extensions
  • Upgrade External Dependencies
    • Support for ADTF 3.7.0
    • Support for ADTF File Library (IFHD) 0.6.1
    • Support for a_util 5.6.0
    • Support for ddl 4.4.0
    • Support for ADTF Utils 4.1.4
  • Several improvements, stability and bugfixes, please refer to ADTF Device Toolbox 3.2.0 Change Log


  • [ADEVTB-1507] - Provide CAN/CAN FD ASC Reader for ADTF DAT Tool
  • [ADEVTB-1523] - Define and Implement SOME/IP Service
  • [ADEVTB-1526] - MS2: Provide decoding for SOME/IP data and parser interface
  • [ADEVTB-1572] - Define ISomeIpDatabase
  • [ADEVTB-1580] - Create guides for Device Toolbox
  • [ADEVTB-1638] - Update BusDatabaseLoader-Interface
  • [ADEVTB-1649] - Define and Implement ISomeIpCoder
  • [ADEVTB-1652] - Add descriptions to all components using ADTF 3.6's new SetDescription function
  • [ADEVTB-1657] - SOME/IP payload deserialization
  • [ADEVTB-1682] - Provide short description for each component
  • [ADEVTB-1683] - Provide UI support to configure Direct Show Capture Device
  • [ADEVTB-1691] - can service should always prefer last registered parser
  • [ADEVTB-1721] - Make loading of adtf_file plugins optional
  • [ADEVTB-1727] - Add missing features to config codec
  • [ADEVTB-1739] - Provide support for 16 channels
  • [ADEVTB-1747] - Support for ADTF 3.7.0
  • [ADEVTB-1755] - Services must return error, if parsing fails and log if no database is set
  • [ADEVTB-1758] - Provide CAN FD Coder example
  • [ADEVTB-1764] - Add doxygen page for SOME/IP
  • [ADEVTB-1767] - Show decoded payload in the SOME/IP Trace View
  • [ADEVTB-1778] - Create SOME/IP example session
  • [ADEVTB-1805] - Add help link for all delivered components
  • [ADEVTB-1807] - If there is no parser - Show SOME/IP raw data in raw and in ASCII
  • [ADEVTB-1810] - Include Guide for Some/IP


  • [ADEVTB-1503] - IEEE Floats/Doubles are interpretated as signed integer
  • [ADEVTB-1569] - Failed database parsing/initialzation because Bus Support Services are registered in RL_System instead RL_Session
  • [ADEVTB-1648] - Problems setting higher resolution
  • [ADEVTB-1668] - Combobox items in CAN Trace Views are not checkable on Linux
  • [ADEVTB-1671] - Linux delivery contains windows batch file
  • [ADEVTB-1687] - Change of framerate, height and width property value has no effect on the demo_direct_show_capture_source
  • [ADEVTB-1690] - Unable to load old parser in newer DevTB
  • [ADEVTB-1709] - CAN Signal provider leads to crash in example
  • [ADEVTB-1712] - CANFD Signal provider leads to crash
  • [ADEVTB-1715] - Flexray Signal provider leads to crash
  • [ADEVTB-1719] - CAN Config Encoder does not sent values
  • [ADEVTB-1720] - Parsers should check case insensitive file extensions
  • [ADEVTB-1735] - CAN FD Encoder and Decoder pin creation is wrong
  • [ADEVTB-1738] - CAN and CAN FD Config Decoder does not send values
  • [ADEVTB-1740] - adtf2 deserializer cannot deserialize adtf2 canfd samples.
  • [ADEVTB-1752] - CAN Trace View lists signals two times
  • [ADEVTB-1762] - CAN FD Receiver does not receive data
  • [ADEVTB-1771] - Sending and receiving CAN/CAN FD/FlexRay Streams within a single session does not work
  • [ADEVTB-1775] - CAN and CAN FD Encoder do not set the time within tCANData and tCANFDData
  • [ADEVTB-1793] - CAN FD Signal Config Editor generates invalid MAP file
  • [ADEVTB-1796] - Unable to deserialize CAN data received from Support Toolbox
  • [ADEVTB-1802] - CAN DBC Parser check for Floating-Point signals failed
  • [ADEVTB-1803] - CAN FD DBC Parser check for Floating-Point signals failed
  • [ADEVTB-1813] - <Bus> Trace View Crash on shutdown

Your Digitalwerk Team

Community Center: ADTF 3.7.1 is now available

Added by hidden about 4 years ago


Full Package - ADTF/3.7.1@dw/stable

NEW SDK Only Package - ADTF_SDK/3.7.1@dw/stable

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  • Improve algorithm for sorting structures in header generation
  • Repair startup and loading of Project when calling ADTF Configuration Editor with --project
    • Also auto-select default Session and switch to Filter Graph tab
  • Fix issue that System Editor uses ADTF_PROJECT_DIR to store adtfplugin paths in System File
  • Hotfix for naming collision if using several ADTFDAT File Recorder with identical filename


  • none


  • [ACORE-10507] - CE --project doesn't load
  • [ACORE-10523] - CE uses ADTF_PROJECT_DIR to set plugins in adtfsystem
  • [ACORE-10524] - Using multiple recorders with same filename may result in one file being overwritten
  • [ACORE-10532] - Invalid order of generated structs in generated code

Your Digitalwerk Team

Community Center: ADTF Display Toolbox 3.5.0 is now available

Added by hidden about 4 years ago


Package - ADTF_DisplayToolbox/3.5.0@dw/stable

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  • Support for ADTF 3.7.0
  • Enhance Canvas/drawer API with OnCreateContext / OnDestroyContext
  • Make use of flash::cFilter from ADTF Filter SDK within mixin and drawer base class
  • Improve performance, layouting and stability of Signal View UI Services
  • Several improvements, stability and bugfixes, please refer to ADTF Display Toolbox 3.5.0 Change Log


  • [ADISTB-1041] - Enhance Canvas/Drawer API with OnCreateContext / OnDestroyContext
  • [ADISTB-1043] - Make use of flash::cFilter within Mixin and Drawer base class


  • [ADISTB-798] - 2D-Display shows text upside down
  • [ADISTB-837] - Scope View does not save signal status
  • [ADISTB-848] - Signals provided by MediaDescription Service are unchecked when going to RL5
  • [ADISTB-859] - Signal View is unusable within the qt XSystem
  • [ADISTB-905] - Visibility of mixins is not correctly applied
  • [ADISTB-930] - Visibility of example 3D ADTF Object Mixin cannot be changed
  • [ADISTB-934] - The Menu in the Signal Scope View is not displayed
  • [ADISTB-935] - Example project references only one graph file
  • [ADISTB-992] - Missing required Signal Registry dependency in Plugin Descriptions
  • [ADISTB-993] - Selecting Camera View in Video Mixin does not work
  • [ADISTB-995] - Lock Rotation has no effect
  • [ADISTB-996] - GCL Input of video view mixin not working
  • [ADISTB-998] - OSG Logging is not forwarding messages to ADTF
  • [ADISTB-1003] - Pressing "Del" does not delete signals from Signal Table View
  • [ADISTB-1034] - cImage::Save() image written to file does not represent image in display
  • [ADISTB-1036] - Wrong default runlevel for signal view services
  • [ADISTB-1040] - Inspect and fix performance drop with a large number of signals within the signal view
  • [ADISTB-1042] - Signal Tree View updates in non-GUI thread
  • [ADISTB-1075] - Repair examples and demo sessions and bring toolbox to ADTF 3.7.0

Your Digitalwerk Team

Community Center: Qt3D Display 0.1.0 (BETA) is now available

Added by hidden about 4 years ago


Package - Qt3D-Display/0.1.0@dw/stable

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  • Initial version of 3D-Display based on QtQuick
    • Provides the full range of Qt3D functionality
    • Provides four overlay container where widgets can be placed
    • Overlay menu (VisualElementsView) to adjust the visual scene tree during runtime
    • Overlay menu (CameraOptionsView) to adjust the camera options during runtime
  • Base SDK
    • Base Filter class which behaves like a QtQuick Filter and extends its functionality by importing all necessary 3D libraries
    • QML base library which contains constants, container and elements for an own implementation
  • Example Filters
    • Billboard Filter - can display customized information which is always facing to the users ego position
    • CoordinateSystem Filter - can be used to nest different coordinate systems
    • Grid Filter - provides a ground plane with an user defined scale
    • Instantiator Filter - creates cuboid entities for an incoming stream of objects
    • PlayerControl Filter - provides control elements for the incoming stream
  • Guides
    • Simple Examples for the first steps with Qt3D and to get immediately productive
  • Doxygen Documentation


  • [ADISTB-983] - Qt3D Display Concept
  • [ADISTB-1027] - Implement OverlayManagement for the Qt3D Display
  • [ADISTB-1035] - Implement Video example for Qt3D-Display
  • [ADISTB-1044] - Implement Hide and Show functionality for Entities
  • [ADISTB-1048] - Scene Configuration Menu
  • [ADISTB-1050] - Small adjustments to overlay system
  • [ADISTB-1051] - Add documentation to Qt3D-Display project
  • [ADISTB-1053] - Improve appearance of overlay menu
  • [ADISTB-1057] - Switch rendering level on demand
  • [ADISTB-1061] - Add guides for Qt3D-Display
  • [ADISTB-1065] - Add example adtf project
  • [ADISTB-1070] - Add Instantiator Filter for Qt3D-Display
  • [ADISTB-1079] - Add Links to Help


  • none

Your Digitalwerk Team

Community Center: ADTF 3.7.0 is now available

Added by hidden about 4 years ago


Full Package - ADTF/3.7.0@dw/stable

NEW SDK Only Package - ADTF_SDK/3.7.0@dw/stable

Online Documentation

Online Guides

NEW Online Keytopics (Draft)

Overview of Products and Documentation

NEW Open Source Community



  • Stay tuned for very soon upcoming and compatible Device Toolbox 3.2.0 / Calibration Toolbox 3.2.0 / Display Toolbox 3.5.0 compiled with ADTF 3.7.0


  • Official platform support for ARMv8 Aarch64 (headless Non-GUI delivery)
  • Substreams support
    • Provide multiple and different data streams on a single Output Pin / Sample Stream
    • Publish/subscribe on receiving side
    • Only requested Substreams will be transmitted (dynamic encoding)
    • New components in ADTF Default Core Objects:
  • Usability in ADTF Configuration Editor
    • Redesign Session Editor, rename Project View to Sessions View and fix binding to each other
    • Redesign Components View
    • UI improvements of Streaming Graph Editor / Filter Graph Editor (e.g. smaller blocks, move CID to tooltip, etc)
    • Option to auto-add ADTF Default Sample Stream and ADTF Default Binding Proxy when connecting components (except dynamic-2-dynamic), , see also Settings Editor (Options) -> Graph Editor
    • Live-update on changes in specified paths for Plugin Descriptions, see also Settings Editor (Options) -> Plugindescriptions
    • QML API to customize functionality (e.g. dynamic pins, properties, etc) within ADTF Configuration Editor, see ADTF Configuration Editor - Filter Editor
    • Adjust Home View
    • Jump-2-documentaion from component in Streaming Graph Editor / Filter Graph Editor / System Editor and Home View
    • Scripting Interface (BETA) for customized automization within ADTF Configuration Editor
    • Enhance keyboard support
    • Hold terminals open after shutdown when using ADTF Launcher from ADTF Configuration Editor
    • Move cesettings file to $HOME directory
  • Common tools extensions
    • Report option and list loaded components in ADTF Control
    • Colorful console logging for better highlighting warnings (yellow) and errors/exceptions (red)
    • UI Service and standalone tool to change properties during runtime
    • CLI tool for license handling (removes License Viewer)
    • Option for additionally starting ADTF Log View Tool (–logview) and ADTF Status Monitor (–statusmonitor) during ADTF GUI Control call
  • Common adaptions regarding SDK and delivered components
    • Extend each component documentation
    • Property callback for ADTF Filter SDK and JavaScriptFilter SDK, see adtf::base::hollow::property_variable::SetPropertyChangedCallback and Properties of ADTF Components
    • Manual triggers are now possible within JavaScriptFilter SDK
    • Adapt JavaScriptFilter SDK to support Substreams
    • Extend SDK with function to set help link and descriptions for Pin set descriptions
    • Provide a logging source to record console output using the ADTFDAT File Recorder
    • Extend log messages and error handling
    • Rework ADTF Qt XSystem for more robustness, layouting and performance
    • Correct filename property of ADTFDAT File Player to cFilenameList to support several recordings and get a file dialog option for selection
  • Documentation, Guides and examples extensions
  • Upgrade our external base libraries, remove them from <ADTF_DIR>/3rdparty and deliver as integrated ADTF SDK components
    • Support for ADTF File Library (IFHD) 0.6.1
    • Support for a_util 5.6.0
    • Support for ddl 4.4.0
    • Support for ADTF Utils 4.1.4
    • This means they can be accessed in CMake using find_package(ADTF COMPONENTS adtf_file) for example
  • Several improvements and bugfixes, please refer to ADTF 3.7.0 Change Log


  • [ACORE-8146] - Autoupdate plugindescriptions on file/folder change
  • [ACORE-8156] - Highlight component for which properties are shown in Property View
  • [ACORE-8197] - Provide UI Service to change properties during runtime
  • [ACORE-8285] - Provide Copy Mode for Attached Files or extensions
  • [ACORE-8336] - Auto expand after live search update (as well as clear search field)
  • [ACORE-8396] - Improve usability concept for start editing in Configuration Editor (Redesign Project View / Session Editor)
  • [ACORE-8469] - Provide mechanism to jump from component to correspondending documenation
  • [ACORE-8890] - Auto add a samplestream/bindingproxy by connecting pins directly
  • [ACORE-8895] - Publish CE Plugin package and provide documentation
  • [ACORE-8898] - Provide dynamic property mechanism via filter editor
  • [ACORE-8910] - License Viewer is dead - long lives the Licenser Tool
  • [ACORE-9116] - Double click on validation item entry should open solution options
  • [ACORE-9268] - Make displaysize of components in streaming-graph smaller
  • [ACORE-9299] - Provide option to save the log output in ADTFDAT File
  • [ACORE-9309] - Provide platform support for Ubuntu 16.04 ARMv8 aarch64 with gcc 5.4 toolchain
  • [ACORE-9473] - Extend ADTF Control to list all loaded components
  • [ACORE-9551] - Keyboard support to select all graph components and connections using CTRL+A
  • [ACORE-9607] - Extend info command about connected ADTF Launcher
  • [ACORE-9647] - Define and implement update mechanism of Sessions View regarding Session Editor
  • [ACORE-9660] - Redesign Session Editor
  • [ACORE-9663] - Redesign Components View
  • [ACORE-9691] - Option to create Dynamic Binding Interfaces in Graph Editors
  • [ACORE-9706] - Provide a more helpful diagnostic when a plugin's implementation is missing the ADTF_PLUGIN macro
  • [ACORE-9815] - Provide support for pkg rpc 3.3.0 and deliver all 3rd party developer packages as ADTF SDK components
  • [ACORE-9840] - Support of save dialog for filename property
  • [ACORE-9927] - Extend Documentation for GetNextSample() using ProcessInput()
  • [ACORE-9932] - Substream Support in ADTF
  • [ACORE-9936] - Extend Filter Editor with filenames property of ADTFDAT File Player
  • [ACORE-9938] - Ignore missing streams
  • [ACORE-10022] - Check output format in processor guide
  • [ACORE-10028] - Provide help link for plugins
  • [ACORE-10068] - Provide a scripting interface and Javascript code scheduler to execute user snippets on specific events in the CE
  • [ACORE-10086] - Provide an example to show TCP communication with Non-ADTF application
  • [ACORE-10090] - Make console messages colorful
  • [ACORE-10093] - Add filename extension filter to PropertyView FileDialog
  • [ACORE-10103] - Add a property to use TCP_NODELAY socket option
  • [ACORE-10110] - Option to reset cesettings to delivered version
  • [ACORE-10116] - Improve profiling blocks
  • [ACORE-10117] - Provide option to set decription for pin_set_description items
  • [ACORE-10119] - Document handling with version namespaces
  • [ACORE-10125] - Goto Home Tab View after closing project
  • [ACORE-10128] - Add property changed callback to property_variable
  • [ACORE-10130] - Java Script Filter and Qt Quick Filter should provide property change callback
  • [ACORE-10135] - Create report option for running ADTF System
  • [ACORE-10137] - Create documentation for System status
  • [ACORE-10145] - Extend Home View with search options for plugins / components
  • [ACORE-10146] - Show loaded adtfplugin path in Home View
  • [ACORE-10149] - Show help always in command line
  • [ACORE-10150] - Provide UI Tool and Service to change properties during runtime
  • [ACORE-10167] - Provide support for ifhd 0.6.1, a_util 5.6.0 and ddl 4.4.0 and move them from 3rd party to ADTF SDK packages
  • [ACORE-10178] - Add Manual Trigger to JavaScriptFilter
  • [ACORE-10184] - Provide a script to automatically add a Sample Stream or Binding Proxy
  • [ACORE-10256] - Document adtf_string_intf support
  • [ACORE-10257] - Provide a convenience method for create_adtf_default_stream_type_from_service
  • [ACORE-10264] - Provide support for ADTF Utils 4.1.4
  • [ACORE-10284] - Extend documentation OS ADTF Environment Variables
  • [ACORE-10292] - Make qt_ui_filter available in the unversioned adtf::ui namespace
  • [ACORE-10334] - Dynamic binding server / client filter pin
  • [ACORE-10341] - Extend documentation for ADTF Launcher
  • [ACORE-10355] - Move CID and component name in tooltip
  • [ACORE-10366] - Create a guide for best practise using our toolset
  • [ACORE-10369] - Show only Label name of graph items and move CID to tooltip
  • [ACORE-10378] - Configuration Editor settings file should be writable by "regular" users
  • [ACORE-10380] - Default name for dynamic pin should be suggested
  • [ACORE-10381] - Autoconnection should support dynamic pin
  • [ACORE-10382] - Keep terminal window open after launch with ADTF Launcher via CE
  • [ACORE-10400] - Improve getting started
  • [ACORE-10405] - Change return value for sensor data example
  • [ACORE-10409] - Improve understanding of playback mode in documentations
  • [ACORE-10410] - Add Error or Warning when DataIn-Trigger is enabled but no Process Method is overridden
  • [ACORE-10411] - Layout settings should be renamed to graph editor settings
  • [ACORE-10419] - Add methods to create stream type from description file or string in Java Script SDK
  • [ACORE-10428] - Improve IRuntime::GetObject error messages
  • [ACORE-10437] - Support property hierachies in scripting filters
  • [ACORE-10444] - Rework guide for dat processor
  • [ACORE-10488] - Provide option to additionally start Log View and Status Monitor with GUI Control call
  • [ACORE-10497] - Add hint if customer uses newer CMake version which sets Win32 as default platform for Visual Studio 15 2017 Generator


  • [ACORE-9272] - Replace tabs with spaces in examples
  • [ACORE-9284] - Cleanup by Conf and Autofill from Conf do not work as expected
  • [ACORE-9341] - Choose more than one service can lead to double added dependencies
  • [ACORE-9366] - Typo in classname cExternelQueueSampleReader
  • [ACORE-9377] - Validation System Dialog does not suppress further editing
  • [ACORE-9420] - Property converter make use of ToRaw of not initialized properties
  • [ACORE-9648] - Several findings regarding media description file chooser - EBPRODUCTSUPPORT-1209
  • [ACORE-9704] - Connecting more than one input pin to MD-Display produces errors during runtime
  • [ACORE-9954] - Using the Slider of demo_qt_player_control_view Service leads to Crash (Linux)
  • [ACORE-9998] - Cannot move sample_stream element in CE
  • [ACORE-10009] - ce_external_property_module_example won't build in Release configuration (only RelWithDebInfo and Debug)
  • [ACORE-10053] - Arrays are displayed wrong in Media Description Display
  • [ACORE-10079] - Could not set negative property value
  • [ACORE-10087] - Missing save dialog before changing CE theme
  • [ACORE-10088] - Binding between ADTFDAT File Player pin and connection lost after pin creation with EditorPlugin
  • [ACORE-10104] - Add Launcher function does not allow to write blanks in name
  • [ACORE-10108] - Windows Scaling settings can lead to infinite resize/scaling loop
  • [ACORE-10122] - Binding Proxy / Interface Port - Inconsistent Behavior
  • [ACORE-10126] - Adjust entry for 'CreateInterfaceServer' within the adtf sdk doxygen
  • [ACORE-10132] - Inconsistent behaviour between open filtergraph and open subgraph
  • [ACORE-10134] - Layout is stored wrong when closing the XSystem Window with the Close Button in RL_Running
  • [ACORE-10140] - attachment_configuration_file property is defined as cString instead of cFilename
  • [ACORE-10147] - Adding a Service multiple times is not supported by the System Editor
  • [ACORE-10168] - Selection of component in graph editor can not be undone
  • [ACORE-10171] - GUI Control does not automatically focus on connected session
  • [ACORE-10172] - Description text for recorder is missing
  • [ACORE-10187] - Play button is disabled after moving slider
  • [ACORE-10208] - Home View links cannot resolve spaces (SDK, Guides, ADTF_DIR itself)
  • [ACORE-10221] - Demo Media Description Display crashes if dynamic array is used
  • [ACORE-10242] - Inconsistency between view and adtfsession file
  • [ACORE-10260] - PDBs for static libraries in SDK packages are not delivered
  • [ACORE-10295] - JavaScript SDK "getProperty" function delivers wrong value when using boolean properties
  • [ACORE-10342] - Changing graph file in session does not update active streaming graph and active filter graph
  • [ACORE-10347] - Validation protocol dialogue leaves user with ambiguous choice
  • [ACORE-10351] - Comboboxes Dropdown needs Mouse Down
  • [ACORE-10352] - Dragging items from Component View to Streaming / Filter Graph Editor needs several tries sporadically
  • [ACORE-10359] - Properties of Services are sometimes not displayed
  • [ACORE-10364] - ADTF GUI Control crashes when user clicks too fast
  • [ACORE-10368] - tUInt8 properties are not correctly set from adtfproperties file.
  • [ACORE-10376] - Missing step size in SetFilter SDK snippet
  • [ACORE-10390] - Error from BeginStreaming() is ignored
  • [ACORE-10417] - Missing const for rpc_object_client_ptr::operator tBool ()
  • [ACORE-10420] - Refactor XSystem and remove Qt warnings in UI depended sessions during runtime
  • [ACORE-10442] - sample_data<T> missing return
  • [ACORE-10470] - Plugin description generator ignores errors from graph object initialization
  • [ACORE-10472] - Connecting two interface servers with one binding proxy should report an error
  • [ACORE-10474] - Multiple input connections (N:1) are not marked as invalid (Sample Stream / Interface Binding)
  • [ACORE-10478] - Graph and components can not have the same name
  • [ACORE-10490] - SDK example for user defined properties shows unrelated implementation

Your Digitalwerk Team

Community Center: ADTF DAT GUI Tools 0.2.0 is now available

Added by hidden over 4 years ago


Package - ADTF_DatGuiTools/0.2.0@dw/stable



NEW ADTF 3.x Online Keytopics (Draft)

Overview of Products and Documentation



  • This is our second delivery so feel free to give us some feedback
  • We also provide the source code within the delivery - feel free to recompile, adapt and bring new features if you like


  • Support for upcoming ADTF 3.7.0 and its recorded ADTF DAT Files
  • Based on ADTF File Library / IFHD 0.6.1
  • Based on A_Util 5.6.0
  • Based on DDL 4.4.0
  • Based on Qt 5.12.4
  • Support for nanoseconds
  • Support for Substreams
  • Support to edit markers in ADTF DAT Tool GUI
  • Further smaller extensions and bugfixes, especially UI and robustness in ADTF DAT Tool GUI and ADTF DAT Info GUI, please refer to following change log


  • [ODADATTOOL-9] - Integrate HDPI handling
  • [ODADATTOOL-36] - Update Qt-Version to 5.12.4 to prevent Access Violation
  • [ODADATTOOL-37] - Make file loading faster
  • [ODADATTOOL-41] - Provide support to edit markers
  • [ODADATTOOL-42] - Renew icons for tools
  • [ODADATTOOL-45] - Add support for substreams
  • [ODADATTOOL-46] - Adjust to adtf_file nanosecond changes
  • [ODADATTOOL-48] - Provide support for ifhd 0.6.1, a_util 5.6.0 and ddl 4.4.0


  • [ODADATTOOL-16] - Crash when clicking on diagram
  • [ODADATTOOL-29] - DAT Info GUI crash when clicking on unknown stream type
  • [ODADATTOOL-33] - Crash after closing
  • [ODADATTOOL-39] - adtf_datinfo_gui crashes when loading potentially broken dat file

Your Digitalwerk Team

Community Center: ADTF File Library (IFHD) 0.6.1 is now available

Added by hidden over 4 years ago


Package - ifhd/0.6.1@dw/stable

Online Documentation

NEW ADTF 3.x Online Keytopics (Draft)

Overview of Products and Documentation



  • This is already a patch version of ADTF File Library (IFHD) 0.6.0 because the zero major version is not usable
  • Mind that the release notes contains changes of 0.6.0 and bugfixes from 0.6.1


  • Base Library for ADTF 3.7.0
  • Support for A_Util 5.6.0
  • Support for DDL 4.4.0
  • Platform support for U1604 ARMv8
  • Support for nanoseconds
  • Support for Substreams
  • Further smaller extensions and bugfixes, please refer to following change log


  • [CDIFHD-28] - Support for Extensions in DAT Processing
  • [CDIFHD-33] - Make IFHD ARM compatible
  • [CDIFHD-50] - Add support for Nanoseconds
  • [CDIFHD-64] - Provide "add-extension" option for Attached Files or extensions
  • [CDIFHD-70] - Reader: Add method to retrieve current position
  • [CDIFHD-76] - Add support for substream ids
  • [CDIFHD-77] - Upgrade dependencies to a_util 5.6.0 and ddl 4.4.0
  • [CDIFHD-78] - Allow plugins to override existing (de-)serializers
  • [CDIFHD-80] - Change signature of plugin entry methods to prevent loading of incompatible plugins


  • [CDIFHD-85] - Valgrind: Do not write unitialized bytes.
  • [CDIFHD-86] - Error when writing cache to disk

Your Digitalwerk Team

Community Center: ADTF3 ROS2 Bridge is now available

Added by hidden over 4 years ago

Git Repository

ADTF 3.x Online Documentation

ADTF 3.x Online Guides

NEW ADTF 3.x Online Keytopics (Draft)

Overview of Products and Documentation



  • Merging both technologies and frameworks
  • Using each others benefits for faster and target-oriented solutions ("do not reinvent the wheel")
  • Connecting different teams, developers, users as well as ideas and products from both sides working together
  • Possibility to generate code for ADTF 3.x Streaming Source / Streaming Sink providing a bridge between ADTF 3.x and ROS2
  • For more information have a look at containing README

Your Digitalwerk Team

Community Center: ADTF 3.6.3 is now available

Added by hidden over 4 years ago


Package - ADTF/3.6.3@dw/stable

Online Documentation

Online Guides

NEW Online Keytopics (Draft)

Overview of Products and Documentation




  • Fix crash when recording output of ADTFDAT File Player
  • Hotfix for header generation from description file if string of Media Desciption is to big
  • Some hotfixes for ADTF Configuration Editor regarding:
    • Deadlock regarding Session Editor / Project Editor issues
    • Scaling and resizing issues
    • Custom cesettings file (starting with –-settings)
    • Crash in closing project
    • Renaming of ADTF Session dependent files and graph components


  • [ACORE-9907] - Crash on resizing Qt window
  • [ACORE-10142] - Automatic scaling of filter block elements
  • [ACORE-10144] - Playback service does not enter a valid paused state when playback finishes.
  • [ACORE-10166] - Same path value in a property file provides different results for a cString compared to a cFilename property
  • [ACORE-10173] - Extraction of system scaling leads to crashes on some ubuntu systems
  • [ACORE-10190] - Outdated certificate and unreachable timestamp server for building ADTF executables
  • [ACORE-10240] - Renaming components does not affect connections
  • [ACORE-10253] - compiler error: "string too big" when using ADTF MD Generator Tool
  • [ACORE-10267] - Renaming a system file with the CE uses wrong file extension
  • [ACORE-10269] - Problems mixing build types
  • [ACORE-10277] - CE freezes: deadlock in viewmodel manager
  • [ACORE-10280] - Recorder crashes on shutdown
  • [ACORE-10323] - Close Project with unsaved changes leads to crash
  • [ACORE-10332] - User provided settings file loading failure is not forwarded to the user

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