



Maintainance downtime (Wednesday 2021-12-13)

Added by hidden over 2 years ago


Maintainance start 2021-12-13, 17:00 CET
Maintainance end 2021-12-14, 09:00 CET
Maintainance type host migration
Service availability service will be unavailable
Action required by customer no

What we're about to do

We will deploy an update to digitalwerk ego and migrate the application to Microsoft Azure's web app service. This update affects all services connected to digitalwerk ego, which will be unavailable during maintainance:


For those interested on how we do things, here's a short list of technologies we're using or implementing ourselves:

Product Manufacturer Description Usage in digitalwerk
digitalwerk ego digitalwerk GmbH OAuth2 provider implemented in ruby on rails single sign on and customer user management
contact trace digitalwerk GmbH Tracing of contacts in case of COVID-19 infections digitalwerk keeps track of contacts within a room/office in case a COVID-19 infection is reported.
Redmine Ticket and project planning system implemented in ruby on rails digitalwerk community platform
Gitlab Gitlab DevOps platform including source code repositories, issue tracking, project planning, package and container registry, continuous integration and deployment and many more digitalwerk uses gitlab to manage code versions and automated deployment of digitalwerk community.

If you do have any further questions on these technologies, or you want to have assistance in using one of those technologies, don't hesitate to contact us!

Keep safe and healthy,
Your digitalwerk community team

Maintainance downtime (Wednesday 2021-06-25)

Added by hidden about 3 years ago


Maintainance start 2021-06-25, 18:00 CET
Maintainance end 2021-06-26, 09:00 CET
Maintainance type software upgrade
Service availability service will be unavailable
Action required by customer no

What we're about to do

Right now changing a user's email will make applications, connected to our single sign on solution digitalwerk ego, to create a new user profile. We will deploy an update to digitalwerk ego that allows to change a user's email address without loosing connected application profiles. This update will also require to update all applications that are connected to digitalwerk ego, which will be unavailable at the time of the update as well:

digitalwerk ego update

What's about to change?

The update will add UUIDs for users, which are used in applications for identification.

Will I need to do anything?


digitalwerk community update

What's about to change?

UUIDs provided by digitalwerk ego will be used to identify users instead of email address.

Will I need to do anything?


digitalwerk contact trace update

What's about to change?

UUIDs provided by digitalwerk ego will be used to identify users instead of email address.

Will I need to do anything?


digitalwerk store update

What's about to change?

UUIDs provided by digitalwerk ego will be used to identify users instead of email address.

Will I need to do anything?



For those interested on how we do thing, here's a short list of technologies we're using or implementing ourselves:

Product Manufacturer Description Usage in digitalwerk
digitalwerk ego digitalwerk GmbH OAuth2 provider implemented in ruby on rails single sign on and customer user management
contact trace digitalwerk GmbH Tracing of contacts in case of COVID-19 infections digitalwerk keeps track of contacts within a room/office in case a COVID-19 infection is reported.
Redmine Ticket and project planning system implemented in ruby on rails digitalwerk community platform
AWS Elastic Beanstalk Amazon AWS Cloud hosting of services digitalwerk services are hosted in dedicated private instances of AWS Eleastic Beanstalk
Gitlab Gitlab DevOps platform including source code repositories, issue tracking, project planning, package and container registry, continuous integration and deployment and many more digitalwerk uses gitlab to manage code versions and automated deployment of digitalwerk community.

If you do have any further questions on these technologies, or you want to have assistance in using one of those technologies, don't hesitate to contact us!

Keep safe and healthy,
Your digitalwerk community team

Maintainance completed

Added by hidden over 3 years ago

Maintainance completed

Maintainance completed without issues, services are back online. If you experience any problems please let us know.

What we've done

Single Sign On

digitalwerk ego is now the user management service for signing up and signing in. All users have been migrated to digitalwerk ego and of course digitalwerk community settings have been preserved.

Redmine upgrade

Redmine has been succesfully upgraded to version 4.1.1.

Host migration

digitalwerk community services have been migrated to AWS.

Maintainance downtime (Wednesday 2021-03-24)

Added by hidden over 3 years ago

Maintainance downtime (Wednesday 2021-03-24)

Maintainance start 2021-03-24, 17:00 CET
Maintainance end 2021-03-25, 09:00 CET
Maintainance type software upgrade, software extension, host migration
Service availability service will be unavailable
Action required by customer no

What we're about to do

Until today we have been able to apply regular maintainance and patch installation while the service is still up and running. But we are planning to apply some major improvements to the support platform that require the service to be shut down. The changes and their impact are explained in the following chapters.

Single Sign On

The support platform is based on Redmine which ships with its own mechanisms for user management by default. Since the number of users is continuously growing, as are our plans to extend our services portfolio, a centralized solution needs to be established. digitalwerk ego is our approach to the solution with authentication of services based on OAuth2. After users are migrated from digitalwerk community to digitalwerk ego you will be able to explore all our current and future services using the same user without the need to sign up to services again.

What's about to change?

You no longer will authenticate yourself directly to digitalwerk community. Instead you will be asked to sign in to digitalwerk ego which will redirect you to the page originally requested in digitalwerk community.

Will I need to do anything?

No. The user migration to digitalwerk ego is automated and will not require any manual actions. We also recommend NOT to register to digitalwerk ego. Users already existing in digitalwerk community won't need to register anyway, they can sign in right away after we finished migration and maintainance on Thursday.

Redmine upgrade

We are currently using Redmine 3.3 and will be upgrading to Redmine 4.1. Basically there are no major changes on how we will be using redmine at all. Still we want to hint you that there are changes in the UI, especially as we apply a more modern theme to redmine that integrates better into the digitalwerk services family.

What's about to change?

Visual layout will change.

Will I need to do anything?


Host migration

We are migrating our digitalwerk community instance from our on premise server into AWS Elastic Beanstalk. This will improve reliability of the service. Deployment is automated in a continuous integration and deployment infrastructure allowing flexibility in extending the service and scalability in case work load increases. Data that has been or will be input to digitalwerk community is managed solely by digitalwerk and is not passed to Amazon.

What's about to change?

Everything! But it won't affect you in any way. digitalwerk community will still be available in

Will I need to do anything?



For those interested on how we do thing, here's a short list of technologies we're using or implementing ourselves:

Product Manufacturer Description Usage in digitalwerk
digitalwerk ego digitalwerk GmbH OAuth2 provider implemented in ruby on rails single sign on and customer user management
contact trace digitalwerk GmbH Tracing of contacts in case of COVID-19 infections digitalwerk keeps track of contacts within a room/office in case a COVID-19 infection is reported.
Redmine Ticket and project planning system implemented in ruby on rails digitalwerk community platform
AWS Elastic Beanstalk Amazon AWS Cloud hosting of services digitalwerk services are hosted in dedicated private instances of AWS Eleastic Beanstalk
Gitlab Gitlab DevOps platform including source code repositories, issue tracking, project planning, package and container registry, continuous integration and deployment and many more digitalwerk uses gitlab to manage code versions and automated deployment of digitalwerk community.

If you do have any further questions on these technologies, or you want to have assistance in using one of those technologies, don't hesitate to contact us!

Keep safe and healthy,
Your digitalwerk community team

ADTF 2.x Discontinuation - UPDATE

Added by hidden over 3 years ago

Dear customers,

As you might already know from our news ADTF 2.x Discontinuation provided three years ago and linked on the landing page of the support platform, ADTF 2.x is running towards EOL until the end of 2021.

Unfortunately we are facing several requests regarding license usage after this date, which are based on wrong interpretation regarding discontinuation:
  • ADTF 2.x will be discontinued at 2021-12-31
  • This means there won't be any updates, maintainance, bugfixes or support after this date
  • BUT: there will still be licenses available for customers, who already bought a license including company licenses from customer forum members
    • The way will be evaluated and announced during next year
    • But it is guaranteed that you will still be able to use ADTF 2.x after end of 2021 !
We hope this message helps you understand and plan the future.
We created a FAQ's for this topic: Note:
  • We highly recommend to start new projects using ADTF 3.x !
  • If your project and timetable allows you we also recommend migrating current projects, parts and toolchains to ADTF 3.x, otherwise stay on ADTF 2.x or mix up
  • If you need any help for migration, design in ADTF 3.x and how getting started, just let us know.
  • Also if you are facing any troubles, missing features, map design and architecture on your use case or need any further assistance setting up with ADTF 3.x - feel free to contact our support!

Especially have a look at our landing page for an overview of products, documentation and solutions.

We wish you a merry christmas and a healthy start in 2021 !

Please note our support is closed from christmas and reopen on Jan 07th 2021 (see Service hours)

All the best,
Your Digitalwerk Team

ADTF 3.8.0 is now available

Added by hidden almost 4 years ago


Full Package - ADTF/3.8.0@dw/stable

NEW SDK Only Package - ADTF_SDK/3.8.0@dw/stable

Online Documentation

Online Guides

NEW Online Keytopics (Draft)

Overview of Products and Documentation

NEW Open Source Community





  • [ACORE-8116] - Keyboard support to copy and paste graph components and connections
  • [ACORE-8169] - Support to include Filter Graph from other ADTF Session (former known as adtf_include)
  • [ACORE-10063] - Integrate a Graph Navigator
  • [ACORE-10520] - Adapt Default Session to Filter Graph Changes
  • [ACORE-10531] - Create a filter to dissect elements of Sample Streams into Substreams
  • [ACORE-10535] - Add commands to retrieve recorder state and filename
  • [ACORE-10540] - Upgrade to QT 5.12.9
  • [ACORE-10548] - Add a guide for usage of Macros and Environment Variables within ADTF Configuraton Editor
  • [ACORE-10550] - Provide option to create graph properties and link them to properties of Filter Graph Components
  • [ACORE-10555] - Automatically add sample stream between data inport and data outport
  • [ACORE-10566] - Add stream_type_plain<tBool>


  • [ACORE-10243] - Session files can contain forward slashes which are not created
  • [ACORE-10448] - Subgraph can not be renamed
  • [ACORE-10536] - Filter Editor snippet works but shows an error
  • [ACORE-10538] - Connecting filter graph dock samplestreams with dynamic pin misbehaves
  • [ACORE-10561] - Missing SDL_DLL and SDL_LIBRARY CMake variables
  • [ACORE-10563] - Missing refresh in Media Description Display
  • [ACORE-10571] - EditorPluginBase throws Exceptions even if everything works fine
  • [ACORE-10572] - Dynamic bindings are related to normal pins instead of binding pins
  • [ACORE-10573] - Macro button uses runtime macros for resolving in Settings Editor
  • [ACORE-10576] - Trailing slashes are not resolved correctly
  • [ACORE-10585] - DDL error messages are discarded

Your Digitalwerk Team

Preview for ADTF FEP Integration is now available

Added by hidden almost 4 years ago

Download WIN10 x64 vc141

Download U1604 x64 gcc54

Conan call:
conan install ADTF/master@dw/delivery-testing -o build_number=1305 -o scm_branch=epic/fep -r dw-public-releases

Online Guides

NEW Online Keytopics (Draft)

Overview of Products and Documentation

NEW Open Source Community



  • This is the first PREVIEW of upcoming FEP Integration in ADTF
  • We strictly advice to use it only for testing purpose until the offical release and never integrate this preview in a productive toolchain
  • Please keep in mind that some planned features are missing and maybe not working - Feel free to contact us and give us important feedback!!
  • Futhermore it contains already implemented but unreleased features from upcoming ADTF 3.8.0
    • Included changes from ADTF 3.8.0:
      • Making the Streaming Graph obsolete (see link)
      • Graph Properties (see link)
      • Include mechanism for ADTF Graphs from other ADTF Sessions as Subgraphs (see link)
      • Provide a Graph Navigator (see link)
      • Copy/paste of graph components
      • Filter to dissect Substreams


Your Digitalwerk Team

Qt3D Display 0.2.0 (BETA) is now available

Added by hidden about 4 years ago


Package - Qt3D-Display/0.2.0@dw/stable

Online Documentation

Online Guides

NEW Online Keytopics (Draft)

Overview of Products and Documentation

NEW Open Source Community




  • Base implementation of a measurement component
    • Distances in 3D space can be measured
    • The component can be enabled or disabled via property
  • Support of arrow key navigation
    • The navigation inside the 3D-Display now supports arrow keys
    • A detailed description can be found in the Guides
  • Sensor Visualization Example
    • This example covers a visualization of sensor data using a custom geometry
    • A demo session was added to the demo project
    • A detailed description can be found in the Guides
  • Extended grid visibility
    • The grid was not visibile from behind - This option is now available via property


  • [ADISTB-1029] - Implement measurement component
  • [ADISTB-1086] - Navigation with arrow keys
  • [ADISTB-1087] - Extended visibility of 3D-Grid
  • [ADISTB-1093] - Example for sensor visualization
  • [ADISTB-1097] - Adjust demo project


  • [ADISTB-1098] - Focus not always set properly

Your Digitalwerk Team


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