



ADTF File Library 0.4.0 BETA is now available

Added by hidden over 5 years ago


Online Documentation



  • Base Version for ADTF 3.4.0
  • depends on a_util 5.4.0
  • depends on ddl 4.2.0

> Note: We jump one minor version due to license issues and coding guidelines
> The Change Log contains all updates since last delivered ADTF File Library 0.2.1


  • Preparation for upcoming ADTF 3.4.0
  • Update to a_util 5.4.0 / ddl 4.2.0 and change to their programming guidelines
  • Exchange license to MPL 2.0
  • Integrate ADTF DAT Processing from ADTF, including
    • Processing Library
    • Command line tooling
    • Processor (export) and reader (import) examples


  • [CDIFHD-34] - Make ifhd compatible with a_util 5.3.0 and ddl 4.1.0
  • [CDIFHD-20] - Add documentation of Chunk Layout an File Layout
  • [CDIFHD-22] - ADTF2 Video Stream Type De-/Serializer: set bytes_per_line and bits_per_pixel
  • [CDIFHD-25] - Integrate ADTF DAT Tool, Processing Lib and processor/reader examples
  • [CDIFHD-37] - Change to new Programming Guidelines of a_util
  • [CDIFHD-39] - Remove ADPL and add MPL 2.0 License


  • [CDIFHD-21] - [IndexedFileWriter] Stream Start Timestamps are not updated correctly in File Based History Mode

Your Digitalwerk Team

ADTF Calibration Toolbox 3.0.0 is now available

Added by hidden over 5 years ago


Online Documentation




  • Support for XCP On Ethernet
  • Support for ASAM MCD-1 XCP v1.30
  • Support for A2L files specified at ASAM MCD-2 MC (aka ASAP2) v1.60
  • Limitation: Read/Write CHARACTERSITICS
  • Provide also examples for Encoding/Decoding
  • Provide XCP Emulator
  • Java Script / QtQuick Examples for signal calibration
  • Support for DAT Files containing XCP Streams from Calibration Toolbox 2.x


  • [ACALTB-441] - [Documentation] Update copyright references to Digitalwerk
  • [ACALTB-448] - Reintegrate ADTFCOMM-Library
  • [ACALTB-450] - Reintegrate XCP-Emulator
  • [ACALTB-469] - Create Documentation
  • [ACALTB-474] - Add cmake variable type definition for use in CMake GUI
  • [ACALTB-507] - Provide deserialization for stream type XCP as adtffileplugin
  • [ACALTB-510] - Create En-/Decode Demo Filter
  • [ACALTB-511] - Define codename namespace for interfaces
  • [ACALTB-525] - Improve A2L-Parsing Performance

Your Digitalwerk Team

ADTF 3.3.3 is now available

Added by hidden almost 6 years ago


Online Documentation

ADTF3 Guides




  • Support for ADTF File Library 0.2.1
  • Support for DDL 4.0.3
  • More usability for ADTF Control
    • common return values for scripting with command -e
    • more information and logging in shell mode
  • Recorder will now check trigger for stream to set the used stream type if not available at start
  • Some important bugfixes in regarding codec, endianess, recording and RPC


  • [ACORE-9620] - Seperate between ADTF Shell mode and scripting with -e command
  • [ACORE-9624] - Update to ADTF File Library 0.2.1 and DDL 4.0.3 in 3rd Party Folder


  • [ACORE-9548] - CSV Exporter does not export correct values
  • [ACORE-9576] - Demo Qt Display does not display tFloat64 and tFloat32 values
  • [ACORE-9585] - Recording Example crashes with exception
  • [ACORE-9599] - Recorder should use last stream type before the first sample as initial stream type
  • [ACORE-9610] - Several findings regarding playback and recording
  • [ACORE-9618] - Recorder should delay shutdown as long as there are some cRecordingFile Instances

Your Digitalwerk Team

ADTF File Library 0.2.1 BETA is now available

Added by hidden almost 6 years ago


Online Documentation



  • Base Version for ADTF 3.3.3
  • depends on a_util 5.1.0
  • depends on ddl 4.0.3


  • Necessary patch version to adapt recorder behaviour in ADTF 3.3.3 (ACORE-9599)
  • Each ADTF tooling and Stream Type check for adtfdat files will now be improved
    • Note: This will only affect adtfdat files recorded with ADTF 3.3.3 and above as well created with ADTF File Library 0.2.1 and above


  • [CDIFHD-30] - Writer should use last stream type before the first sample as initial type

Your Digitalwerk Team

ADTF Calibration Toolbox 3.0.0 (BETA) is now available

Added by hidden almost 6 years ago



  • Works with ADTF 3.3.1
  • Please keep in mind that this is a BETA delivery !


  • Support for XCP On Ethernet
  • Java Script / QtQuick Examples for signal calibration
  • Support for DAT Files containing XCP Streams from Calibration Toolbox 2.x


  • [ACALTB-405] - [A2LSupport/A2LParser] correctly parse DAQ Settings from A2L Version 1.2 or higher
  • [ACALTB-427] - [XCP Display] create Java Script / Qt Quick File to send and manipulate signals with XCP Codec
  • [ACALTB-440] - [A2L Support Service] Implement and reintegrate A2L Support Service
  • [ACALTB-442] - [XCP Encoder] Implement XCP Encode Filter
  • [ACALTB-443] - [XCP Decoder] Implement XCP Decode Filters
  • [ACALTB-447] - [XCP on Ethernet] Reintegrate XCP On Ethernet
  • [ACALTB-449] - [XCP Codec] Reintegrate XCP Codec Filter
  • [ACALTB-452] - [ADTF Calibration TB 2 Support] Provide deserialization for legacy basic types from Calibration Toolbox 2.x
  • [ACALTB-508] - Rename A2L Support Service to XCP Support Service

Your Digitalwerk Team

ADTF 3.3.2 is now available

Added by hidden almost 6 years ago


Online Documentation

ADTF3 Guides




  • Provide Command Line Support for custom adtfproject (-project=<ADTFPROJECT>) and cesettings (-settings=<CESETTINGS>) file in ADTF Configuration Editor
  • Provide Command Line Support for custom adtfsettings (-settings=<ADTFSETTINGS>) file in ADTF Control
  • Improve macro handling in ADTF Configuration Editor
  • Improvements handling for Graph View, especially in Zoom Mode
  • Several additional bugfixes


  • [ACORE-8901] - Provide commandline option for Configuration Editor to load adtfproject and custom cesettings
  • [ACORE-9117] - Connections within a selection can be deactivated but not activated
  • [ACORE-9170] - Provide commandline option for ADTF Control to load custom adtfsettings file
  • [ACORE-9589] - Improve sort of help in ADTF Control


  • [ACORE-9498] - Several findings in documentation {ADTFS-48811}
  • [ACORE-9554] - Configuration Editor uses ADTF_PROJECT_DIR in .adtfsystem and .adtfgraph files
  • [ACORE-9555] - Zoom modus effects position behaviour in Render Area (Drag and Drop, add elements)
  • [ACORE-9569] - Remove legacy Plugin Description Generator functionality in Configuration Editor
  • [ACORE-9572] - Create connection in streaminggraph with error in the validationprotocol
  • [ACORE-9573] - Deactivated SubGraph leads to a session which cannot be started
  • [ACORE-9574] - Session can not be started with deactivated subgraph
  • [ACORE-9575] - Scrolling with dragged connection is not possible
  • [ACORE-9584] - Return values of RPC calls are not printed in ADTF Control
  • [ACORE-9586] - Connections can not be drag outside of the visible graph
  • [ACORE-9588] - Execute remote recorder command with -e does not work

Your Digitalwerk Team

ADTF 3.3.1 BETA ARMv8a is now available

Added by hidden almost 6 years ago


Online Documentation

ADTF3 Guides



  • Please keep in mind that this is a >>> BETA DELIVERY <<< but please give us feedback regarding functionality and documentation !
  • Compatible ADTF 3.3.1 version for Ubuntu 16.04 aarch64 / ARMv8a (nVidia Jetson TX2 Board) as >>> HEADLESS DELIVERY <<<, so without any GUI components (e.g. ADTF Configuration Editor, ADTF GUI Control, XSystem)


  • Complete functionality known from ADTF 3.3.1 (Win7/U1604 delivery) except UI dependencies
  • For visualization or UI Control please attach from or send the data to a ADTF desktop instance (Win7/U1604)

ADTF 3.3.1 is now available

Added by hidden about 6 years ago


Online Documentation

ADTF3 Guides



  • Thank you very much for each single feedback regarding our ADTF 3.3.0 delivery !
  • Please keep the release notes of ADTF 3.3.0 in mind (News)


  • Hotfix for ADTF 3.3.0 Recorder
  • Extended environment variable mechanism (details)
  • Logging for Plugin Description Generator
  • Improve usability of Plugin Description Generator (details)
  • Improve start up time for ADTF Tools
  • Reduce compiler check warnings and errors
  • Several additional bugfixes


  • [ACORE-9458] - [CMake] Perform compiler check only once during CMake's configure run {ADTFS-48787}
  • [ACORE-9465] - [ADTFDAT Tool] Update documentation for example how to add additional plugins (CSV Processor is missing)
  • [ACORE-9493] - [Demo Media Description Display] Accept any Type during Initialization
  • [ACORE-9503] - [build_examples.bat] add cmake variable type definition for use in CMake GUI
  • [ACORE-9512] - [CE] Resolve OS environment variables in .adtfsystem files


  • [ACORE-9266] - [CE] Environment variables not always add to the CE Macro Resolver
  • [ACORE-9446] - [cStreamingGraph] Connections between binding proxys and streaming sources are not allowed
  • [ACORE-9454] - Remove invalid include from a_util namespace
  • [ACORE-9455] - [Session Manager] reinitialises graph during shutdown
  • [ACORE-9457] - [Plugin Description Generator] Does not show console output
  • [ACORE-9459] - [CMake] Missing space character in demo_sdl_application_service's CMakeLists.txt {ADTFS-48787}
  • [ACORE-9460] - [CMake] adapt CMake files for correctly set up build type {ADTFS-48787}
  • [ACORE-9461] - [CMake] no clear error message or check for correct CMake version
  • [ACORE-9462] - [Plugin Description Generator] does not support spaces in paths
  • [ACORE-9463] - [ADTF DAT Tool] cmake adtfdat_processing pkg install_interface points to wrong directory
  • [ACORE-9492] - [ADTF File Compatibility] Throw exception when property is not found
  • [ACORE-9496] - [Plugin Description Generator] fails while loading already registered plugin
  • [ACORE-9501] - [DOC] ADTFDAT File Attachments: XSD missing
  • [ACORE-9502] - [CE] Property file selection dialog doesn't work for .adtfdat files
  • [ACORE-9524] - Speed up ADTF while parsing XML
  • [ACORE-9525] - [SampleStream Trace View] Crashes at high data rate
  • [ACORE-9526] - [Recorder] Uses ADTF2 stream type serializers
  • [ACORE-9536] - Release Plugin Description for ADTF File Support is configured as Debug

Your Digitalwerk Team

ADTF Device Toolbox 3.0.0 (BETA 4) is now available

Added by hidden about 6 years ago


Online Documentation



  • Support for CAN-FD
  • Trace Views for CAN, CAN-FD and Flexray
  • Support for ADTF 2.x Deserialization
  • Improved machanism for exchangeable and own external parser implementation


  • [ADEVTB-1327] - [Flexray Traces] Reintegrate for Flexray Traces
  • [ADEVTB-1328] - [CAN Traces] Reintegrate for CAN Traces
  • [ADEVTB-1386] - [ALL] Define consistent class ids and class labels
  • [ADEVTB-1421] - [ADTF Device TB 2 Support] Provide deserialization for legacy basic types from Device Toolbox 2.x
  • [ADEVTB-1455] - Change CAN default channel to 255
  • [ADEVTB-1474] - Harmonize class ids and component display names
  • [ADEVTB-1475] - [CAN FD] Support for CAN FD
  • [ADEVTB-1479] - [CAN FD Traces] Reintegrate for CAN FD Traces
  • [ADEVTB-1489] - [SDK] use legacy structures from ADTF 2.x
  • [ADEVTB-1492] - [CAN FD] provide support for CAN FD
  • [ADEVTB-1502] - [VECTOR] no XL within Streaming Devices names and documentation
  • [ADEVTB-1504] - [Bus-DB Parser] Update interfaces to support interchangeable external parser
  • [ADEVTB-1509] - Build DevTb against ADTF 3.3.0
  • [ADEVTB-1516] - Use the CMake macro provided by ADTF 3.3 to deploy .plugindescription files
  • [ADEVTB-1518] - [Bus Signal Provider] Return an error text if the signal registry is not loaded


  • [ADEVTB-1307] - [flexray_types.h] Missing explicit namespace adtf_util
  • [ADEVTB-1459] - [Generator Examples] are installed in bin
  • [ADEVTB-1460] - [Signal Config Filter Editor] crashes after closing
  • [ADEVTB-1461] - [Examples] DevTB examples can't be built
  • [ADEVTB-1471] - [flexray_signal_provider] Does not provide signals for Signal View
  • [ADEVTB-1472] - [FlexRay Streaming Service] Missing properties DeviceIdxClusterName
  • [ADEVTB-1514] - [DirectShow Example] No valid video for Qts QImage

Your Digitalwerk Team


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