ADTF  3.18.4
class_id.h File Reference

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH. More...

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 Namespace for entire ADTF SDK.
 Namespace for the ADTF uCOM3 SDK.
 Namespace for all functionality provided since v3.0.


#define ADTF_CLASS_ID_NAME(_class, _strcid, _strclabel)
 Common macro to enable correct treatment of class identifier AND Class Name by IClassInfo. More...
#define ADTF_CLASS_INFO_IMPL(_class)
 Common macro to implement correct treatment of adtf::ucom::ant::IClassInfo. More...
#define ADTF_CLASS_ID(_class, _strcid)   ADTF_CLASS_ID_NAME(_class, _strcid, nullptr)


template<typename classT >
constexpr const char * get_class_id ()
 Get the class id (CID) of the Class type. More...
template<typename classT >
constexpr const char * get_class_id (const classT &)
 Convenience function usable with a reference to an object of type classT. More...
template<typename classT >
constexpr const char * get_class_id (const classT *)
 Convenience function usable with a pointer to an object of type classT. More...
template<typename classT >
constexpr const char * get_class_label ()
 Get the class label (corresponding to the CID) of the Class type (a readable name !) More...
template<typename classT >
constexpr const char * get_class_label (const classT &)
 Convenience function usable with a reference to an object of type class. More...
template<typename classT >
constexpr const char * get_class_label (const classT *)
 Convenience function usable with a pointer to an object of type class. More...

Detailed Description

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.

All rights reserved

Definition in file class_id.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ADTF_CLASS_ID (   _class,
)    ADTF_CLASS_ID_NAME(_class, _strcid, nullptr)


Common macro to enable correct treatment of class identifier by IClassInfo.

[in]_className of the class (decltype of _class)
[in]_strcidClass IDentifier the containing type is identified with
Put this into public scope of your class definiton. It will define your class identifier as well as the implementation of IClassInfo::GetCID.
See also
Class IDs and Object IDs

Definition at line 91 of file class_id.h.


#define ADTF_CLASS_ID_NAME (   _class,
typedef _class class_type; \
template<_class*> struct class_info : \
{ \
static const char* CID() { return _strcid; } \
static const char* CLabel() { return _strclabel ? _strclabel : CID();} \

Common macro to enable correct treatment of class identifier AND Class Name by IClassInfo.

[in]_className of the class (decltype of _class)
[in]_strcidClass IDentifier the containing type is identified with
[in]_strclabelClass IDentifier. A readable name corresponding to given _strcid
Put this into public scope of your class definiton. It will define your class identifier as well as the implementation of IClassInfo::GetCID. (see also IClassInfo::GetCLabel)
See also

Definition at line 33 of file class_id.h.


#define ADTF_CLASS_INFO_IMPL (   _class)
const char* GetCID() const override \
{ \
return adtf::ucom::get_class_id<_class>(); \
} \
const char* GetCLabel() const override \
{ \
return adtf::ucom::get_class_label<_class>(); \
} \
GetCDependencies() const override \
{ \
return adtf::ucom::get_class_dependencies<_class>(); \
} \
GetCVersions() const override \
{ \
return adtf::ucom::get_class_versions<_class>(); \
ant::tDependencyDescription tDependencyDescription
Alias alwas bringing the latest version of ant::tDependencyDescription into scope.
ant::iterator_adapter< T, IteratorType > iterator_adapter
Alias always bringing the latest version of ant::iterator_adapter into scope.
ant::pointer_iterator< T > pointer_iterator
Alias always bringing the latest version of ant::pointer_iterator into scope.
ant::tNamedVersion tNamedVersion
Alias alwas bringing the latest version of ant::tNamedVersion into scope.

Common macro to implement correct treatment of adtf::ucom::ant::IClassInfo.

[in]_className of the class (decltype of _class)
Put this into public scope of your class definiton. It will define your class identifier as well as the implementation of IClassInfo::GetCID. (see also IClassInfo::GetCLabel)
See also

Definition at line 57 of file class_id.h.